
361 lines
11 KiB

Version: MPL 1.1
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
The Original Code is FusionPBX
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
Mark J Crane <markjcrane@fusionpbx.com>
Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2015
the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
Mark J Crane <markjcrane@fusionpbx.com>
require_once "root.php";
require_once "resources/require.php";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
if (!permission_exists('contact_time_add')) { echo "access denied"; exit; }
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text;
$text = $language->get();
//get contact uuid
$domain_uuid = $_REQUEST['domain_uuid'];
$contact_uuid = $_REQUEST['contact_uuid'];
//get posted variables & set time status
if (is_array($_POST) && @sizeof($_POST) != 0) {
$contact_time_uuid = $_POST['contact_time_uuid'];
$contact_uuid = $_POST['contact_uuid'];
$time_action = $_POST['time_action'];
$time_description = $_POST['time_description'];
if ($time_description == 'Description...') { unset($time_description); }
if ($time_action == 'start') {
$contact_time_uuid = uuid();
$array['contact_times'][0]['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid;
$array['contact_times'][0]['contact_time_uuid'] = $contact_time_uuid;
$array['contact_times'][0]['contact_uuid'] = $contact_uuid;
$array['contact_times'][0]['user_uuid'] = $_SESSION["user"]["user_uuid"];
$array['contact_times'][0]['time_start'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$array['contact_times'][0]['time_description'] = $time_description;
if ($time_action == 'stop') {
$array['contact_times'][0]['contact_time_uuid'] = $contact_time_uuid;
$array['contact_times'][0]['time_stop'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$array['contact_times'][0]['time_description'] = $time_description;
if (is_array($array) && @sizeof($array) != 0) {
$database = new database;
$database->app_name = 'contacts';
$database->app_uuid = '04481e0e-a478-c559-adad-52bd4174574c';
header("Location: contact_timer.php?domain_uuid=".$domain_uuid."&contact_uuid=".$contact_uuid);
//get contact details
$sql = "select ";
$sql .= "contact_organization, ";
$sql .= "contact_name_given, ";
$sql .= "contact_name_family, ";
$sql .= "contact_nickname ";
$sql .= "from v_contacts ";
$sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid ";
$sql .= "and contact_uuid = :contact_uuid ";
$parameters['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid;
$parameters['contact_uuid'] = $contact_uuid;
$database = new database;
$row = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'row');
if (is_array($row) && @sizeof($row) != 0) {
$contact_organization = $row["contact_organization"];
$contact_name_given = $row["contact_name_given"];
$contact_name_family = $row["contact_name_family"];
$contact_nickname = $row["contact_nickname"];
else {
unset($sql, $parameters, $row);
//determine timer state and action
$sql = "select ";
$sql .= "contact_time_uuid, ";
$sql .= "time_description ";
$sql .= "from v_contact_times ";
$sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid ";
$sql .= "and user_uuid = :user_uuid ";
$sql .= "and contact_uuid = :contact_uuid ";
$sql .= "and time_start is not null ";
$sql .= "and time_stop is null ";
$parameters['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid;
$parameters['user_uuid'] = $_SESSION['user']['user_uuid'];
$parameters['contact_uuid'] = $contact_uuid;
$database = new database;
$row = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'row');
if (is_array($row) && @sizeof($row) != 0) {
$contact_time_uuid = $row["contact_time_uuid"];
$time_description = $row["time_description"];
unset($sql, $parameters, $row);
$timer_state = is_uuid($contact_time_uuid) ? 'running' : 'stopped';
$timer_action = $timer_state == 'running' ? 'stop' : 'start';
//determine contact name to display
if ($contact_nickname != '') {
$contact = $contact_nickname;
else if ($contact_name_given != '') {
$contact = $contact_name_given;
if ($contact_name_family != '') {
$contact .= ($contact != '') ? ' '.$contact_name_family : $contact_name_family;
if ($contact_organization != '') {
$contact .= ($contact != '') ? ', '.$contact_organization : $contact_organization;
//get the browser version
$user_agent = http_user_agent();
$browser_version = $user_agent['version'];
$browser_name = $user_agent['name'];
$browser_version_array = explode('.', $browser_version);
//set the doctype
echo ($browser_name != "Internet Explorer") ? "<!DOCTYPE html>\n" : "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">\n";
<html xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en' lang='en'>
<title><?php echo $text['label-time_timer']; ?>: <?php echo $contact; ?></title>
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DIV.timer_stopped {
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<script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='<?php echo PROJECT_PATH; ?>/resources/jquery/jquery-3.4.1.min.js'></script>
<script src='https://code.jquery.com/jquery-migrate-3.1.0.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
//ajax for refresh
var refresh = 1500;
var source_url = 'contact_timer_inc.php?domain_uuid=<?php echo escape($domain_uuid); ?>&contact_uuid=<?php echo escape($contact_uuid); ?>&contact_time_uuid=<?php echo escape($contact_time_uuid); ?>';
var ajax_get = function () {
url: source_url, success: function(response){
setTimeout(ajax_get, refresh);
<?php if ($timer_state == 'running') { ?>
<?php } ?>
//set window title to time when timer is running
function set_title(title_text) {
window.document.title = title_text;
<img src='resources/images/icon_timer.png' style='width: 24px; height: 24px; border: none; margin-left: 15px;' alt="<?php echo $text['label-time_timer']; ?>" align='right'>
<b><?php echo $text['label-time_timer']; ?></b>
<?php echo $text['description_timer']; ?>
<strong><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="window.opener.location.href='contact_edit.php?id=<?php echo escape($contact_uuid); ?>';"><?php echo escape($contact); ?></a></strong>
<div id='ajax_reponse' class='timer_<?php echo escape($timer_state);?>'>00:00:00</div>
<form name='frm' id='frm' method='post'>
<input type='hidden' name='domain_uuid' value="<?php echo escape($domain_uuid); ?>">
<input type='hidden' name='contact_time_uuid' value="<?php echo escape($contact_time_uuid); ?>">
<input type='hidden' name='contact_uuid' value="<?php echo escape($contact_uuid); ?>">
<input type='hidden' name='time_action' value="<?php echo escape($timer_action); ?>">
<table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' style='width: 100%;'>
<td class='vncell' style='text-align: center; border: none; padding: 0 !important; padding-top: 10px !important;'>
<?php echo $text['label-description']; ?><br>
<textarea name='time_description' id='timer_description' class='formfld' style='width: calc(100% - 30px); height: 50px; margin: 5px 10px 10px;'><?php echo escape($time_description); ?></textarea>
<?php if ($timer_state == 'running') { ?>
<input type='submit' class='btn' value="<?php echo $text['button-stop']; ?>">
<?php } else if ($timer_state == 'stopped') { ?>
<input type='submit' class='btn' value="<?php echo $text['button-start']; ?>">
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($timer_state == 'stopped') { ?><script>$('#timer_description').trigger('focus');</script><?php } ?>