Fork of FusionPBX but with LDAP kinda working
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1142 lines
42 KiB

Version: MPL 1.1
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
The Original Code is FusionPBX
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
Mark J Crane <>
Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2022
the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
Mark J Crane <>
James Rose <>
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz <>
Errol Samuels <>
Corey Moullas <>
//set included to boolean
if (!isset($included)) { $included = false; }
//check if windows
if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { $IS_WINDOWS = true; } else { $IS_WINDOWS = false; }
//send email through browser
if (!$included) {
include "root.php";
require_once "resources/require.php";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
//check permissions
if (permission_exists('fax_send')) {
//access granted
else {
echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text;
$text = $language->get();
//get the fax_extension and save it as a variable
if (isset($_REQUEST["fax_extension"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["fax_extension"])) {
$fax_extension = $_REQUEST["fax_extension"];
//pre-populate the form
if (is_uuid($_REQUEST['id']) && $_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") {
$fax_uuid = $_REQUEST["id"];
if (permission_exists('fax_extension_view_domain')) {
//show all fax extensions
$sql = "select fax_uuid, fax_extension, fax_caller_id_name, fax_caller_id_number, ";
$sql .= "fax_toll_allow, accountcode, fax_send_greeting ";
$sql .= "from v_fax ";
$sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid ";
$sql .= "and fax_uuid = :fax_uuid ";
$parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid'];
$parameters['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid;
else {
//show only assigned fax extensions
$sql = "select f.fax_uuid, f.fax_extension, f.fax_caller_id_name, f.fax_caller_id_number, ";
$sql .= "f.fax_toll_allow, f.accountcode, f.fax_send_greeting ";
$sql .= "from v_fax as f, v_fax_users as u ";
$sql .= "where f.fax_uuid = u.fax_uuid ";
$sql .= "and f.domain_uuid = :domain_uuid ";
$sql .= "and f.fax_uuid = :fax_uuid ";
$sql .= "and u.user_uuid = :user_uuid ";
$parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid'];
$parameters['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid;
$parameters['user_uuid'] = $_SESSION['user_uuid'];
$database = new database;
$row = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'row');
if (is_array($row) && @sizeof($row) != 0) {
//set database fields as variables
$fax_uuid = $row["fax_uuid"];
$fax_extension = $row["fax_extension"];
$fax_caller_id_name = $row["fax_caller_id_name"];
$fax_caller_id_number = $row["fax_caller_id_number"];
$fax_toll_allow = $row["fax_toll_allow"];
$fax_accountcode = $row["accountcode"];
$fax_send_greeting = $row["fax_send_greeting"];
else {
if (!permission_exists('fax_extension_view_domain')) {
echo "access denied";
unset($sql, $parameters, $row);
//set the fax directory
$fax_dir = $_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'].'/fax/'.$_SESSION['domain_name'];
//set fax cover font to generate pdf
$fax_cover_font = $_SESSION['fax']['cover_font']['text'];
else {
require_once "resources/classes/event_socket.php";
if (!function_exists('correct_path')) {
function correct_path($p) {
global $IS_WINDOWS;
if ($IS_WINDOWS) {
return str_replace('/', '\\', $p);
return $p;
//define function gs_cmd
if (!function_exists('gs_cmd')) {
function gs_cmd($args) {
global $IS_WINDOWS;
if ($IS_WINDOWS) {
return 'gswin32c '.$args;
return 'gs '.$args;
//define function fax_split dtmf
if (!function_exists('fax_split_dtmf')) {
function fax_split_dtmf(&$fax_number, &$fax_dtmf){
$tmp = array();
$fax_dtmf = '';
if (preg_match('/^\s*(.*?)\s*\((.*)\)\s*$/', $fax_number, $tmp)){
$fax_number = $tmp[1];
$fax_dtmf = $tmp[2];
//get the fax extension
if (isset($fax_extension) && is_numeric($fax_extension)) {
//set the fax directories. example /usr/local/freeswitch/storage/fax/329/inbox
$dir_fax_inbox = $fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension.'/inbox';
$dir_fax_sent = $fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension.'/sent';
