
168 lines
6.7 KiB

Version: MPL 1.1
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
The Original Code is FusionPBX
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
Mark J Crane <markjcrane@fusionpbx.com>
Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2022
the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
Mark J Crane <markjcrane@fusionpbx.com>
//get the $apps array from the installed apps from the core and mod directories
if ($domains_processed == 1) {
//get the list of domains
$sql = "select * from v_domains ";
$database = new database;
$domains = $database->select($sql, null, 'all');
//dialplan class
$dialplan = new dialplan;
//update the dialplan order
$database = new database;
$sql = "update v_dialplans set dialplan_order = '870' where dialplan_order = '980' and dialplan_name = 'cidlookup';\n";
$sql = "update v_dialplans set dialplan_order = '880' where dialplan_order = '990' and dialplan_name = 'call_screen';\n";
$sql = "update v_dialplans set dialplan_order = '890' where dialplan_order = '999' and dialplan_name = 'local_extension';\n";
//set empty strings to null
$database = new database;
$sql = "update v_device_lines set outbound_proxy_primary = null where outbound_proxy_primary = '';\n";
$sql = "update v_device_lines set outbound_proxy_secondary = null where outbound_proxy_secondary = '';\n";
//change recording_slots to recording_id
$database = new database;
$sql = "update v_dialplan_details set dialplan_detail_data = 'recording_id=true' ";
$sql .= "where dialplan_uuid in (select dialplan_uuid from v_dialplans where app_uuid = '430737df-5385-42d1-b933-22600d3fb79e') ";
$sql .= "and dialplan_detail_data = 'recording_slots=true'; \n";
$sql = "update v_dialplan_details set dialplan_detail_data = 'recording_id=false' ";
$sql .= "where dialplan_uuid in (select dialplan_uuid from v_dialplans where app_uuid = '430737df-5385-42d1-b933-22600d3fb79e') ";
$sql .= "and dialplan_detail_data = 'recording_slots=false'; \n";
//additional dialplan upgrade commands
if ($domains_processed == 1) {
//add xml for each dialplan where the dialplan xml is empty
$sql = "select domain_name ";
$sql .= "from v_domains \n";
$database = new database;
$results = $database->select($sql, null, 'all');
if (is_array($results) && @sizeof($results) != 0) {
foreach ($results as $row) {
$dialplans = new dialplan;
$dialplans->source = "details";
$dialplans->destination = "database";
$dialplans->context = $row["domain_name"];
$dialplans->is_empty = "dialplan_xml";
$array = $dialplans->xml();
unset($sql, $results);
$dialplans = new dialplan;
$dialplans->source = "details";
$dialplans->destination = "database";
$dialplans->is_empty = "dialplan_xml";
$array = $dialplans->xml();
//delete the follow me bridge dialplan
$database = new database;
$sql = "delete from v_dialplan_details where dialplan_uuid = '8ed73d1f-698f-466c-8a7a-1cf4cd229f7f' ";
$sql = "delete from v_dialplans where dialplan_uuid = '8ed73d1f-698f-466c-8a7a-1cf4cd229f7f' ";
//change dialplan context ${domain_name} to global
$sql = "update v_dialplans set dialplan_context = 'global' ";
$sql .= "where dialplan_context = '\${domain_name}';\n";
//update recordings dialplan change recording_id=true to recording_id
$sql = "update v_dialplans set dialplan_xml = replace(dialplan_xml, 'recording_id=true','recording_id=') where dialplan_xml like '%recording_id=true%'\n";
$sql = "update v_dialplan_details set dialplan_detail_data = 'recording_id=' where dialplan_detail_data = 'recording_id=true'\n";
//add not found dialplan to inbound routes
if ($domains_processed == 1) {
if (is_readable($_SESSION['switch']['dialplan']['dir'])) {
$sql = "select count(*) from v_dialplans ";
$sql .= "where dialplan_uuid = 'ea5339de-1982-46ca-9695-c35176165314' ";
$database = new database;
$num_rows = $database->select($sql, null, 'column');
if ($num_rows == 0) {
$array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_uuid'] = 'ea5339de-1982-46ca-9695-c35176165314';
$array['dialplans'][0]['app_uuid'] = 'c03b422e-13a8-bd1b-e42b-b6b9b4d27ce4';
$array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_context'] = 'public';
$array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_name'] = 'not-found';
$array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_continue'] = 'false';
$array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_order'] = '999';
$array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_enabled'] = 'false';
$array['dialplan_details'][0]['dialplan_uuid'] = 'ea5339de-1982-46ca-9695-c35176165314';
$array['dialplan_details'][0]['dialplan_detail_uuid'] = '8a21744d-b381-4cb0-9930-55b776e4e461';
$array['dialplan_details'][0]['dialplan_detail_tag'] = 'condition';
$array['dialplan_details'][0]['dialplan_detail_type'] = 'context';
$array['dialplan_details'][0]['dialplan_detail_data'] = 'public';
$array['dialplan_details'][0]['dialplan_detail_order'] = '10';
$array['dialplan_details'][1]['dialplan_uuid'] = 'ea5339de-1982-46ca-9695-c35176165314';
$array['dialplan_details'][1]['dialplan_detail_uuid'] = 'e391530c-4078-4b49-bc11-bda4a23ad566';
$array['dialplan_details'][1]['dialplan_detail_tag'] = 'action';
$array['dialplan_details'][1]['dialplan_detail_type'] = 'log';
$array['dialplan_details'][1]['dialplan_detail_data'] = 'WARNING [inbound routes] 404 not found \${sip_network_ip}';
$array['dialplan_details'][1]['dialplan_detail_order'] = '20';
$p = new permissions;
$p->add('dialplan_add', 'temp');
$p->add('dialplan_detail_add', 'temp');
$database = new database;
$database->app_name = 'dialplans';
$database->app_uuid = '742714e5-8cdf-32fd-462c-cbe7e3d655db';
$database->save($array, false);
$p->delete('dialplan_add', 'temp');
$p->delete('dialplan_detail_add', 'temp');
unset($sql, $num_rows);