Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2022 the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Mark J Crane James Rose Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz Errol Samuels Corey Moullas */ //set included to boolean if (!isset($included)) { $included = false; } //check if windows if (stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) { $IS_WINDOWS = true; } else { $IS_WINDOWS = false; } //send email through browser if (!$included) { //includes include "root.php"; require_once "resources/require.php"; require_once "resources/check_auth.php"; //check permissions if (permission_exists('fax_send')) { //access granted } else { echo "access denied"; exit; } //add multi-lingual support $language = new text; $text = $language->get(); //get the fax_extension and save it as a variable if (isset($_REQUEST["fax_extension"]) && is_numeric($_REQUEST["fax_extension"])) { $fax_extension = $_REQUEST["fax_extension"]; } //pre-populate the form if (is_uuid($_REQUEST['id']) && $_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") { $fax_uuid = $_REQUEST["id"]; if (permission_exists('fax_extension_view_domain')) { //show all fax extensions $sql = "select fax_uuid, fax_extension, fax_caller_id_name, fax_caller_id_number, "; $sql .= "fax_toll_allow, accountcode, fax_send_greeting "; $sql .= "from v_fax "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and fax_uuid = :fax_uuid "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $parameters['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; } else { //show only assigned fax extensions $sql = "select f.fax_uuid, f.fax_extension, f.fax_caller_id_name, f.fax_caller_id_number, "; $sql .= "f.fax_toll_allow, f.accountcode, f.fax_send_greeting "; $sql .= "from v_fax as f, v_fax_users as u "; $sql .= "where f.fax_uuid = u.fax_uuid "; $sql .= "and f.domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and f.fax_uuid = :fax_uuid "; $sql .= "and u.user_uuid = :user_uuid "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $parameters['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; $parameters['user_uuid'] = $_SESSION['user_uuid']; } $database = new database; $row = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'row'); if (is_array($row) && @sizeof($row) != 0) { //set database fields as variables $fax_uuid = $row["fax_uuid"]; $fax_extension = $row["fax_extension"]; $fax_caller_id_name = $row["fax_caller_id_name"]; $fax_caller_id_number = $row["fax_caller_id_number"]; $fax_toll_allow = $row["fax_toll_allow"]; $fax_accountcode = $row["accountcode"]; $fax_send_greeting = $row["fax_send_greeting"]; } else { if (!permission_exists('fax_extension_view_domain')) { echo "access denied"; exit; } } unset($sql, $parameters, $row); } //set the fax directory $fax_dir = $_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'].'/fax/'.$_SESSION['domain_name']; //set fax cover font to generate pdf $fax_cover_font = $_SESSION['fax']['cover_font']['text']; } else { require_once "resources/classes/event_socket.php"; } if (!function_exists('correct_path')) { function correct_path($p) { global $IS_WINDOWS; if ($IS_WINDOWS) { return str_replace('/', '\\', $p); } return $p; } } //define function gs_cmd if (!function_exists('gs_cmd')) { function gs_cmd($args) { global $IS_WINDOWS; if ($IS_WINDOWS) { return 'gswin32c '.$args; } return 'gs '.$args; } } //define function fax_split dtmf if (!function_exists('fax_split_dtmf')) { function fax_split_dtmf(&$fax_number, &$fax_dtmf){ $tmp = array(); $fax_dtmf = ''; if (preg_match('/^\s*(.*?)\s*\((.*)\)\s*$/', $fax_number, $tmp)){ $fax_number = $tmp[1]; $fax_dtmf = $tmp[2]; } } } //get the fax extension if (isset($fax_extension) && is_numeric($fax_extension)) { //set the fax directories. example /usr/local/freeswitch/storage/fax/329/inbox $dir_fax_inbox = $fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension.'/inbox'; $dir_fax_sent = $fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension.'/sent'; $dir_fax_temp = $fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension.'/temp'; //make sure the directories exist if (!is_dir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'])) { mkdir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'], 0770); } if (!is_dir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'].'