Fork of FusionPBX but with LDAP kinda working
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1285 lines
85 KiB

#This file was last reorganized on 19th of September 2017 08:54:24 AM UTC
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['en-us'] = "Outbound Call Routing";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['en-gb'] = "Outbound Call Routing";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['de-at'] = "Routing ausgehender Anrufe"; //copied from de-de
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['de-ch'] = "Routing ausgehender Anrufe"; //copied from de-de
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['de-de'] = "Routing ausgehender Anrufe";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['es-cl'] = "Direccionamiento de llamadas de salida";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['es-mx'] = "Direccionamiento de llamadas de salida"; //copied from es-cl
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['fr-ca'] = "Routage d'appel sortant"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['fr-fr'] = "Routage d'appel sortant";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['he-il'] = "";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['it-it'] = "Rotte di Uscita";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['nl-nl'] = "Uitgaande Oproep routering";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['pl-pl'] = "Przesyłanie (routing) rozmów wychodzących.";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['pt-br'] = "Encaminhamento de chamadas de saída"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['pt-pt'] = "Encaminhamento de chamadas de saída";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['ru-ru'] = "Маршрутизация Исходящих Вызовов";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['sv-se'] = "Utgående Call Routing";
$text['title-dialplan-outbound-add']['uk-ua'] = "Маршрутизація вихідних дзвінків";
$text['message-provide']['en-us'] = "Please Provide";
$text['message-provide']['en-gb'] = "Please Provide";
$text['message-provide']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['message-provide']['de-at'] = "Bitte angeben"; //copied from de-de
$text['message-provide']['de-ch'] = "Bitte angeben"; //copied from de-de
$text['message-provide']['de-de'] = "Bitte angeben";
$text['message-provide']['es-cl'] = "Por favor indique";
$text['message-provide']['es-mx'] = "Por favor indique"; //copied from es-cl
$text['message-provide']['fr-ca'] = "Merci d'indiquer"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['message-provide']['fr-fr'] = "Merci d'indiquer";
$text['message-provide']['he-il'] = "";
$text['message-provide']['it-it'] = "Prego fornire";
$text['message-provide']['nl-nl'] = "Geef aub.:";
$text['message-provide']['pl-pl'] = "Wprowadź";
$text['message-provide']['pt-br'] = "Por favor indique"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['message-provide']['pt-pt'] = "Por favor indique";
$text['message-provide']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['message-provide']['ru-ru'] = "Пожалуйста предоставьте";
$text['message-provide']['sv-se'] = "Var God Ange";
$text['message-provide']['uk-ua'] = "Будь ласка, надайте";
$text['message-add-options2']['en-us'] = "Select another gateway as an alternative to use if the second one fails.";
$text['message-add-options2']['en-gb'] = "Select another gateway as an alternative to use if the second one fails.";
$text['message-add-options2']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['message-add-options2']['de-at'] = "Wählen Sie ein alternatives Gateway aus, falls das zweite Gateway fehlschlägt."; //copied from de-de
$text['message-add-options2']['de-ch'] = "Wählen Sie ein alternatives Gateway aus, falls das zweite Gateway fehlschlägt."; //copied from de-de
$text['message-add-options2']['de-de'] = "Wählen Sie ein alternatives Gateway aus, falls das zweite Gateway fehlschlägt.";
$text['message-add-options2']['es-cl'] = "Seleccione otra pasarela para utilizar de forma alternativa, en caso de que las demas fallen.";
$text['message-add-options2']['es-mx'] = "Seleccione otra pasarela para utilizar de forma alternativa, en caso de que las demas fallen."; //copied from es-cl
$text['message-add-options2']['fr-ca'] = "Choisir une autre passerelle comme alternative si la seconde échoue."; //copied from fr-fr
$text['message-add-options2']['fr-fr'] = "Choisir une autre passerelle comme alternative si la seconde échoue.";
$text['message-add-options2']['he-il'] = "";
$text['message-add-options2']['it-it'] = "Seleziona un altro gateway come alternativa da usare se il secondo fallisce.";
$text['message-add-options2']['nl-nl'] = "Kies een andere gateway als alternatief als de tweede faalt.";
$text['message-add-options2']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz alternatywną Bramę Wyjściową jeśli druga nie prześle rozmowy.";
$text['message-add-options2']['pt-br'] = "Escolha outro gateway como alternativa ao segundo no caso de falha."; //copied from pt-pt
$text['message-add-options2']['pt-pt'] = "Escolha outro gateway como alternativa ao segundo no caso de falha.";
$text['message-add-options2']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['message-add-options2']['ru-ru'] = "Выберите альтернативный шлюз для использования при повторном сбое.";
$text['message-add-options2']['sv-se'] = "Välj en annan gateway som ett alternativ att använda om den andra misslyckas.";
$text['message-add-options2']['uk-ua'] = "Виберіть інший шлюз в якості альтернативи, якщо другого використати не вдається .";
$text['message-add-options1']['en-us'] = "Select another gateway as an alternative to use if the first one fails.";
$text['message-add-options1']['en-gb'] = "Select another gateway as an alternative to use if the first one fails.";
$text['message-add-options1']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['message-add-options1']['de-at'] = "Wählen Sie ein alternatives Gateway aus, falls das erste Gateway fehlschlägt."; //copied from de-de
$text['message-add-options1']['de-ch'] = "Wählen Sie ein alternatives Gateway aus, falls das erste Gateway fehlschlägt."; //copied from de-de
$text['message-add-options1']['de-de'] = "Wählen Sie ein alternatives Gateway aus, falls das erste Gateway fehlschlägt.";
$text['message-add-options1']['es-cl'] = "Seleccione otra pasarela para utilizar de forma alternativa, en caso de que la primera falle.";
$text['message-add-options1']['es-mx'] = "Seleccione otra pasarela para utilizar de forma alternativa, en caso de que la primera falle."; //copied from es-cl
$text['message-add-options1']['fr-ca'] = "Choisir une autre passerelle comme alternative si la première échoue."; //copied from fr-fr
$text['message-add-options1']['fr-fr'] = "Choisir une autre passerelle comme alternative si la première échoue.";
$text['message-add-options1']['he-il'] = "";
$text['message-add-options1']['it-it'] = "Seleziona un altro gateway come alternativa da usare se il primo fallisce.";