$dir_fax_temp = $fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension.'/temp';
//make sure the directories exist
if (!is_dir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'])) {
mkdir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'], 0770);
if (!is_dir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'].'/fax')) {
mkdir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'].'/fax', 0770);
if (!is_dir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'].'/fax/'.$_SESSION['domain_name'])) {
mkdir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'].'/fax/'.$_SESSION['domain_name'], 0770);
if (!is_dir($fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension)) {
mkdir($fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension, 0770);
if (!is_dir($dir_fax_inbox)) {
mkdir($dir_fax_inbox, 0770);
if (!is_dir($dir_fax_sent)) {
mkdir($dir_fax_sent, 0770);
if (!is_dir($dir_fax_temp)) {
mkdir($dir_fax_temp, 0770);
//clear file status cache
//send the fax
$continue = false;
if (!$included) {
if (($_POST['action'] == "send")) {
//get the values from the HTTP POST
$fax_numbers = $_POST['fax_numbers'];
$fax_uuid = $_POST["id"];
$fax_caller_id_name = $_POST['fax_caller_id_name'];
$fax_caller_id_number = $_POST['fax_caller_id_number'];
$fax_header = $_POST['fax_header'];
$fax_sender = $_POST['fax_sender'];
$fax_recipient = $_POST['fax_recipient'];
$fax_subject = $_POST['fax_subject'];
$fax_message = $_POST['fax_message'];
$fax_resolution = $_POST['fax_resolution'];
$fax_page_size = $_POST['fax_page_size'];
$fax_footer = $_POST['fax_footer'];
//validate the token
$token = new token;
if (!$token->validate($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
header('Location: fax_send.php'.(is_uuid($fax_uuid) ? '?id='.$fax_uuid : null));
$continue = true;
else {
//all necessary local and session variables should
//be already set by now by file including this one
$continue = true;
//cleanup numbers
if (isset($fax_numbers)) {
foreach ($fax_numbers as $index => $fax_number) {
fax_split_dtmf($fax_number, $fax_dtmf);
$fax_number = preg_replace("~[^0-9]~", "", $fax_number);
$fax_dtmf = preg_replace("~[^0-9Pp*#]~", "", $fax_dtmf);
if ($fax_number != ''){
if ($fax_dtmf != '') {$fax_number .= " (" . $fax_dtmf . ")";}
$fax_numbers[$index] = $fax_number;
if ($continue) {
//determine page size
switch ($fax_page_size) {
case 'a4' :
$page_width = 8.3; //in
$page_height = 11.7; //in
case 'legal' :
$page_width = 8.5; //in
$page_height = 14; //in
case 'letter' :
$page_width = 8.5; //in
$page_height = 11; //in
default :
$page_width = 8.5; //in
$page_height = 11; //in
$fax_page_size = 'letter';
//set resolution
switch ($fax_resolution) {
case 'fine':
$gs_r = '204x196';
$gs_g = ((int) ($page_width * 204)).'x'.((int) ($page_height * 196));
case 'superfine':
$gs_r = '204x392';
$gs_g = ((int) ($page_width * 204)).'x'.((int) ($page_height * 392));
case 'normal':
$gs_r = '204x98';
$gs_g = ((int) ($page_width * 204)).'x'.((int) ($page_height * 98));
//process uploaded or emailed files (if any)
$fax_page_count = 0;
$_files = (!$included) ? $_FILES['fax_files'] : $emailed_files;
foreach ($_files['tmp_name'] as $index => $fax_tmp_name) {
$uploaded_file = (!$included) ? is_uploaded_file($fax_tmp_name) : true;
if ( $uploaded_file && $_files['error'][$index] == 0 && $_files['size'][$index] > 0 ) {
//get the file extension
$fax_file_extension = strtolower(pathinfo($_files['name'][$index], PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
if ($fax_file_extension == "tiff") { $fax_file_extension = "tif"; }
//block unauthorized files
$disallowed_file_extensions = explode(',','sh,ssh,so,dll,exe,bat,vbs,zip,rar,z,tar,tbz,tgz,gz');
if (in_array($fax_file_extension, $disallowed_file_extensions) || $fax_file_extension == '') { continue; }
//use a safe file name
$fax_name = md5($_files['name'][$index]);
//rename the file
$attachment_file_name = $_files['name'][$index];
if ($attachment_file_name != $fax_name.'.'.$fax_file_extension) {
rename($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$attachment_file_name, $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name.'.'.$fax_file_extension);
if (!$included) {
//check if directory exists