/fax')) { mkdir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'].'/fax', 0770); } if (!is_dir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'].'/fax/'.$_SESSION['domain_name'])) { mkdir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'].'/fax/'.$_SESSION['domain_name'], 0770); } if (!is_dir($fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension)) { mkdir($fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension, 0770); } if (!is_dir($dir_fax_inbox)) { mkdir($dir_fax_inbox, 0770); } if (!is_dir($dir_fax_sent)) { mkdir($dir_fax_sent, 0770); } if (!is_dir($dir_fax_temp)) { mkdir($dir_fax_temp, 0770); } } //clear file status cache clearstatcache(); //send the fax $continue = false; if (!$included) { if (($_POST['action'] == "send")) { //get the values from the HTTP POST $fax_numbers = $_POST['fax_numbers']; $fax_uuid = $_POST["id"]; $fax_caller_id_name = $_POST['fax_caller_id_name']; $fax_caller_id_number = $_POST['fax_caller_id_number']; $fax_header = $_POST['fax_header']; $fax_sender = $_POST['fax_sender']; $fax_recipient = $_POST['fax_recipient']; $fax_subject = $_POST['fax_subject']; $fax_message = $_POST['fax_message']; $fax_resolution = $_POST['fax_resolution']; $fax_page_size = $_POST['fax_page_size']; $fax_footer = $_POST['fax_footer']; //validate the token $token = new token; if (!$token->validate($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { message::add($text['message-invalid_token'],'negative'); header('Location: fax_send.php'.(is_uuid($fax_uuid) ? '?id='.$fax_uuid : null)); exit; } $continue = true; } } else { //all necessary local and session variables should //be already set by now by file including this one $continue = true; } //cleanup numbers if (isset($fax_numbers)) { foreach ($fax_numbers as $index => $fax_number) { fax_split_dtmf($fax_number, $fax_dtmf); $fax_number = preg_replace("~[^0-9]~", "", $fax_number); $fax_dtmf = preg_replace("~[^0-9Pp*#]~", "", $fax_dtmf); if ($fax_number != ''){ if ($fax_dtmf != '') {$fax_number .= " (" . $fax_dtmf . ")";} $fax_numbers[$index] = $fax_number; } else{ unset($fax_numbers[$index]); } } sort($fax_numbers); } if ($continue) { //determine page size switch ($fax_page_size) { case 'a4' : $page_width = 8.3; //in $page_height = 11.7; //in break; case 'legal' : $page_width = 8.5; //in $page_height = 14; //in break; case 'letter' : $page_width = 8.5; //in $page_height = 11; //in break; default : $page_width = 8.5; //in $page_height = 11; //in $fax_page_size = 'letter'; } //set resolution switch ($fax_resolution) { case 'fine': $gs_r = '204x196'; $gs_g = ((int) ($page_width * 204)).'x'.((int) ($page_height * 196)); break; case 'superfine': $gs_r = '204x392'; $gs_g = ((int) ($page_width * 204)).'x'.((int) ($page_height * 392)); break; case 'normal': default: $gs_r = '204x98'; $gs_g = ((int) ($page_width * 204)).'x'.((int) ($page_height * 98)); break; } //process uploaded or emailed files (if any) $fax_page_count = 0; $_files = (!$included) ? $_FILES['fax_files'] : $emailed_files; unset($tif_files); foreach ($_files['tmp_name'] as $index => $fax_tmp_name) { $uploaded_file = (!$included) ? is_uploaded_file($fax_tmp_name) : true; if ( $uploaded_file && $_files['error'][$index] == 0 && $_files['size'][$index] > 0 ) { //get the file extension $fax_file_extension = strtolower(pathinfo($_files['name'][$index], PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if ($fax_file_extension == "tiff") { $fax_file_extension = "tif"; } //block unauthorized files $disallowed_file_extensions = explode(',','sh,ssh,so,dll,exe,bat,vbs,zip,rar,z,tar,tbz,tgz,gz'); if (in_array($fax_file_extension, $disallowed_file_extensions) || $fax_file_extension == '') { continue; } //use a safe file name $fax_name = md5($_files['name'][$index]); //rename the file $attachment_file_name = $_files['name'][$index]; if ($attachment_file_name != $fax_name.'.'.$fax_file_extension) { rename($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$attachment_file_name, $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name.'.'.$fax_file_extension); } unset($attachment_file_name); if (!$included) { //check if directory exists if (!is_dir($dir_fax_temp)) { mkdir($dir_fax_temp, 0770); } //move uploaded file move_uploaded_file($_files['tmp_name'][$index], $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name.'