$text['message-add-options1']['nl-nl'] = "Kies een andere gateway als alternatief als de eerste faalt.";
$text['message-add-options1']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz alternatywną Bramę Wyjściową jeśli pierwsza nie prześle rozmowy.";
$text['message-add-options1']['pt-br'] = "Escolha outro gateway como alternativa ao primeiro no caso de falha."; //copied from pt-pt
$text['message-add-options1']['pt-pt'] = "Escolha outro gateway como alternativa ao primeiro no caso de falha.";
$text['message-add-options1']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['message-add-options1']['ru-ru'] = "Выберите альтернативный шлюз для использования при первом сбое.";
$text['message-add-options1']['sv-se'] = "Välj en annan gateway som ett alternativ att använda om den första misslyckas.";
$text['message-add-options1']['uk-ua'] = "Виберіть інший шлюз в якості альтернативи, якщо першого використати не вдається .";
$text['message-add-options']['en-us'] = "Select the gateway to use with this outbound route.";
$text['message-add-options']['en-gb'] = "Select the gateway to use with this outbound route.";
$text['message-add-options']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['message-add-options']['de-at'] = "Wählen Sie ein Gateway für die ausgehenden Anrufe aus"; //copied from de-de
$text['message-add-options']['de-ch'] = "Wählen Sie ein Gateway für die ausgehenden Anrufe aus"; //copied from de-de
$text['message-add-options']['de-de'] = "Wählen Sie ein Gateway für die ausgehenden Anrufe aus";
$text['message-add-options']['es-cl'] = "Seleccione una pasarela para utilizar con esta regla de salida.";
$text['message-add-options']['es-mx'] = "Seleccione una pasarela para utilizar con esta regla de salida."; //copied from es-cl
$text['message-add-options']['fr-ca'] = "Choisir la passerelle utilisée par cette route sortante."; //copied from fr-fr
$text['message-add-options']['fr-fr'] = "Choisir la passerelle utilisée par cette route sortante.";
$text['message-add-options']['he-il'] = "";
$text['message-add-options']['it-it'] = "Seleziona il gateway da usare con questa rotta di uscita.";
$text['message-add-options']['nl-nl'] = "Kies de gateway om te gebruiken voor deze uitgaande routering.";
$text['message-add-options']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz Bramę Wyjściową przez którą zostanie przesłana rozmowa wychodząca.";
$text['message-add-options']['pt-br'] = "Seleccione o gateway para usar nesta rota de saída."; //copied from pt-pt
$text['message-add-options']['pt-pt'] = "Seleccione o gateway para usar nesta rota de saída.";
$text['message-add-options']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['message-add-options']['ru-ru'] = "Выберите шлюз для использования с этим исходящим маршрутом.";
$text['message-add-options']['sv-se'] = "Välj den gateway som ska användas med den här utgående routen.";
$text['message-add-options']['uk-ua'] = "Виберіть шлюз для цього вихідного маршруту";
$text['label-toll_allow']['en-us'] = "Toll allow";
$text['label-toll_allow']['en-gb'] = "Toll allow";
$text['label-toll_allow']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-toll_allow']['de-at'] = "Gebührenpflichtige Anrufe erlauben"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-toll_allow']['de-ch'] = "Gebührenpflichtige Anrufe erlauben"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-toll_allow']['de-de'] = "Gebührenpflichtige Anrufe erlauben";
$text['label-toll_allow']['es-cl'] = "Permitir Tarifas Especiales";
$text['label-toll_allow']['es-mx'] = "Permitir Tarifas Especiales"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-toll_allow']['fr-ca'] = "Autoriser le péage"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-toll_allow']['fr-fr'] = "Autoriser le péage";
$text['label-toll_allow']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-toll_allow']['it-it'] = "Destinazioni Abilitate";
$text['label-toll_allow']['nl-nl'] = "Sta betaalde oproep toe";
$text['label-toll_allow']['pl-pl'] = "Zezwalaj na połaczenia specjalne";
$text['label-toll_allow']['pt-br'] = "Permissões"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-toll_allow']['pt-pt'] = "Permissões";
$text['label-toll_allow']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-toll_allow']['ru-ru'] = "Разрешить ВСЕ";
$text['label-toll_allow']['sv-se'] = "Tillåta fjärrsamtal";
$text['label-toll_allow']['uk-ua'] = "TOLL дозволено";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['en-us'] = "PIN Numbers";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['en-gb'] = "PIN Numbers";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['de-at'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['de-ch'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['de-de'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['es-cl'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['es-mx'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['fr-ca'] = "Numéros de pin";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['fr-fr'] = "Numéros de pin";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['it-it'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['nl-nl'] = "PIN code";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['pl-pl'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['pt-br'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['pt-pt'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['ru-ru'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['sv-se'] = "";
$text['label-pin_numbers']['uk-ua'] = "";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['en-us'] = "SIP Gateways";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['en-gb'] = "SIP Gateways";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['de-at'] = "SIP Gateways"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-sip-gateway']['de-ch'] = "SIP Gateways"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-sip-gateway']['de-de'] = "SIP Gateways";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['es-cl'] = "Pasarela SIP";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['es-mx'] = "Pasarela SIP"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-sip-gateway']['fr-ca'] = "Passerelle SIP"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-sip-gateway']['fr-fr'] = "Passerelle SIP";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['it-it'] = "Gateways SIP";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['nl-nl'] = "SIP Gateways";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['pl-pl'] = "Bramy wyjściowe SIP";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['pt-br'] = "SIP Gateways"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-sip-gateway']['pt-pt'] = "SIP Gateways";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['ru-ru'] = "SIP Шлюз";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['sv-se'] = "SIP Gateways";
$text['label-sip-gateway']['uk-ua'] = "SIP Шлюз";
