
222 lines
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* authentication
* @method validate uses authentication plugins to check if a user is authorized to login
* @method get_domain used to get the domain name from the URL or username and then sets both domain_name and domain_uuid
class authentication {
* Define variables and their scope
public $debug;
public $db;
public $domain_uuid;
public $domain_name;
public $username;
public $password;
public $plugins;
public $key;
* Called when the object is created
public function __construct() {
* Called when there are no references to a particular object
* unset the variables used in the class
public function __destruct() {
foreach ($this as $key => $value) {
* validate uses authentication plugins to check if a user is authorized to login
* @return array [plugin] => last plugin used to authenticate the user [authorized] => true or false
public function validate() {
//set the default authentication method to the database
if (!is_array($_SESSION['authentication']['methods'])) {
$_SESSION['authentication']['methods'][] = 'database';
//get the domain_name and domain_uuid
if (!isset($this->domain_name) || !isset($this->domain_uuid)) {
//automatically block multiple authentication failures
if (!isset($_SESSION['users']['max_retry']['numeric'])) {
$_SESSION['users']['max_retry']['numeric'] = 5;
if (!isset($_SESSION['users']['find_time']['numeric'])) {
$_SESSION['users']['find_time']['numeric'] = 3600;
$sql = "select count(user_log_uuid) \n";
$sql .= "from v_user_logs \n";
$sql .= "where result = 'failure' \n";
$sql .= "and floor(extract(epoch from now()) - extract(epoch from timestamp)) < :find_time \n";
$sql .= "and type = 'login' \n";
$sql .= "and remote_address = :remote_address \n";
$sql .= "and username = :username \n";
$parameters['remote_address'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$parameters['find_time'] = $_SESSION['users']['find_time']['numeric'];
$parameters['username'] = $this->username;
$database = new database;
$auth_tries = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'column');
if ($_SESSION['users']['max_retry']['numeric'] <= $auth_tries) {
$result["plugin"] = "database";
$result["domain_name"] = $this->domain_name;
$result["username"] = $this->username;
$result["domain_uuid"] = $this->domain_uuid;
$result["authorized"] = "false";
return $result;
//set the database as the default plugin
if (!isset($_SESSION['authentication']['methods'])) {
$_SESSION['authentication']['methods'][] = 'database';
//use the authentication plugins
foreach ($_SESSION['authentication']['methods'] as $name) {
$class_name = "plugin_".$name;
$base = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)) . "/plugins";
$plugin = $base."/".$name.".php";
if (file_exists($plugin)) {
include_once $plugin;
$object = new $class_name();
$object->debug = $this->debug;
$object->domain_name = $this->domain_name;
$object->domain_uuid = $this->domain_uuid;
if (strlen($this->key) > 0) {
$object->key = $this->key;
if (strlen($this->username) > 0) {
$object->username = $this->username;
$object->password = $this->password;
$array = $object->$name();
$result['plugin'] = $array["plugin"];
$result['domain_name'] = $array["domain_name"];
$result['username'] = $array["username"];
if ($this->debug) {
$result["password"] = $this->password;
$result['user_uuid'] = $array["user_uuid"];
$result['contact_uuid'] = $array["contact_uuid"];
$result['domain_uuid'] = $array["domain_uuid"];
$result['authorized'] = $array["authorized"];
if (count($_SESSION['authentication']['methods']) > 1) {
$result['results'][] = $array;
if ($result["authorized"] == "true") {
//add the username to the session
$_SESSION['username'] = $result["username"];
//end the loop
//add user logs
if (file_exists($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"]."/core/user_logs/app_config.php")) {
//return the result
return $result;
* get_domain used to get the domain name from the URL or username and then sets both domain_name and domain_uuid
function get_domain() {
//get the domain from the url
$this->domain_name = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"];
//get the domain name from the username
if ($_SESSION["users"]["unique"]["text"] != "global") {
$username_array = explode("@", $_REQUEST["username"]);
if (count($username_array) > 1) {
//get the domain name
$domain_name = $username_array[count($username_array) -1];
//check if the domain from the username exists then set the domain_uuid
$domain_exists = false;
foreach ($_SESSION['domains'] as $row) {
if (lower_case($row['domain_name']) == lower_case($domain_name)) {
$this->domain_uuid = $row['domain_uuid'];
$domain_exists = true;
//if the domain exists then set domain_name and update the username
if ($domain_exists) {
$this->domain_name = $domain_name;
$this->username = substr($_REQUEST["username"], 0, -(strlen($domain_name)+1));
$_SESSION['domain_uuid'] = $this->domain_uuid;
//unset the domain name variable
//get the domain name from the http value
if (strlen($_REQUEST["domain_name"]) > 0) {
$this->domain_name = $_REQUEST["domain_name"];
//remote port number from the domain name
$domain_array = explode(":", $this->domain_name);
if (count($domain_array) > 1) {
$this->domain_name = $domain_array[0];
//get the domain uuid and domain settings
if (isset($this->domain_name) && !isset($this->domain_uuid)) {
foreach ($_SESSION['domains'] as $row) {
if (lower_case($row['domain_name']) == lower_case($this->domain_name)) {
$this->domain_uuid = $row['domain_uuid'];
$_SESSION['domain_uuid'] = $row['domain_uuid'];
//set the setting arrays
$obj = new domains();
$obj->db = $db;
//set the domain settings
$_SESSION['domain_name'] = $this->domain_name;
$_SESSION['domain_parent_uuid'] = $_SESSION["domain_uuid"];
//set the domain name
return $this->domain_name;
$auth = new authentication;
$auth->username = "user";
$auth->password = "password";
$auth->domain_name = "sip.fusionpbx.com";
$auth->debug = false;
$response = $auth->validate();