.'.$fax_file_extension); } //convert uploaded file to pdf, if necessary if ($fax_file_extension != "pdf" && $fax_file_extension != "tif") { chdir($dir_fax_temp); $command = $IS_WINDOWS ? '' : 'export HOME=/tmp && '; $command .= 'libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf --outdir '.$dir_fax_temp.' '.$dir_fax_temp.'/'.escapeshellarg($fax_name).'.'.escapeshellarg($fax_file_extension); exec($command); @unlink($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name.'.'.$fax_file_extension); } //convert uploaded pdf to tif if (file_exists($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name.'.pdf')) { chdir($dir_fax_temp); //convert pdf to tif $cmd = exec('which gs')." -q -r".$gs_r." -g".$gs_g." -dBATCH -dPDFFitPage -dNOSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sOutputFile=".escapeshellarg($fax_name).".tif -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -Ilib stocht.ps -c \"{ .75 gt { 1 } { 0 } ifelse} settransfer\" -- ".escapeshellarg($fax_name).".pdf -c quit"; // echo($cmd . "
\n"); exec($cmd); @unlink($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name.'.pdf'); } //get the page count $cmd = exec('which tiffinfo')." ".correct_path($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name).".tif | grep \"Page Number\" | grep -c \"P\""; // echo($cmd . "
\n"); $tif_page_count = exec($cmd); if ($tif_page_count != '') { $fax_page_count += $tif_page_count; } //add file to array $tif_files[] = $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_name.'.tif'; } //if } //foreach // unique id for this fax $fax_instance_uuid = uuid(); //generate cover page, merge with pdf if ($fax_subject != '' || $fax_message != '') { //load pdf libraries require_once("resources/tcpdf/tcpdf.php"); require_once("resources/fpdi/fpdi.php"); // initialize pdf $pdf = new FPDI('P', 'in'); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); $pdf->setPrintHeader(false); $pdf->setPrintFooter(false); $pdf->SetMargins(0, 0, 0, true); if (strlen($fax_cover_font) > 0) { if (substr($fax_cover_font, -4) == '.ttf') { $pdf_font = TCPDF_FONTS::addTTFfont($fax_cover_font); } else { $pdf_font = $fax_cover_font; } } if (!$pdf_font) { $pdf_font = 'times'; } //add blank page $pdf->AddPage('P', array($page_width, $page_height)); // content offset, if necessary $x = 0; $y = 0; //logo $display_logo = false; if (!is_array($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo'])) { $logo = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].PROJECT_PATH."/app/fax/resources/images/logo.jpg"; $display_logo = true; } else if (is_null($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'])) { $logo = ''; //explicitly empty } else if ($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'] != '') { if (substr($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'], 0, 4) == 'http') { $logo = $_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text']; } else if (substr($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'], 0, 1) == '/') { if (substr($_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text'], 0, strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])) != $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) { $logo = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].$_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text']; } else { $logo = $_SESSION['fax']['cover_logo']['text']; } } } if (isset($logo) && $logo) { $logo_dirname = strtolower(pathinfo($logo, PATHINFO_DIRNAME)); $logo_filename = strtolower(pathinfo($logo, PATHINFO_BASENAME)); $logo_fileext = pathinfo($logo_filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if (in_array($logo_fileext, ['gif','jpg','jpeg','png','bmp'])) { if (file_exists($logo_dirname.'/'.$logo_filename)) { $logo = $logo_dirname.'/'.