$text['label-prefix']['en-us'] = "Prefix";
$text['label-prefix']['en-gb'] = "Prefix";
$text['label-prefix']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-prefix']['de-at'] = "Präfix"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-prefix']['de-ch'] = "Präfix"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-prefix']['de-de'] = "Präfix";
$text['label-prefix']['es-cl'] = "Prefijo";
$text['label-prefix']['es-mx'] = "Prefijo"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-prefix']['fr-ca'] = "Préfixe"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-prefix']['fr-fr'] = "Préfixe";
$text['label-prefix']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-prefix']['it-it'] = "Prefisso";
$text['label-prefix']['nl-nl'] = "Voorloop";
$text['label-prefix']['pl-pl'] = "Prefiks";
$text['label-prefix']['pt-br'] = "Prefixo"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-prefix']['pt-pt'] = "Prefixo";
$text['label-prefix']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-prefix']['ru-ru'] = "Префикс";
$text['label-prefix']['sv-se'] = "Prefix";
$text['label-prefix']['uk-ua'] = "Префікс";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['en-us'] = "Outbound Routes";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['en-gb'] = "Outbound Routes";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['de-at'] = "Ausgehende Routen"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-outbound-routes']['de-ch'] = "Ausgehende Routen"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-outbound-routes']['de-de'] = "Ausgehende Routen";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['es-cl'] = "Rutas de Salida";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['es-mx'] = "Rutas de Salida"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-outbound-routes']['fr-ca'] = "Routes Sortantes"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-outbound-routes']['fr-fr'] = "Routes Sortantes";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['it-it'] = "Rotte di Uscita";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['nl-nl'] = "Uitgaande route";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['pl-pl'] = "Trasy wyjściowe";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['pt-br'] = "Rotas de Saída"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-outbound-routes']['pt-pt'] = "Rotas de Saída";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['ru-ru'] = "Исходящие маршруты";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['sv-se'] = "Utgående Route";
$text['label-outbound-routes']['uk-ua'] = "Вихідні маршрути";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['en-us'] = "North America International";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['en-gb'] = "North America International";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['de-at'] = "Nordamerika International"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-north_america_intl']['de-ch'] = "Nordamerika International"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-north_america_intl']['de-de'] = "Nordamerika International";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['es-cl'] = "America del Norte Internacional";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['es-mx'] = "America del Norte Internacional"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-north_america_intl']['fr-ca'] = "Amérique du Nord International"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-north_america_intl']['fr-fr'] = "Amérique du Nord International";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['it-it'] = "North America International";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['nl-nl'] = "Noordamerika Internationaal";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['pl-pl'] = "Ameryka Północna międzynarodowe";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['pt-br'] = "América do Norte Internacional"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-north_america_intl']['pt-pt'] = "América do Norte Internacional";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['ru-ru'] = "Северная Америка Международный";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['sv-se'] = "Nordamerika International";
$text['label-north_america_intl']['uk-ua'] = "Північна Америка (міжнародний)";
$text['label-north_america']['en-us'] = "North America";
$text['label-north_america']['en-gb'] = "North America";
$text['label-north_america']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-north_america']['de-at'] = "Nordamerika"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-north_america']['de-ch'] = "Nordamerika"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-north_america']['de-de'] = "Nordamerika";
$text['label-north_america']['es-cl'] = "América del Norte";
$text['label-north_america']['es-mx'] = "América del Norte"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-north_america']['fr-ca'] = "Amérique du Nord"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-north_america']['fr-fr'] = "Amérique du Nord";
$text['label-north_america']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-north_america']['it-it'] = "North America";
$text['label-north_america']['nl-nl'] = "Noord Amerika";
$text['label-north_america']['pl-pl'] = "Ameryka Północna";
$text['label-north_america']['pt-br'] = "América do Norte"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-north_america']['pt-pt'] = "América do Norte";
$text['label-north_america']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-north_america']['ru-ru'] = "Северная Америка";
$text['label-north_america']['sv-se'] = "Nordamerika";
$text['label-north_america']['uk-ua'] = "Північна Америка";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['en-us'] = "North America Islands";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['en-gb'] = "North America Islands";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['de-at'] = "Nordamerika"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-north_america_islands']['de-ch'] = "Nordamerika"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-north_america_islands']['de-de'] = "Nordamerika";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['es-cl'] = "América del Norte";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['es-mx'] = "América del Norte"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-north_america_islands']['fr-ca'] = "Amérique du Nord"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-north_america_islands']['fr-fr'] = "Amérique du Nord";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['it-it'] = "North America";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['nl-nl'] = "Noord Amerika";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['pl-pl'] = "Ameryka Północna";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['pt-br'] = "América do Norte"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-north_america_islands']['pt-pt'] = "América do Norte";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['ru-ru'] = "Северная Америка";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['sv-se'] = "Nordamerika";