if (!is_dir($dir_fax_temp)) {
mkdir($dir_fax_temp, 0770);
//move uploaded file
move_uploaded_file($_files['tmp_name'][$index], $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name.'.'.$fax_file_extension);
//convert uploaded file to pdf, if necessary
if ($fax_file_extension != "pdf" && $fax_file_extension != "tif") {
$command = $IS_WINDOWS ? '' : 'export HOME=/tmp && ';
$command .= 'libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf --outdir '.$dir_fax_temp.' '.$dir_fax_temp.'/'.escapeshellarg($fax_name).'.'.escapeshellarg($fax_file_extension);
//convert uploaded pdf to tif
if (file_exists($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name.'.pdf')) {
//convert pdf to tif
$cmd = exec('which gs')." -q -r".$gs_r." -g".$gs_g." -dBATCH -dPDFFitPage -dNOSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sOutputFile=".escapeshellarg($fax_name).".tif -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -Ilib -c \"{ .75 gt { 1 } { 0 } ifelse} settransfer\" -- ".escapeshellarg($fax_name).".pdf -c quit";
// echo($cmd . "<br/>\n");
//get the page count
$cmd = exec('which tiffinfo')." ".correct_path($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name).".tif | grep \"Page Number\" | grep -c \"P\"";
// echo($cmd . "<br/>\n");
$tif_page_count = exec($cmd);
if ($tif_page_count != '') {
$fax_page_count += $tif_page_count;
//add file to array
$tif_files[] = $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name.'.tif';
} //if
} //foreach
// unique id for this fax
$fax_instance_uuid = uuid();
//generate cover page, merge with pdf
if ($fax_subject != '' || $fax_message != '') {
//load pdf libraries
// initialize pdf
$pdf = new FPDI('P', 'in');
$pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0, true);
if (strlen($fax_cover_font) > 0) {
if (substr($fax_cover_font, -4) == '.ttf') {
$pdf_font = TCPDF_FONTS::addTTFfont($fax_cover_font);
else {
$pdf_font = $fax_cover_font;
if (!$pdf_font) {
$pdf_font = 'times';
//add blank page
$pdf->AddPage('P', array($page_width, $page_height));
// content offset, if necessary
$x = 0;
$y = 0;
$display_logo = false;
if (!is_array($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo'])) {
$logo = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].PROJECT_PATH."/app/fax/resources/images/logo.jpg";
$display_logo = true;
else if (is_null($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'])) {
$logo = ''; //explicitly empty
else if ($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'] != '') {
if (substr($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'], 0, 4) == 'http') {
$logo = $_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'];
else if (substr($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'], 0, 1) == '/') {
if (substr($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'], 0, strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) != $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) {
$logo = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'];
else {
$logo = $_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'];
if (isset($logo) && $logo) {
$logo_dirname = strtolower(pathinfo($logo, PATHINFO_DIRNAME));
$logo_filename = strtolower(pathinfo($logo, PATHINFO_BASENAME));
$logo_fileext = pathinfo($logo_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (in_array($logo_fileext, ['gif','jpg','jpeg','png','bmp'])) {
if (file_exists($logo_dirname.'/'.$logo_filename)) {
$logo = $logo_dirname.'/'.$logo_filename;
$display_logo = true;
else {
$raw = file_get_contents($logo);
if (file_put_contents($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$logo_filename, $raw)) {
$logo = $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$logo_filename;
$display_logo = true;
else {
else {
if ($display_logo) {
$pdf->Image($logo, 0.5, 0.4, 2.5, 0.9, null, null, 'N', true, 300, null, false, false, 0, true);
else {
//set position for header text, if enabled
$pdf->SetXY($x + 0.5, $y + 0.4);
if ($fax_header != '') {
$pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "", 10);
$pdf->Write(0.3, $fax_header);
//fax, cover sheet
$pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "B", 55);
$pdf->SetXY($x + 4.55, $y + 0.25);
$pdf->Cell($x + 3.50, $y + 0.4, $text['label-fax-fax'], 0, 0, 'R', false, null, 0, false, 'T', 'T');
$pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "", 12);
$pdf->SetXY($x + 4.55, $y + 1.0);
$pdf->Cell($x + 3.50, $y + 0.4, $text['label-fax-cover-sheet'], 0, 0, 'R', false, null, 0, false, 'T', 'T');
//field labels
$pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "B", 12);
if ($fax_recipient != '' || sizeof($fax_numbers) > 0) {
$pdf->Text($x + 0.5, $y + 2.0, strtoupper($text['label-fax-recipient']).":");
if ($fax_sender != '' || $fax_caller_id_number != '') {
$pdf->Text($x + 0.5, $y + 2.3, strtoupper($text['label-fax-sender']).":");
if ($fax_page_count > 0) {
$pdf->Text($x + 0.5, $y + 2.6, strtoupper($text['label-fax-attached']).":");
if ($fax_subject != '') {
$pdf->Text($x + 0.5, $y + 2.9, strtoupper($text['label-fax-subject']).":");
//field values
$pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "", 12);
$pdf->SetXY($x + 2.0, $y + 1.95);
if ($fax_recipient != '') {
$pdf->Write(0.3, $fax_recipient);
if (sizeof($fax_numbers) > 0) {
$fax_number_string = ($fax_recipient != '') ? ' (' : null;
$fax_number_string .= format_phone($fax_numbers[0]);
if (sizeof($fax_numbers) > 1) {
for ($n = 1; $n <= sizeof($fax_numbers); $n++) {
if ($n == 4) { break; }
$fax_number_string .= ', '.format_phone($fax_numbers[$n]);
$fax_number_string .= (sizeof($fax_numbers) > 4) ? ', +'.(sizeof($fax_numbers) - 4) : null;
$fax_number_string .= ($fax_recipient != '') ? ')' : null;
$pdf->Write(0.3, $fax_number_string);
$pdf->SetXY($x + 2.0, $y + 2.25);
if ($fax_sender != '') {
$pdf->Write(0.3, $fax_sender);
if ($fax_caller_id_number != '') {
$pdf->Write(0.3, ' ('.format_phone($fax_caller_id_number).')');
else {
if ($fax_caller_id_number != '') {
$pdf->Write(0.3, format_phone($fax_caller_id_number));
if ($fax_page_count > 0) {
$pdf->Text($x + 2.0, $y + 2.6, $fax_page_count.' '.$text['label-fax-page'.(($fax_page_count > 1) ? 's' : null)]);
if ($fax_subject != '') {
$pdf->Text($x + 2.0, $y + 2.9, $fax_subject);
if ($fax_message != '') {
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 0.6);
$pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "", 12);
$pdf->SetXY($x + 0.75, $y + 3.65);
$pdf->MultiCell(7, 5.40, $fax_message, 0, 'L', false);
$pages = $pdf->getNumPages();
if ($pages > 1) {
//save ynew for last page
$yn = $pdf->GetY();
//first page
$pdf->setPage(1, 0);
$pdf->Rect($x + 0.5, $y + 3.4, 7.5, $page_height - 3.9, 'D');
//2nd to n-th page
for ($n = 2; $n < $pages; $n++) {
$pdf->setPage($n, 0);
$pdf->Rect($x + 0.5, $y + 0.5, 7.5, $page_height - 1, 'D');
//last page
$pdf->setPage($pages, 0);
$pdf->Rect($x + 0.5, 0.5, 7.5, $yn, 'D');
$y = $yn;
else {
$pdf->Rect($x + 0.5, $y + 3.4, 7.5, 6.25, 'D');
$y = $pdf->GetY();
if ($fax_footer != '') {
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 0.6);
$pdf->SetFont("helvetica", "", 8);
$pdf->SetXY($x + 0.5, $y + 0.6);
$pdf->MultiCell(7.5, 0.75, $fax_footer, 0, 'C', false);
//save cover pdf
$pdf->Output($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'_cover.pdf', "F"); // Display [I]nline, Save to [F]ile, [D]ownload
//convert pdf to tif, add to array of pages, delete pdf
if (file_exists($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'_cover.pdf')) {
$cmd = gs_cmd("-q -sDEVICE=tiffg32d -r".$gs_r." -g".$gs_g." -dBATCH -dPDFFitPage -dNOSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=".correct_path($fax_instance_uuid)."_cover.tif -- ".correct_path($fax_instance_uuid)."_cover.pdf -c quit");
// echo($cmd . "<br/>\n");
if (is_array($tif_files) && sizeof($tif_files) > 0) {
array_unshift($tif_files, $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'_cover.tif');
else {
$tif_files[] = $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'_cover.tif';
//combine tif files into single multi-page tif
if (is_array($tif_files) && sizeof($tif_files) > 0) {
$cmd = exec('which tiffcp')." -c none ";
foreach ($tif_files as $tif_file) {
$cmd .= correct_path($tif_file) . ' ';
$cmd .= correct_path($dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'.tif');
//echo($cmd . "<br/>\n");
//generate pdf from tif
$cmd = exec('which tiff2pdf').' -u i -p '.$fax_page_size.
' -w '.$page_width.
' -l '.$page_height.
' -f -o '.
correct_path($dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'.pdf').' '.