$logo_filename; $display_logo = true; } else { $raw = file_get_contents($logo); if (file_put_contents($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$logo_filename, $raw)) { $logo = $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$logo_filename; $display_logo = true; } else { unset($logo); } } } else { unset($logo); } } if ($display_logo) { $pdf->Image($logo, 0.5, 0.4, 2.5, 0.9, null, null, 'N', true, 300, null, false, false, 0, true); } else { //set position for header text, if enabled $pdf->SetXY($x + 0.5, $y + 0.4); } //header if ($fax_header != '') { $pdf->SetLeftMargin(0.5); $pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "", 10); $pdf->Write(0.3, $fax_header); } //fax, cover sheet $pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,0); $pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "B", 55); $pdf->SetXY($x + 4.55, $y + 0.25); $pdf->Cell($x + 3.50, $y + 0.4, $text['label-fax-fax'], 0, 0, 'R', false, null, 0, false, 'T', 'T'); $pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "", 12); $pdf->SetFontSpacing(0.0425); $pdf->SetXY($x + 4.55, $y + 1.0); $pdf->Cell($x + 3.50, $y + 0.4, $text['label-fax-cover-sheet'], 0, 0, 'R', false, null, 0, false, 'T', 'T'); $pdf->SetFontSpacing(0); //field labels $pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "B", 12); if ($fax_recipient != '' || sizeof($fax_numbers) > 0) { $pdf->Text($x + 0.5, $y + 2.0, strtoupper($text['label-fax-recipient']).":"); } if ($fax_sender != '' || $fax_caller_id_number != '') { $pdf->Text($x + 0.5, $y + 2.3, strtoupper($text['label-fax-sender']).":"); } if ($fax_page_count > 0) { $pdf->Text($x + 0.5, $y + 2.6, strtoupper($text['label-fax-attached']).":"); } if ($fax_subject != '') { $pdf->Text($x + 0.5, $y + 2.9, strtoupper($text['label-fax-subject']).":"); } //field values $pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "", 12); $pdf->SetXY($x + 2.0, $y + 1.95); if ($fax_recipient != '') { $pdf->Write(0.3, $fax_recipient); } if (sizeof($fax_numbers) > 0) { $fax_number_string = ($fax_recipient != '') ? ' (' : null; $fax_number_string .= format_phone($fax_numbers[0]); if (sizeof($fax_numbers) > 1) { for ($n = 1; $n <= sizeof($fax_numbers); $n++) { if ($n == 4) { break; } $fax_number_string .= ', '.format_phone($fax_numbers[$n]); } } $fax_number_string .= (sizeof($fax_numbers) > 4) ? ', +'.(sizeof($fax_numbers) - 4) : null; $fax_number_string .= ($fax_recipient != '') ? ')' : null; $pdf->Write(0.3, $fax_number_string); } $pdf->SetXY($x + 2.0, $y + 2.25); if ($fax_sender != '') { $pdf->Write(0.3, $fax_sender); if ($fax_caller_id_number != '') { $pdf->Write(0.3, ' ('.format_phone($fax_caller_id_number).')'); } } else { if ($fax_caller_id_number != '') { $pdf->Write(0.3, format_phone($fax_caller_id_number)); } } if ($fax_page_count > 0) { $pdf->Text($x + 2.0, $y + 2.6, $fax_page_count.' '.$text['label-fax-page'.(($fax_page_count > 1) ? 's' : null)]); } if ($fax_subject != '') { $pdf->Text($x + 2.0, $y + 2.9, $fax_subject); } //message if ($fax_message != '') { $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 0.6); $pdf->SetTopMargin(0.6); $pdf->SetFont($pdf_font, "", 12); $pdf->SetXY($x + 0.75, $y + 3.65); $pdf->MultiCell(7, 5.40, $fax_message, 0, 'L', false); } $pages = $pdf->getNumPages(); if ($pages > 1) { //save ynew for last page $yn = $pdf->GetY(); //first page $pdf->setPage(1, 0); $pdf->Rect($x + 0.5, $y + 3.4, 7.5, $page_height - 3.9, 'D'); //2nd to n-th page for ($n = 2; $n < $pages; $n++) { $pdf->setPage($n, 0); $pdf->Rect($x + 0.5, $y + 0.5, 7.5, $page_height - 1, 'D'); } //last page $pdf->setPage($pages, 0); $pdf->Rect($x + 0.5, 0.5, 7.5, $yn, 'D'); $y = $yn; unset($yn); } else { $pdf->Rect($x + 0.5, $y + 3.4, 7.5, 6.25, 'D'); $y = $pdf->GetY(); } //footer if ($fax_footer != '') { $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, 0.6); $pdf->SetTopMargin(0.6); $pdf->SetFont("helvetica", "", 8); $pdf->SetXY($x + 0.5, $y + 0.6); $pdf->MultiCell(7.5, 0.75, $fax_footer, 0, 'C', false); } $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false); $pdf->SetTopMargin(0); //save cover pdf $pdf->Output($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'_cover.pdf', "F"); // Display [I]nline, Save to [F]ile, [D]ownload //convert pdf to tif, add to array of pages, delete pdf if (file_exists($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'_cover.pdf')) { chdir($dir_fax_temp); $cmd = gs_cmd("-q -sDEVICE=tiffg32d -r".$gs_r." -g".$gs_g." -dBATCH -dPDFFitPage -dNOSAFER -dNOPAUSE -sOutputFile=".correct_path($fax_instance_uuid)."_cover.tif -- ".correct_path($fax_instance_uuid)."_cover.pdf -c quit"); // echo($cmd . "