$text['label-north_america_islands']['uk-ua'] = "Північна Америка";
$text['label-limit']['en-us'] = "Limit";
$text['label-limit']['en-gb'] = "Limit";
$text['label-limit']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-limit']['de-at'] = "Obergrenze"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-limit']['de-ch'] = "Obergrenze"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-limit']['de-de'] = "Obergrenze";
$text['label-limit']['es-cl'] = "Límite";
$text['label-limit']['es-mx'] = "Límite"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-limit']['fr-ca'] = "Limite"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-limit']['fr-fr'] = "Limite";
$text['label-limit']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-limit']['it-it'] = "Limite";
$text['label-limit']['nl-nl'] = "Limiet";
$text['label-limit']['pl-pl'] = "Limit";
$text['label-limit']['pt-br'] = "Limite"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-limit']['pt-pt'] = "Limite";
$text['label-limit']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-limit']['ru-ru'] = "Лимит";
$text['label-limit']['sv-se'] = "Begränsningar";
$text['label-limit']['uk-ua'] = "Обмеження";
$text['label-intl']['en-us'] = "International";
$text['label-intl']['en-gb'] = "International";
$text['label-intl']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-intl']['de-at'] = "International"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-intl']['de-ch'] = "International"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-intl']['de-de'] = "International";
$text['label-intl']['es-cl'] = "Internacional";
$text['label-intl']['es-mx'] = "Internacional"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-intl']['fr-ca'] = "International"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-intl']['fr-fr'] = "International";
$text['label-intl']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-intl']['it-it'] = "Internazionale";
$text['label-intl']['nl-nl'] = "Internationaal";
$text['label-intl']['pl-pl'] = "Międzynarodowy";
$text['label-intl']['pt-br'] = "Internacional"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-intl']['pt-pt'] = "Internacional";
$text['label-intl']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-intl']['ru-ru'] = "Международный";
$text['label-intl']['sv-se'] = "International";
$text['label-intl']['uk-ua'] = "Міжнародний";
$text['label-gateway-name']['en-us'] = "Gateway Name";
$text['label-gateway-name']['en-gb'] = "Gateway Name";
$text['label-gateway-name']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-gateway-name']['de-at'] = "Gateway Namen"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-gateway-name']['de-ch'] = "Gateway Namen"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-gateway-name']['de-de'] = "Gateway Namen";
$text['label-gateway-name']['es-cl'] = "Nombre de Pasarela";
$text['label-gateway-name']['es-mx'] = "Nombre de Pasarela"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-gateway-name']['fr-ca'] = "Nom de la passerelle"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-gateway-name']['fr-fr'] = "Nom de la passerelle";
$text['label-gateway-name']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-gateway-name']['it-it'] = "Nome Gateway";
$text['label-gateway-name']['nl-nl'] = "Gateway naam";
$text['label-gateway-name']['pl-pl'] = "Nazwa Bramy wyjściowej";
$text['label-gateway-name']['pt-br'] = "Nome do Gateway"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-gateway-name']['pt-pt'] = "Nome do Gateway";
$text['label-gateway-name']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-gateway-name']['ru-ru'] = "Имя Шлюза";
$text['label-gateway-name']['sv-se'] = "Gateway Namn";
$text['label-gateway-name']['uk-ua'] = "Назва шлюза";
$text['label-gateway']['en-us'] = "Gateway";
$text['label-gateway']['en-gb'] = "Gateway";
$text['label-gateway']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-gateway']['de-at'] = "Gateway"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-gateway']['de-ch'] = "Gateway"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-gateway']['de-de'] = "Gateway";
$text['label-gateway']['es-cl'] = "Pasarela";
$text['label-gateway']['es-mx'] = "Pasarela"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-gateway']['fr-ca'] = "Passerelle"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-gateway']['fr-fr'] = "Passerelle";
$text['label-gateway']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-gateway']['it-it'] = "Gateway";
$text['label-gateway']['nl-nl'] = "Gateway";
$text['label-gateway']['pl-pl'] = "Brama wyjściowa";
$text['label-gateway']['pt-br'] = "Gateway"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-gateway']['pt-pt'] = "Gateway";
$text['label-gateway']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-gateway']['ru-ru'] = "Шлюз";
$text['label-gateway']['sv-se'] = "Gateway";
$text['label-gateway']['uk-ua'] = "Шлюз";
$text['label-europe_intl']['en-us'] = "Europe International";
$text['label-europe_intl']['en-gb'] = "Europe International";
$text['label-europe_intl']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-europe_intl']['de-at'] = "Europa international"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-europe_intl']['de-ch'] = "Europa international"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-europe_intl']['de-de'] = "Europa international";
$text['label-europe_intl']['es-cl'] = "Europa Internacional";
$text['label-europe_intl']['es-mx'] = "Europa Internacional"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-europe_intl']['fr-ca'] = "Europe International"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-europe_intl']['fr-fr'] = "Europe International";
$text['label-europe_intl']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-europe_intl']['it-it'] = "Europe International";
$text['label-europe_intl']['nl-nl'] = "Europa Internationaal";
$text['label-europe_intl']['pl-pl'] = "Europa międzynarodowy";
$text['label-europe_intl']['pt-br'] = "Europa Internacional"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-europe_intl']['pt-pt'] = "Europa Internacional";
$text['label-europe_intl']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-europe_intl']['ru-ru'] = "Европа Международный";
$text['label-europe_intl']['sv-se'] = "Europa International";