//echo $cmd."<br />\n";
//remove the extra files
foreach ($tif_files as $tif_file) {
elseif (!$included) {
//nothing to send, redirect the browser
message::add($text['message-invalid-fax'], 'negative', 4000);
header("Location: fax_send.php?id=".$fax_uuid);
//preview, if requested
if (($_REQUEST['submit'] != '') && ($_REQUEST['submit'] == 'preview')) {
if (file_exists($dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'.pdf')) {
$file_path = $dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".pdf";
$file_type = 'pdf';
$content_type = 'application/pdf';
else if (file_exists($dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'.tif')) {
$file_path = $dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".tif";
$file_type = 'tif';
$content_type = 'image/tiff';
if ($file_type != '') {
//push download
$fd = fopen($file_path, "rb");
header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Type: application/download");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$fax_instance_uuid.'.'.$file_type.'"');
header("Content-Type: ".$content_type);
header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // date in the past
header("Content-Length: ".filesize($file_path));
//prepare variables send the fax
$mail_from_address = (isset($_SESSION['fax']['smtp_from']['text'])) ? $_SESSION['fax']['smtp_from']['text'] : $_SESSION['email']['smtp_from']['text'];
//get the fax mail to address and fax prefix
$sql = "select * from v_fax where fax_uuid = :fax_uuid ";
$parameters['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid;
$database = new database;
$row = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'row');
$mail_to_address = $row["fax_email"];
$fax_prefix = $row["fax_prefix"];
unset($sql, $parameters, $row);
//for email to fax send email notification back to the email sender
if ($included) {
//use email-to-fax from address
$mail_to_address = $sender_email;
else {
//send fax through the browser
//move the generated tif (and pdf) files to the sent directory
//if (file_exists($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".tif")) {
// copy($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".tif", $dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".tif");
//if (file_exists($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".pdf")) {
// copy($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".pdf ", $dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".pdf");
//set the fax
$fax_queue_uuid = uuid();
//send the fax
$fax_file = $dir_fax_sent."/".$fax_instance_uuid.".tif";
$common_variables .= "fax_queue_uuid='" . escapeshellarg($fax_queue_uuid) . "',";
$common_variables = "for_fax=1,";
$common_variables .= "accountcode='" . escapeshellarg($fax_accountcode) . "',";
$common_variables .= "sip_h_X-accountcode='" . escapeshellarg($fax_accountcode) . "',";
$common_variables .= "domain_uuid=" . escapeshellarg($_SESSION["domain_uuid"]) . ",";
$common_variables .= "domain_name=" . escapeshellarg($_SESSION["domain_name"]) . ",";
$common_variables .= "origination_caller_id_name='" . escapeshellarg($fax_caller_id_name) . "',";
$common_variables .= "origination_caller_id_number='" . escapeshellarg($fax_caller_id_number) . "',";
$common_variables .= "fax_ident='" . escapeshellarg($fax_caller_id_number) . "',";
$common_variables .= "fax_header='" . escapeshellarg($fax_caller_id_name) . "',";
$common_variables .= "fax_file='" . escapeshellarg($fax_file) . "',";
foreach ($fax_numbers as $fax_number) {
$fax_number = trim($fax_number);
fax_split_dtmf($fax_number, $fax_dtmf);
//prepare the fax command
if (strlen($fax_toll_allow) > 0) {
$channel_variables["toll_allow"] = $fax_toll_allow;
$route_array = outbound_route_to_bridge($_SESSION['domain_uuid'], $fax_prefix . $fax_number, $channel_variables);
if (count($route_array) == 0) {
//send the internal call to the registered extension
$fax_uri = "user/".$fax_number."@".$_SESSION['domain_name'];
$fax_variables = "";
else {
//send the external call
$fax_uri = $route_array[0];
$fax_variables = "";
foreach($_SESSION['fax']['variable'] as $variable) {
$fax_variables .= escapeshellarg($variable).",";
//build the fax dial string
$dial_string = $common_variables;
$dial_string .= $fax_variables;
$dial_string .= "mailto_address='" . escapeshellarg($mail_to_address) . "',";
$dial_string .= "mailfrom_address='" . escapeshellarg($mail_from_address) . "',";
$dial_string .= "fax_uri=" . escapeshellarg($fax_uri) . ",";
$dial_string .= "fax_retry_attempts=1" . ",";
$dial_string .= "fax_retry_limit=20" . ",";
$dial_string .= "fax_retry_sleep=180" . ",";
$dial_string .= "fax_verbose=true" . ",";
$dial_string .= "fax_use_ecm=off" . ",";
if ($_SESSION['fax_queue']['enabled']['boolean']) {
$dial_string .= "api_hangup_hook='lua app/fax/resources/scripts/hangup_tx.lua'";
else {
$dial_string .= "api_hangup_hook='lua fax_retry.lua'";
$dial_string = "{" . $dial_string . "}" . $fax_uri." &txfax('".$fax_file."')";
//add fax to the fax queue or send it directly
if ($_SESSION['fax_queue']['enabled']['boolean']) {
//build an array to add the fax to the queue
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_queue_uuid'] = $fax_queue_uuid;
$array['fax_queue'][0]['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid'];
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid;
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_date'] = 'now()';
$array['fax_queue'][0]['hostname'] = gethostname();
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_caller_id_name'] = $fax_caller_id_name;