\n"); exec($cmd); if (is_array($tif_files) && sizeof($tif_files) > 0) { array_unshift($tif_files, $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'_cover.tif'); } else { $tif_files[] = $dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'_cover.tif'; } @unlink($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'_cover.pdf'); } } //combine tif files into single multi-page tif if (is_array($tif_files) && sizeof($tif_files) > 0) { $cmd = exec('which tiffcp')." -c none "; foreach ($tif_files as $tif_file) { $cmd .= correct_path($tif_file) . ' '; } $cmd .= correct_path($dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'.tif'); //echo($cmd . "
\n"); exec($cmd); //generate pdf from tif $cmd = exec('which tiff2pdf').' -u i -p '.$fax_page_size. ' -w '.$page_width. ' -l '.$page_height. ' -f -o '. correct_path($dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'.pdf').' '. correct_path($dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'.tif'); exec($cmd); //echo $cmd."
\n"; //remove the extra files foreach ($tif_files as $tif_file) { @unlink($tif_file); } } elseif (!$included) { //nothing to send, redirect the browser message::add($text['message-invalid-fax'], 'negative', 4000); header("Location: fax_send.php?id=".$fax_uuid); exit; } //preview, if requested if (($_REQUEST['submit'] != '') && ($_REQUEST['submit'] == 'preview')) { unset($file_type); if (file_exists($dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'.pdf')) { $file_path = $dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".pdf"; $file_type = 'pdf'; $content_type = 'application/pdf'; @unlink($dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".tif"); } else if (file_exists($dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.'.tif')) { $file_path = $dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".tif"; $file_type = 'tif'; $content_type = 'image/tiff'; @unlink($dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".pdf"); } if ($file_type != '') { //push download $fd = fopen($file_path, "rb"); header("Content-Type: application/force-download"); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Type: application/download"); header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$fax_instance_uuid.'.'.$file_type.'"'); header("Content-Type: ".$content_type); header('Accept-Ranges: bytes'); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // date in the past header("Content-Length: ".filesize($file_path)); fpassthru($fd); @unlink($file_path); } exit; } //prepare variables send the fax $mail_from_address = (isset($_SESSION['fax']['smtp_from']['text'])) ? $_SESSION['fax']['smtp_from']['text'] : $_SESSION['email']['smtp_from']['text']; //get the fax mail to address and fax prefix $sql = "select * from v_fax where fax_uuid = :fax_uuid "; $parameters['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; $database = new database; $row = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'row'); $mail_to_address = $row["fax_email"]; $fax_prefix = $row["fax_prefix"]; unset($sql, $parameters, $row); //for email to fax send email notification back to the email sender if ($included) { //use email-to-fax from address $mail_to_address = $sender_email; } else { //send fax through the browser } //move the generated tif (and pdf) files to the sent directory //if (file_exists($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".tif")) { // copy($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".tif", $dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".tif"); //} //if (file_exists($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".pdf")) { // copy($dir_fax_temp.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".pdf ", $dir_fax_sent.'/'.$fax_instance_uuid.".pdf"); //} //set the fax $fax_queue_uuid = uuid(); //send the fax $fax_file = $dir_fax_sent."/".$fax_instance_uuid.".tif"; $common_variables .= "fax_queue_uuid='" . escapeshellarg($fax_queue_uuid) . "',"; $common_variables = "for_fax=1,"; $common_variables .= "accountcode='" . escapeshellarg($fax_accountcode) . "',"; $common_variables .= "sip_h_X-accountcode='" . escapeshellarg($fax_accountcode) . "',"; $common_variables .= "domain_uuid=" . escapeshellarg($_SESSION["domain_uuid"]) . ","; $common_variables .= "domain_name=" . escapeshellarg($_SESSION["domain_name"]) . ","; $common_variables .= "origination_caller_id_name='" . escapeshellarg($fax_caller_id_name) . "',"; $common_variables .= "origination_caller_id_number='" . escapeshellarg($fax_caller_id_number) . "',"; $common_variables .