$text['label-europe_intl']['uk-ua'] = "Європа (міжнародний)";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['en-us'] = "Dialplan Expression";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['en-gb'] = "Dialplan Expression";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['de-at'] = "Wählplan Ausdruck"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['de-ch'] = "Wählplan Ausdruck"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['de-de'] = "Wählplan Ausdruck";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['es-cl'] = "Expresión de plan de marcado";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['es-mx'] = "Expresión de plan de marcado"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['fr-ca'] = "Expression du Plan de numérotation"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['fr-fr'] = "Expression du Plan de numérotation";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['it-it'] = "Espressione Piano Numerazioni";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['nl-nl'] = "Kiesplan uitdrukking";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['pl-pl'] = "Wyrażenie dialplanu";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['pt-br'] = "Expressão do dialplan"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['pt-pt'] = "Expressão do dialplan";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['ru-ru'] = "Регулярные Выражения Плана Нумерации";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['sv-se'] = "Nummerplan Uttryck";
$text['label-dialplan-expression']['uk-ua'] = "Вираз маршрутизації";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['en-us'] = "Dial custom prefix, then Digits";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['en-gb'] = "Dial custom prefix, then Digits";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['de-at'] = "Wähle benutzerdefinierten Präfix, dann Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['de-ch'] = "Wähle benutzerdefinierten Präfix, dann Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['de-de'] = "Wähle benutzerdefinierten Präfix, dann Ziffern";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['es-cl'] = "Marcar prefijo personalizados, luego Dígitos";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['es-mx'] = "Marcar prefijo personalizados, luego Dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['fr-ca'] = "Compose préfixe personnalisé, puis chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['fr-fr'] = "Compose préfixe personnalisé, puis chiffres";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['it-it'] = "Digita il prefisso personalizzato, quindi il Numero";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['nl-nl'] = "Kies aangepaste voorloop, daarna cijfers ";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz swój prefiks a następnie numer.";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['pt-br'] = "Marque prefixo personalizado, seguido de Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['pt-pt'] = "Marque prefixo personalizado, seguido de Dígitos";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите собственный префикс, затем Цифры";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['sv-se'] = "Ring anpassat prefix, sedan siffror";
$text['label-custom_outbound_prefix']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть префікс а потім цифри";
$text['label-alt2']['en-us'] = "Alternate 2";
$text['label-alt2']['en-gb'] = "Alternate 2";
$text['label-alt2']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-alt2']['de-at'] = "Alternative 2"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-alt2']['de-ch'] = "Alternative 2"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-alt2']['de-de'] = "Alternative 2";
$text['label-alt2']['es-cl'] = "Alternativa 2";
$text['label-alt2']['es-mx'] = "Alternativa 2"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-alt2']['fr-ca'] = "Alternative 2"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-alt2']['fr-fr'] = "Alternative 2";
$text['label-alt2']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-alt2']['it-it'] = "Alternativo 2";
$text['label-alt2']['nl-nl'] = "Alternatief 2";
$text['label-alt2']['pl-pl'] = "Alternatywa 2";
$text['label-alt2']['pt-br'] = "Alternativa 2"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-alt2']['pt-pt'] = "Alternativa 2";
$text['label-alt2']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-alt2']['ru-ru'] = "Вариант 2";
$text['label-alt2']['sv-se'] = "Alternativ 2";
$text['label-alt2']['uk-ua'] = "Інший 2";
$text['label-alt1']['en-us'] = "Alternate 1";
$text['label-alt1']['en-gb'] = "Alternate 1";
$text['label-alt1']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-alt1']['de-at'] = "Alternative 1"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-alt1']['de-ch'] = "Alternative 1"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-alt1']['de-de'] = "Alternative 1";
$text['label-alt1']['es-cl'] = "Alternativa 1";
$text['label-alt1']['es-mx'] = "Alternativa 1"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-alt1']['fr-ca'] = "Alternative 1"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-alt1']['fr-fr'] = "Alternative 1";
$text['label-alt1']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-alt1']['it-it'] = "Alternativo 1";
$text['label-alt1']['nl-nl'] = "Alternatief 1";
$text['label-alt1']['pl-pl'] = "Alternatywa 1";
$text['label-alt1']['pt-br'] = "Alternativa 1"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-alt1']['pt-pt'] = "Alternativa 1";
$text['label-alt1']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-alt1']['ru-ru'] = "Вариант 1";
$text['label-alt1']['sv-se'] = "Alternativ 1";
$text['label-alt1']['uk-ua'] = "Інший 1";
$text['label-add-options']['en-us'] = "Additional Options";
$text['label-add-options']['en-gb'] = "Additional Options";
$text['label-add-options']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-add-options']['de-at'] = "Weitere Optionen"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-add-options']['de-ch'] = "Weitere Optionen"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-add-options']['de-de'] = "Weitere Optionen";
$text['label-add-options']['es-cl'] = "Opciones Adicionales";
$text['label-add-options']['es-mx'] = "Opciones Adicionales"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-add-options']['fr-ca'] = "Autres Options"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-add-options']['fr-fr'] = "Autres Options";
$text['label-add-options']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-add-options']['it-it'] = "Opzioni Ulteriori";
$text['label-add-options']['nl-nl'] = "Bijkomende opties";
$text['label-add-options']['pl-pl'] = "Opcje dodatkowe";
$text['label-add-options']['pt-br'] = "Opções Adicionais"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-add-options']['pt-pt'] = "Opções Adicionais";
$text['label-add-options']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-add-options']['ru-ru'] = "Дополнительные опции";
$text['label-add-options']['sv-se'] = "Ytterligare Inställningar";
$text['label-add-options']['uk-ua'] = "Додаткові параметри";
$text['label-accountcode']['en-us'] = "Account Code";
$text['label-accountcode']['en-gb'] = "Account Code";