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_caller_id_number'] = $fax_caller_id_number;
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_number'] = $fax_number;
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_prefix'] = $fax_prefix;
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_email_address'] = $mail_to_address;
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_file'] = $fax_file;
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_status'] = 'waiting';
//$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_retry_date'] = $fax_retry_date;
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_retry_count'] = 0;
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_accountcode'] = $fax_accountcode;
$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_command'] = 'originate '.$dial_string;
//add temporary permisison
$p = new permissions;
$p->add('fax_queue_add', 'temp');
//save the data
$database = new database;
$database->app_name = 'fax queue';
$database->app_uuid = '3656287f-4b22-4cf1-91f6-00386bf488f4';
//remove temporary permisison
$p->delete('fax_queue_add', 'temp');
//add message to show in the browser
else {
//send the fax directly
$fp = event_socket_create($_SESSION['event_socket_ip_address'], $_SESSION['event_socket_port'], $_SESSION['event_socket_password']);
if ($fp) {
$cmd = "api originate " . $dial_string;
$response = event_socket_request($fp, $cmd);
$response = str_replace("\n", "", $response);
$uuid = str_replace("+OK ", "", $response);
//add message to show in the browser
message::add($text['confirm-sent']." ".$response);
//redirect the browser
if (!$included && is_uuid($fax_uuid)) {
if ($_SESSION['fax_queue']['enabled']['boolean']) {
//header("Location: ".PROJECT_PATH."/app/fax_queue/fax_queue.php?id=".$fax_uuid);
header("Location: ".PROJECT_PATH."fax.php");
else {
header("Location: fax_files.php?id=".$fax_uuid."&box=sent");
//header("Location: fax_outbox.php?id=".$fax_uuid);
} //end upload and send fax
//show content in the browser
if (!$included) {
//retrieve current user's assigned groups (uuids)
foreach ($_SESSION['groups'] as $group_data) {
$user_group_uuids[] = $group_data['group_uuid'];
//add user's uuid to group uuid list to include private (non-shared) contacts
$user_group_uuids[] = $_SESSION["user_uuid"];
$sql = "select ";
$sql .= "c.contact_organization, ";
$sql .= "c.contact_name_given, ";
$sql .= "c.contact_name_family, ";
$sql .= "c.contact_nickname, ";
$sql .= "cp.phone_number ";
$sql .= "from ";
$sql .= "v_contacts as c, ";
$sql .= "v_contact_phones as cp ";
$sql .= "where ";
$sql .= "c.contact_uuid = cp.contact_uuid ";
$sql .= "and c.domain_uuid = :domain_uuid ";
$sql .= "and cp.domain_uuid = :domain_uuid ";
$sql .= "and cp.phone_type_fax = 1 ";
$sql .= "and cp.phone_number is not null ";
$sql .= "and cp.phone_number <> '' ";
if ($_SESSION['contact']['permissions']['boolean'] == "true") {
if (is_array($user_group_uuids) && @sizeof($user_group_uuids) != 0) {
//only show contacts assigned to current user's group(s) and those not assigned to any group
$sql .= "and (";
$sql .= " c.contact_uuid in ( ";
$sql .= " select contact_uuid from v_contact_groups ";
$sql .= " where (";
foreach ($user_group_uuids as $index => $user_group_uuid) {
$sql .= $or;
$sql .= " group_uuid = :group_uuid_".$index." ";
$parameters['group_uuid_'.$index] = $user_group_uuid;
$or = " or ";
unset($user_group_uuids, $index, $user_group_uuid, $or);
$sql .= " ) ";
$sql .= " and domain_uuid = :domain_uuid ";
$sql .= " ) ";
$sql .= " or ";
$sql .= " c.contact_uuid not in ( ";
$sql .= " select contact_uuid from v_contact_groups ";
$sql .= " where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid ";
$sql .= " ) ";
$sql .= ") ";
$parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid'];
$database = new database;
$contacts = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all');
unset($sql, $parameters, $row);
//build the contact labels
if (is_array($contacts) && @sizeof($contacts) != 0) {
foreach ($contacts as &$row) {
if ($row['contact_organization'] != '') {
$contact_option_label = $row['contact_organization'];
if ($row['contact_name_given'] != '' || $row['contact_name_family'] != '' || $row['contact_nickname'] != '') {
$contact_option_label .= ($row['contact_organization'] != '') ? "," : null;
$contact_option_label .= ($row['contact_name_given'] != '') ? (($row['contact_organization'] != '') ? " " : null).$row['contact_name_given'] : null;
$contact_option_label .= ($row['contact_name_family'] != '') ? (($row['contact_organization'] != '' || $row['contact_name_given'] != '') ? " " : null).$row['contact_name_family'] : null;
$contact_option_label .= ($row['contact_nickname'] != '') ? (($row['contact_organization'] != '' || $row['contact_name_given'] != '' || $row['contact_name_family'] != '') ? " (".$row['contact_nickname'].")" : $row['contact_nickname']) : null;
$contact_option_value_recipient = $contact_option_label;
$contact_option_value_faxnumber = $row['phone_number'];
$contact_option_label .= " ".escape(format_phone($row['phone_number']));
$contact_labels[] = $contact_option_label;
$contact_values[] = $contact_option_value_faxnumber."|".$contact_option_value_recipient;
if (is_array($contact_labels)) {
//sort by name(s)
asort($contact_labels, SORT_NATURAL);
//create token
$object = new token;
$token = $object->create($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
//show the header
$document['title'] = $text['title-new_fax'];
require_once "resources/header.php";
