crt 1ae2ee4397 updated guided and first test 2024-04-15 00:10:20 +02:00
.. updated guided and first test 2024-04-15 00:10:20 +02:00

Example Installation Guide

I went with the fine choice of using Artix with the dinit system as a base a. Because I dont feel like making my own ISO yet and b. Because I am definetly not maintaining my own Linux repo for pacman

Boot Artix ISO

For now this guide is only for UEFI systems, just go and follow the Artix Base Install steps if you run a Legacy system

Load US keyboard layout

loadkeys us

Partition disk using fdisk or whatever you preffer

fdisk /dev/whatever

Make 3 Partitions : 1 EFI a 128MB-512MB, 1 SWAP (I usually just use twice the size of my physical RAM), 1 for your data (or more if you wish to mount home on something else)

Format partitions

data partition

mkfs.btrfs -L DATA /dev/whateverp2

It is planned to have that drive encrypted so glowies cant access you data over 5G waves


mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/whateverp1 fatlabel /dev/whateverp1 ESP

i love fatlabel command, reminds me of your mom

get disk uuids

sudo blkid

hahah blkid sounds like ... actually nevermind im not going to cancell myself that badly for a joke

mount stuff

swapon /dev/disk/by-uuid/swapuuid mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/datauuid /mnt mkdir /mnt/boot mkdir /mnt/boot/efi mount /dev/disk/by-uuid/datauuid

connect to internets

plug in ethernet or use iwctl for wifi ping

update systems rtc

dinitctl start ntpd

base install

basestrap /mnt base base-devel dinit elogind-dinit

then because artix is autistic and goofy do this basestrap -i /mnt base

install a preexisting kernel so we have one to finish the installation and rely on to not be broken like schizokernel

basestrap /mnt linux-zen linux-zen-headers linux-firmware

copy existing fstabber to installation

fstabgen -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

chroot into installtion

artix-chroot /mnt

install tmux so i have two screens to work with

pacman -S tmux tmux new-session ; split-window -h ; attach (switch by pressing ctrl+b and after that arrow keys)

set region

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Zurich /etc/localtime hwclock --systohc date


pacman -S nano nano /etc/locale.gen locale-gen

nano /etc/locale.conf add this : export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_COLLATE="C" export LC_ALL="C" export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8

boot loader

for now grub even though id prefer to use elilo or direct efi booting (will add later to guide)

pacman -S grub os-prober efibootmgr grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=schizOS grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

set root passwd


add user with sudo righters and stuff so i can use it as good desktop user

pacman -S sudo EDITOR=nano visudo make changes lol useradd -m -g users -G wheel -s /bin/bash crt passwd crt

set hostname

nano /etc/hosts localhost ::1 localhost schizobook.ada schizoboot

nano etc/conf.d/hostname

netowrk stuff

pacman -S dhclient iwd networkmananger networkmanager-dinit modemmanager ln -s ../NetworkManager /etc/dinit.d/boot.d/

change silly name to schizos

nano /etc/os-release nano /etc/lsb-release

done with base install

Now basically use the system as normal till you have everything you need installed Now open all the applications you will need and also establish all network connections you need

Then go and make silly kernel that only supports what you need by going to the linux-schizos folder