$text['label-accountcode']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-accountcode']['de-at'] = "Kontoschlüssel"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-accountcode']['de-ch'] = "Kontoschlüssel"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-accountcode']['de-de'] = "Kontoschlüssel";
$text['label-accountcode']['es-cl'] = "Código de Cuenta";
$text['label-accountcode']['es-mx'] = "Código de Cuenta"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-accountcode']['fr-ca'] = "Code de compte"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-accountcode']['fr-fr'] = "Code de compte";
$text['label-accountcode']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-accountcode']['it-it'] = "Account Code";
$text['label-accountcode']['nl-nl'] = "Account code";
$text['label-accountcode']['pl-pl'] = "Numer konta billingowego";
$text['label-accountcode']['pt-br'] = "Conta"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-accountcode']['pt-pt'] = "Conta";
$text['label-accountcode']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-accountcode']['ru-ru'] = "Код Учетной Записи";
$text['label-accountcode']['sv-se'] = "Konto Kod";
$text['label-accountcode']['uk-ua'] = "Код облікового запису";
$text['label-9d9']['en-us'] = "Dial 9, then 9 Digits";
$text['label-9d9']['en-gb'] = "Dial 9, then 9 Digits";
$text['label-9d9']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d9']['de-at'] = "Wähle 9, dann 9 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d9']['de-ch'] = "Wähle 9, dann 9 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d9']['de-de'] = "Wähle 9, dann 9 Ziffern";
$text['label-9d9']['es-cl'] = "Marcar 9, luego 9 dígitos";
$text['label-9d9']['es-mx'] = "Marcar 9, luego 9 dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-9d9']['fr-ca'] = "Composer le 9, puis 9 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d9']['fr-fr'] = "Composer le 9, puis 9 chiffres";
$text['label-9d9']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d9']['it-it'] = "Digita 9, seguito da 9 Cifre";
$text['label-9d9']['nl-nl'] = "Kies 9, dan 9 cijfers";
$text['label-9d9']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz 9, a następnie 9 cyfr";
$text['label-9d9']['pt-br'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 9 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d9']['pt-pt'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 9 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d9']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d9']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите 9, затем 9 цифр";
$text['label-9d9']['sv-se'] = "Ring 9, sedan 9 siffror";
$text['label-9d9']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть 9, а потім 9 цифр";
$text['label-9d8']['en-us'] = "Dial 9, then 8 Digits";
$text['label-9d8']['en-gb'] = "Dial 9, then 8 Digits";
$text['label-9d8']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d8']['de-at'] = "Wähle 9, dann 8 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d8']['de-ch'] = "Wähle 9, dann 8 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d8']['de-de'] = "Wähle 9, dann 8 Ziffern";
$text['label-9d8']['es-cl'] = "Marcar 9, luego 8 dígitos";
$text['label-9d8']['es-mx'] = "Marcar 9, luego 8 dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-9d8']['fr-ca'] = "Composer le 9, puis 8 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d8']['fr-fr'] = "Composer le 9, puis 8 chiffres";
$text['label-9d8']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d8']['it-it'] = "Digita 9, seguito da 8 cifre";
$text['label-9d8']['nl-nl'] = "Kies 9, dan 8 cijfers";
$text['label-9d8']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz 9, a następnie 8 cyfr";
$text['label-9d8']['pt-br'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 8 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d8']['pt-pt'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 8 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d8']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d8']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите 9, затем 8 цифр";
$text['label-9d8']['sv-se'] = "Ring 9, sedan 8 siffror";
$text['label-9d8']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть 9, а потім 8 цифр";
$text['label-9d7']['en-us'] = "Dial 9, then 7 Digits";
$text['label-9d7']['en-gb'] = "Dial 9, then 7 Digits";
$text['label-9d7']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d7']['de-at'] = "Wähle 9, dann 7 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d7']['de-ch'] = "Wähle 9, dann 7 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d7']['de-de'] = "Wähle 9, dann 7 Ziffern";
$text['label-9d7']['es-cl'] = "Marcar 9, luego 7 dígitos";
$text['label-9d7']['es-mx'] = "Marcar 9, luego 7 dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-9d7']['fr-ca'] = "Composer le 9, puis 7 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d7']['fr-fr'] = "Composer le 9, puis 7 chiffres";
$text['label-9d7']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d7']['it-it'] = "Digita 9, seguito da 7 cifre";
$text['label-9d7']['nl-nl'] = "Kies 9, dan 7 cijfers";
$text['label-9d7']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz 9, a następnie 7 cyfr";
$text['label-9d7']['pt-br'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 7 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d7']['pt-pt'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 7 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d7']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d7']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите 9, затем 7 цифр";
$text['label-9d7']['sv-se'] = "Ring 9, sedan 7 siffror";
$text['label-9d7']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть 9, а потім 7 цифр";
$text['label-9d6']['en-us'] = "Dial 9, then 6 Digits";
$text['label-9d6']['en-gb'] = "Dial 9, then 6 Digits";
$text['label-9d6']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d6']['de-at'] = "Wähle 9, dann 6 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d6']['de-ch'] = "Wähle 9, dann 6 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d6']['de-de'] = "Wähle 9, dann 6 Ziffern";
$text['label-9d6']['es-cl'] = "";
$text['label-9d6']['es-mx'] = "";
$text['label-9d6']['fr-ca'] = "Composer le 9, puis 6 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d6']['fr-fr'] = "Composer le 9, puis 6 chiffres";
$text['label-9d6']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d6']['it-it'] = "Digita 9, seguito da 6 cifre";
$text['label-9d6']['nl-nl'] = "Kies 9, dan 6 cijfers";
$text['label-9d6']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz 9, a następnie 6 cyfr";
$text['label-9d6']['pt-br'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 6 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d6']['pt-pt'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 6 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d6']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d6']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите 9, затем 6 цифр";
$text['label-9d6']['sv-se'] = "Ring 9, sedan 6 siffror";