//javascript to toggle input/select boxes, add fax numbers
echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='".PROJECT_PATH."/resources/javascript/reset_file_input.js'></script>\n";
echo "<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript'>";
echo " function toggle(field) {";
echo " if (field == 'fax_recipient') {";
echo " document.getElementById('fax_recipient_select').selectedIndex = 0;";
echo " $('#fax_recipient_select').toggle();";
echo " $('#fax_recipient').toggle();";
echo " if ($('#fax_recipient').is(':visible')) { $('#fax_recipient').trigger('focus'); } else { $('#fax_recipient_select').trigger('focus'); }";
echo " }";
echo " }";
echo " function contact_load(obj_sel) {";
echo "'none';";
echo " document.getElementById('fax_recipient').style.display='';";
echo " var selected_option_value = obj_sel.options[obj_sel.selectedIndex].value;";
echo " var selected_option_values = selected_option_value.split('|', 2);";
echo " document.getElementById('fax_recipient').value = selected_option_values[1];";
echo " document.getElementById('fax_number').value = selected_option_values[0];";
echo " $('#fax_recipient').css({width: '50%'});";
echo " $('#fax_number').css({width: '120px'});";
echo " }";
echo " function list_selected_files(file_input_number) {";
echo " var inp = document.getElementById('fax_files_'+file_input_number);";
echo " var files_selected = [];";
echo " for (var i = 0; i < inp.files.length; ++i) {";
echo " var file_name = inp.files.item(i).name;";
echo " files_selected.push(file_name);";
echo " }";
echo " document.getElementById('file_list_'+file_input_number).innerHTML = '';";
echo " if (files_selected.length > 1) {";
echo " document.getElementById('file_list_'+file_input_number).innerHTML = '<strong>".$text['label-selected']."</strong>: ';";
echo " document.getElementById('file_list_'+file_input_number).innerHTML += files_selected.join(', ');";
echo " document.getElementById('file_list_'+file_input_number).innerHTML += '<br />';";
echo " }";
echo " }";
echo " function add_fax_number() {\n";
echo " var newdiv = document.createElement('div');\n";
echo " newdiv.innerHTML = \"<input type='text' name='fax_numbers[]' class='formfld' style='width: 150px; min-width: 150px; max-width: 150px; margin-top: 3px;' maxlength='25'>\";";
echo " document.getElementById('fax_numbers').appendChild(newdiv);";
echo " }\n";
echo "</script>";
//show the content
echo "<form method='post' name='frm' id='frm' enctype='multipart/form-data'>\n";
echo "<div class='action_bar' id='action_bar'>\n";
echo " <div class='heading'><b>".$text['header-new_fax']."</b></div>\n";
echo " <div class='actions'>\n";
echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-back'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_back'],'id'=>'btn_back','style'=>'margin-right: 15px;','link'=>'fax.php']);
echo button::create(['type'=>'submit','label'=>$text['button-preview'],'icon'=>'eye','name'=>'submit','value'=>'preview']);
echo button::create(['type'=>'submit','label'=>$text['button-send'],'icon'=>'paper-plane','id'=>'btn_save','name'=>'submit','value'=>'send','style'=>'margin-left: 15px;']);
echo " </div>\n";
echo " <div style='clear: both;'></div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
echo $text['description-2']." ".(permission_exists('fax_extension_view_domain') ? $text['description-3'] : null)."\n";
echo "<br /><br />\n";
echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncell' valign='top' align='left' nowrap>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-fax-header']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
echo " <input type='text' name='fax_header' class='formfld' style='' value='".$_SESSION['fax']['cover_header']['text']."'>\n";
echo " <br />\n";
echo " ".$text['description-fax-header']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncell' valign='top' align='left' nowrap>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-fax-sender']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
echo " <input type='text' name='fax_sender' class='formfld' style='' value='".escape($fax_caller_id_name)."'>\n";
echo " <br />\n";
echo " ".$text['description-fax-sender']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncell' valign='top' align='left' nowrap>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-fax-recipient']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
if (is_array($contacts) && @sizeof($contacts) != 0) {
echo " <select class='formfld' style='display: none;' id='fax_recipient_select' onchange='contact_load(this);'>\n";
echo " <option value=''></option>\n";
if (is_array($contact_labels) && @sizeof($contact_labels) != 0) {
foreach ($contact_labels as $index => $contact_label) {
echo " <option value=\"".escape($contact_values[$index])."\">".$contact_label."</option>\n";
echo " </select>\n";
echo " <input type='text' name='fax_recipient' id='fax_recipient' class='formfld' style='max-width: 250px;' value=''>\n";
if (is_array($contacts)) {
echo " <input type='button' id='btn_toggle_recipient' class='btn' name='' alt='".$text['button-back']."' value='&#9665;' onclick=\"toggle('fax_recipient');\">\n";
echo " <br />\n";
echo " ".$text['description-fax-recipient']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncellreq' valign='top' align='left' nowrap>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-fax-number']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
echo " <table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0'>";
echo " <tr>";