= "fax_ident='" . escapeshellarg($fax_caller_id_number) . "',"; $common_variables .= "fax_header='" . escapeshellarg($fax_caller_id_name) . "',"; $common_variables .= "fax_file='" . escapeshellarg($fax_file) . "',"; foreach ($fax_numbers as $fax_number) { $fax_number = trim($fax_number); fax_split_dtmf($fax_number, $fax_dtmf); //prepare the fax command if (strlen($fax_toll_allow) > 0) { $channel_variables["toll_allow"] = $fax_toll_allow; } $route_array = outbound_route_to_bridge($_SESSION['domain_uuid'], $fax_prefix . $fax_number, $channel_variables); if (count($route_array) == 0) { //send the internal call to the registered extension $fax_uri = "user/".$fax_number."@".$_SESSION['domain_name']; $fax_variables = ""; } else { //send the external call $fax_uri = $route_array[0]; $fax_variables = ""; foreach($_SESSION['fax']['variable'] as $variable) { $fax_variables .= escapeshellarg($variable).","; } } //build the fax dial string $dial_string = $common_variables; $dial_string .= $fax_variables; $dial_string .= "mailto_address='" . escapeshellarg($mail_to_address) . "',"; $dial_string .= "mailfrom_address='" . escapeshellarg($mail_from_address) . "',"; $dial_string .= "fax_uri=" . escapeshellarg($fax_uri) . ","; $dial_string .= "fax_retry_attempts=1" . ","; $dial_string .= "fax_retry_limit=20" . ","; $dial_string .= "fax_retry_sleep=180" . ","; $dial_string .= "fax_verbose=true" . ","; $dial_string .= "fax_use_ecm=off" . ","; if ($_SESSION['fax_queue']['enabled']['boolean']) { $dial_string .= "api_hangup_hook='lua app/fax/resources/scripts/hangup_tx.lua'"; } else { $dial_string .= "api_hangup_hook='lua fax_retry.lua'"; } $dial_string = "{" . $dial_string . "}" . $fax_uri." &txfax('".$fax_file."')"; //add fax to the fax queue or send it directly if ($_SESSION['fax_queue']['enabled']['boolean']) { //build an array to add the fax to the queue $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_queue_uuid'] = $fax_queue_uuid; $array['fax_queue'][0]['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_date'] = 'now()'; $array['fax_queue'][0]['hostname'] = gethostname(); $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_caller_id_name'] = $fax_caller_id_name; $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_caller_id_number'] = $fax_caller_id_number; $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_number'] = $fax_number; $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_prefix'] = $fax_prefix; $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_email_address'] = $mail_to_address; $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_file'] = $fax_file; $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_status'] = 'waiting'; //$array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_retry_date'] = $fax_retry_date; $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_retry_count'] = 0; $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_accountcode'] = $fax_accountcode; $array['fax_queue'][0]['fax_command'] = 'originate '.$dial_string; //add temporary permisison $p = new permissions; $p->add('fax_queue_add', 'temp'); //save the data $database = new database; $database->app_name = 'fax queue'; $database->app_uuid = '3656287f-4b22-4cf1-91f6-00386bf488f4'; $database->save($array); //remove temporary permisison $p->delete('fax_queue_add', 'temp'); //add message to show in the browser message::add($text['confirm-queued']); } else { //send the fax directly $fp = event_socket_create($_SESSION['event_socket_ip_address'], $_SESSION['event_socket_port'], $_SESSION['event_socket_password']); if ($fp) { $cmd = "api originate " . $dial_string; $response = event_socket_request($fp, $cmd); $response = str_replace("\n", "", $response); $uuid = str_replace("+OK ", "", $response); } fclose($fp); //add message to show in the browser message::add($text['confirm-sent']." ".$response); } } //redirect the browser if (!$included && is_uuid($fax_uuid)) { if ($_SESSION['fax_queue']['enabled']['boolean']) { //header("Location: ".PROJECT_PATH."/app/fax_queue/fax_queue.php?id=".$fax_uuid); header("Location: ".PROJECT_PATH."fax.php"); } else { header("Location: fax_files.php?id=".$fax_uuid."&box=sent"); //header("Location: fax_outbox.php?id=".$fax_uuid); } exit; } } //end upload and send fax //show content in the browser if (!