$text['label-9d6']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть 9, а потім 6 цифр";
$text['label-9d5']['en-us'] = "Dial 9, then 5 Digits";
$text['label-9d5']['en-gb'] = "Dial 9, then 5 Digits";
$text['label-9d5']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d5']['de-at'] = "Wähle 9, dann 5 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d5']['de-ch'] = "Wähle 9, dann 5 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d5']['de-de'] = "Wähle 9, dann 5 Ziffern";
$text['label-9d5']['es-cl'] = "Marcar 9, luego 5 dígitos";
$text['label-9d5']['es-mx'] = "Marcar 9, luego 5 dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-9d5']['fr-ca'] = "Composer le 9, puis 5 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d5']['fr-fr'] = "Composer le 9, puis 5 chiffres";
$text['label-9d5']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d5']['it-it'] = "Digita 9, seguito da 5 cifre";
$text['label-9d5']['nl-nl'] = "Kies 9, dan 5 cijfers";
$text['label-9d5']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz 9, a następnie 5 cyfr";
$text['label-9d5']['pt-br'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 5 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d5']['pt-pt'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 5 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d5']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d5']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите 9, затем 5 цифр";
$text['label-9d5']['sv-se'] = "Ring 9, sedan 5 siffror";
$text['label-9d5']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть 9, а потім 5 цифр";
$text['label-9d4']['en-us'] = "Dial 9, then 4 Digits";
$text['label-9d4']['en-gb'] = "Dial 9, then 4 Digits";
$text['label-9d4']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d4']['de-at'] = "Wähle 9, dann 4 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d4']['de-ch'] = "Wähle 9, dann 4 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d4']['de-de'] = "Wähle 9, dann 4 Ziffern";
$text['label-9d4']['es-cl'] = "Marcar 9, luego 4 dígitos";
$text['label-9d4']['es-mx'] = "Marcar 9, luego 4 dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-9d4']['fr-ca'] = "Composer le 9, puis 4 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d4']['fr-fr'] = "Composer le 9, puis 4 chiffres";
$text['label-9d4']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d4']['it-it'] = "Digita 9, seguito da 4 cifre";
$text['label-9d4']['nl-nl'] = "Kies 9, dan 4 cijfers";
$text['label-9d4']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz 9, a następnie 4 cyfry";
$text['label-9d4']['pt-br'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 4 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d4']['pt-pt'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 4 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d4']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d4']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите 9, затем 4 цифры";
$text['label-9d4']['sv-se'] = "Ring 9, sedan 4 siffror";
$text['label-9d4']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть 9, а потім 4 цифр";
$text['label-9d3']['en-us'] = "Dial 9, then 3 Digits";
$text['label-9d3']['en-gb'] = "Dial 9, then 3 Digits";
$text['label-9d3']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d3']['de-at'] = "Wähle 9, dann 3 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d3']['de-ch'] = "Wähle 9, dann 3 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d3']['de-de'] = "Wähle 9, dann 3 Ziffern";
$text['label-9d3']['es-cl'] = "Marcar 9, luego 3 dígitos";
$text['label-9d3']['es-mx'] = "Marcar 9, luego 3 dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-9d3']['fr-ca'] = "Composer le 9, puis 3 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d3']['fr-fr'] = "Composer le 9, puis 3 chiffres";
$text['label-9d3']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d3']['it-it'] = "Digita 9, seguito da 3 cifre";
$text['label-9d3']['nl-nl'] = "Kies 9, dan 3 cijfers";
$text['label-9d3']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz 9, a następnie 3 cyfry";
$text['label-9d3']['pt-br'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 3 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d3']['pt-pt'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 3 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d3']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d3']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите 9, затем 3 цифры";
$text['label-9d3']['sv-se'] = "Ring 9, sedan 3 siffror";
$text['label-9d3']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть 9, а потім 3 цифр";
$text['label-9d2']['en-us'] = "Dial 9, then 2 Digits";
$text['label-9d2']['en-gb'] = "Dial 9, then 2 Digits";
$text['label-9d2']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d2']['de-at'] = "Wähle 9, dann 2 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d2']['de-ch'] = "Wähle 9, dann 2 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d2']['de-de'] = "Wähle 9, dann 2 Ziffern";
$text['label-9d2']['es-cl'] = "Marcar 9, luego 2 dígitos";
$text['label-9d2']['es-mx'] = "Marcar 9, luego 2 dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-9d2']['fr-ca'] = "Composer le 9, puis 2 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d2']['fr-fr'] = "Composer le 9, puis 2 chiffres";
$text['label-9d2']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d2']['it-it'] = "Digita 9, seguito da 2 cifre";
$text['label-9d2']['nl-nl'] = "Kies 9, dan 2 cijfers";
$text['label-9d2']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz 9, a następnie 2 cyfry";
$text['label-9d2']['pt-br'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 2 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d2']['pt-pt'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 2 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d2']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d2']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите 9, затем 2 цифры";
$text['label-9d2']['sv-se'] = "Ring 9, sedan 2 siffror";
$text['label-9d2']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть 9, а потім 2 цифр";
$text['label-9d11']['en-us'] = "Dial 9, then 11 Digits";
$text['label-9d11']['en-gb'] = "Dial 9, then 11 Digits";
$text['label-9d11']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d11']['de-at'] = "Wähle 9, dann 11 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d11']['de-ch'] = "Wähle 9, dann 11 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d11']['de-de'] = "Wähle 9, dann 11 Ziffern";
$text['label-9d11']['es-cl'] = "Marcar 9, luego 11 dígitos";
$text['label-9d11']['es-mx'] = "Marcar 9, luego 11 dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-9d11']['fr-ca'] = "Composer le 9, puis 11 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d11']['fr-fr'] = "Composer le 9, puis 11 chiffres";