echo " <td id='fax_numbers'>";
echo " <input type='text' name='fax_numbers[]' id='fax_number' class='formfld' style='width: 150px; min-width: 150px; max-width: 150px;' maxlength='25'>\n";
echo " </td>";
echo " <td style='vertical-align: bottom;'>";
echo " <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='add_fax_number();'>$v_link_label_add</a>";
echo " </td>";
echo " </tr>";
echo " </table>";
echo " ".$text['description-fax-number']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncell' valign='top' align='left' nowrap>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-fax_files']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
for ($f = 1; $f <= 3; $f++) {
echo " <span id='fax_file_".$f."' ".(($f > 1) ? "style='display: none;'" : null).">";
echo " <input name='fax_files[]' id='fax_files_".$f."' type='file' class='formfld fileinput' style='margin-right: 3px; ".(($f > 1) ? "margin-top: 3px;" : null)."' onchange=\"".(($f < 3) ? "document.getElementById('fax_file_".($f+1)."').style.display='';" : null)." list_selected_files(".$f.");\" multiple='multiple'>";
echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-clear'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_reset'],'onclick'=>"reset_file_input('fax_files_".$f."'); document.getElementById('file_list_".$f."').innerHTML='';"]);
echo "<br />";
echo " <span id='file_list_".$f."'></span>";
echo " </span>\n";
echo " ".$text['description-fax_files']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncell' valign='top' align='left' nowrap>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-fax-resolution']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
echo " <select name='fax_resolution' class='formfld'>\n";
echo " <option value='normal' ".(($_SESSION['fax']['resolution']['text'] == 'normal') ? 'selected' : null).">".$text['option-fax-resolution-normal']."</option>\n";
echo " <option value='fine' ".(($_SESSION['fax']['resolution']['text'] == 'fine') ? 'selected' : null).">".$text['option-fax-resolution-fine']."</option>\n";
echo " <option value='superfine' ".(($_SESSION['fax']['resolution']['text'] == 'superfine') ? 'selected' : null).">".$text['option-fax-resolution-superfine']."</option>\n";
echo " </select>\n";
echo " <br />\n";
echo " ".$text['description-fax-resolution']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncell' valign='top' align='left' nowrap>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-fax-page-size']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
echo " <select name='fax_page_size' class='formfld'>\n";
echo " <option value='letter' ".(($_SESSION['fax']['page_size']['text'] == 'letter') ? 'selected' : null).">Letter</option>\n";
echo " <option value='legal' ".(($_SESSION['fax']['page_size']['text'] == 'legal') ? 'selected' : null).">Legal</option>\n";
echo " <option value='a4' ".(($_SESSION['fax']['page_size']['text'] == 'a4') ? 'selected' : null).">A4</option>\n";
echo " </select>\n";
echo " <br />\n";
echo " ".$text['description-fax-page-size']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
if (permission_exists('fax_subject')) {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncell' valign='top' align='left' nowrap>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-fax-subject']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
echo " <input type='text' name='fax_subject' class='formfld' style='' value=''>\n";
echo " <br />\n";
echo " ".$text['description-fax-subject']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
if (permission_exists('fax_message')) {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncell' valign='top' align='left' nowrap>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-fax-message']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
echo " <textarea type='text' name='fax_message' class='formfld' style='width: 65%; height: 175px;'></textarea>\n";
echo "<br />\n";
echo " ".$text['description-fax-message']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
if (permission_exists('fax_footer')) {
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncell' valign='top' align='left' nowrap>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-fax-footer']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
echo " <textarea type='text' name='fax_footer' class='formfld' style='width: 65%; height: 100px;'>".$_SESSION['fax']['cover_footer']['text']."</textarea>\n";
echo " <br />\n";
echo " ".$text['description-fax-footer']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
echo "<br /><br />\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='fax_caller_id_name' value='".escape($fax_caller_id_name)."'>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='fax_caller_id_number' value='".escape($fax_caller_id_number)."'>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='fax_extension' value='".escape($fax_extension)."'>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='".escape($fax_uuid)."'>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='action' value='send'>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='".$token['name']."' value='".$token['hash']."'>\n";
echo "</form>\n";
//show the footer
require_once "resources/footer.php";
// used for initial element alignment during pdf generation
function showgrid($pdf) {
// generate a grid for placement
for ($x=0; $x<=8.5; $x+=0.1) {
for ($y=0; $y<=11; $y+=0.1) {
$pdf->SetFont("courier", "", 3);
for ($x=0; $x<=9; $x+=1) {
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