$included) { //retrieve current user's assigned groups (uuids) foreach ($_SESSION['groups'] as $group_data) { $user_group_uuids[] = $group_data['group_uuid']; } //add user's uuid to group uuid list to include private (non-shared) contacts $user_group_uuids[] = $_SESSION["user_uuid"]; $sql = "select "; $sql .= "c.contact_organization, "; $sql .= "c.contact_name_given, "; $sql .= "c.contact_name_family, "; $sql .= "c.contact_nickname, "; $sql .= "cp.phone_number "; $sql .= "from "; $sql .= "v_contacts as c, "; $sql .= "v_contact_phones as cp "; $sql .= "where "; $sql .= "c.contact_uuid = cp.contact_uuid "; $sql .= "and c.domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and cp.domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and cp.phone_type_fax = 1 "; $sql .= "and cp.phone_number is not null "; $sql .= "and cp.phone_number <> '' "; if ($_SESSION['contact']['permissions']['boolean'] == "true") { if (is_array($user_group_uuids) && @sizeof($user_group_uuids) != 0) { //only show contacts assigned to current user's group(s) and those not assigned to any group $sql .= "and ("; $sql .= " c.contact_uuid in ( "; $sql .= " select contact_uuid from v_contact_groups "; $sql .= " where ("; foreach ($user_group_uuids as $index => $user_group_uuid) { $sql .= $or; $sql .= " group_uuid = :group_uuid_".$index." "; $parameters['group_uuid_'.$index] = $user_group_uuid; $or = " or "; } unset($user_group_uuids, $index, $user_group_uuid, $or); $sql .= " ) "; $sql .= " and domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= " ) "; $sql .= " or "; $sql .= " c.contact_uuid not in ( "; $sql .= " select contact_uuid from v_contact_groups "; $sql .= " where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= " ) "; $sql .= ") "; } } $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $database = new database; $contacts = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all'); unset($sql, $parameters, $row); //build the contact labels if (is_array($contacts) && @sizeof($contacts) != 0) { foreach ($contacts as &$row) { if ($row['contact_organization'] != '') { $contact_option_label = $row['contact_organization']; } if ($row['contact_name_given'] != '' || $row['contact_name_family'] != '' || $row['contact_nickname'] != '') { $contact_option_label .= ($row['contact_organization'] != '') ? "," : null; $contact_option_label .= ($row['contact_name_given'] != '') ? (($row['contact_organization'] != '') ? " " : null).$row['contact_name_given'] : null; $contact_option_label .= ($row['contact_name_family'] != '') ? (($row['contact_organization'] != '' || $row['contact_name_given'] != '') ? " " : null).$row['contact_name_family'] : null; $contact_option_label .= ($row['contact_nickname'] != '') ? (($row['contact_organization'] != '' || $row['contact_name_given'] != '' || $row['contact_name_family'] != '') ? " (".$row['contact_nickname'].")" : $row['contact_nickname']) : null; } $contact_option_value_recipient = $contact_option_label; $contact_option_value_faxnumber = $row['phone_number']; $contact_option_label .= " ".escape(format_phone($row['phone_number'])); $contact_labels[] = $contact_option_label; $contact_values[] = $contact_option_value_faxnumber."|".$contact_option_value_recipient; unset($contact_option_label); } if (is_array($contact_labels)) { //sort by name(s) asort($contact_labels, SORT_NATURAL); } } //create token $object = new token; $token = $object->create($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); //show the header $document['title'] = $text['title-new_fax']; require_once "resources/header.php"; //javascript to toggle input/select boxes, add fax numbers echo "\n"; echo ""; //show the content echo "
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\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo $text['description-2']." ".(permission_exists('fax_extension_view_domain') ? $text['description-3'] : null)."\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if (permission_exists('fax_subject')) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } if (permission_exists('fax_message')) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } if (permission_exists('fax_footer')) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "
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