$text['label-9d11']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d11']['it-it'] = "Digita 9, seguito da 11 cifre";
$text['label-9d11']['nl-nl'] = "Kies 9, dan 11 cijfers";
$text['label-9d11']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz 9, a następnie 11 cyfr";
$text['label-9d11']['pt-br'] = "Maruqe 9, seguido de 11 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d11']['pt-pt'] = "Maruqe 9, seguido de 11 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d11']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d11']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите 9, затем 11 цифр";
$text['label-9d11']['sv-se'] = "Ring 9, sedan 11 siffror";
$text['label-9d11']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть 9, а потім 11 цифр";
$text['label-9d10']['en-us'] = "Dial 9, then 10 Digits";
$text['label-9d10']['en-gb'] = "Dial 9, then 10 Digits";
$text['label-9d10']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d10']['de-at'] = "Wähle 9, dann 10 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d10']['de-ch'] = "Wähle 9, dann 10 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d10']['de-de'] = "Wähle 9, dann 10 Ziffern";
$text['label-9d10']['es-cl'] = "Marcar 9, luego 10 dígitos";
$text['label-9d10']['es-mx'] = "Marcar 9, luego 10 dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-9d10']['fr-ca'] = "Composer le 9, puis 10 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d10']['fr-fr'] = "Composer le 9, puis 10 chiffres";
$text['label-9d10']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d10']['it-it'] = "Digita 9, seguito da 10 cifre";
$text['label-9d10']['nl-nl'] = "Kies 9, dan 10 cijfers";
$text['label-9d10']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz 9, a następnie 10 cyfr";
$text['label-9d10']['pt-br'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 10 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d10']['pt-pt'] = "Marque 9, seguido de 10 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d10']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d10']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите 9, затем 10 цифр";
$text['label-9d10']['sv-se'] = "Ring 9, sedan 10 siffror";
$text['label-9d10']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть 9, а потім 10 цифр";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['en-us'] = "Dial 9, then International";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['en-gb'] = "Dial 9, then International";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['de-at'] = "Wähle 9, dann international"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d.12-20']['de-ch'] = "Wähle 9, dann international"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d.12-20']['de-de'] = "Wähle 9, dann international";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['es-cl'] = "Marcar 9, luego Internacional";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['es-mx'] = "Marcar 9, luego Internacional"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-9d.12-20']['fr-ca'] = "Composer le 9, puis International"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d.12-20']['fr-fr'] = "Composer le 9, puis International";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['it-it'] = "Digita 9, seguito da numero Internazionale";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['nl-nl'] = "Kies 9, dan internationaal";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz 9 a następnie format międzynarodowy";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['pt-br'] = "Marque 9, seguido de Internacional"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d.12-20']['pt-pt'] = "Marque 9, seguido de Internacional";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['ru-ru'] = "Наберите 9, затем Международный";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['sv-se'] = "Ring 9, sedan International";
$text['label-9d.12-20']['uk-ua'] = "Наберіть 9, а потім міжнародний номер";
$text['label-9d']['en-us'] = "9 Digits";
$text['label-9d']['en-gb'] = "9 Digits";
$text['label-9d']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-9d']['de-at'] = "9 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d']['de-ch'] = "9 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-9d']['de-de'] = "9 Ziffern";
$text['label-9d']['es-cl'] = "9 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d']['es-mx'] = "9 Dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-9d']['fr-ca'] = "9 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-9d']['fr-fr'] = "9 chiffres";
$text['label-9d']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-9d']['it-it'] = "9 Cifre";
$text['label-9d']['nl-nl'] = "9 Cijfers";
$text['label-9d']['pl-pl'] = "9 cyfr";
$text['label-9d']['pt-br'] = "9 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-9d']['pt-pt'] = "9 Dígitos";
$text['label-9d']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-9d']['ru-ru'] = "9 Цифр";
$text['label-9d']['sv-se'] = "9 Siffror";
$text['label-9d']['uk-ua'] = "9 цифр";
$text['label-911']['en-us'] = "911 Emergency";
$text['label-911']['en-gb'] = "911 Emergency";
$text['label-911']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-911']['de-at'] = "911 Notruf (USA)"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-911']['de-ch'] = "911 Notruf (USA)"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-911']['de-de'] = "911 Notruf (USA)";
$text['label-911']['es-cl'] = "911 Emergencias";
$text['label-911']['es-mx'] = "911 Emergencias"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-911']['fr-ca'] = "911 Urgence"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-911']['fr-fr'] = "911 Urgence";
$text['label-911']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-911']['it-it'] = "911 Emergenza";
$text['label-911']['nl-nl'] = "911 Noodnummer";
$text['label-911']['pl-pl'] = "911 Emergency";
$text['label-911']['pt-br'] = "911 Emergência"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-911']['pt-pt'] = "911 Emergência";
$text['label-911']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-911']['ru-ru'] = "911 Служба Спасения";
$text['label-911']['sv-se'] = "911 Nödfall";
$text['label-911']['uk-ua'] = "911";
$text['label-988']['en-us'] = "988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline";
$text['label-988']['en-gb'] = "988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline";
$text['label-988']['ar-eg'] = "988";
$text['label-988']['de-at'] = "988 Nationale Rettungsleine für Suizidprävention (USA)";
$text['label-988']['de-ch'] = "988 Nationale Rettungsleine für Suizidprävention (USA)";
$text['label-988']['de-de'] = "988 Nationale Rettungsleine für Suizidprävention (USA)";
$text['label-988']['es-cl'] = "988 Línea de vida nacional para la prevención del suicidio";
$text['label-988']['es-mx'] = "988 Línea de vida nacional para la prevención del suicidio";
$text['label-988']['fr-ca'] = "988 Ligne de vie nationale pour la prévention du suicide";
$text['label-988']['fr-fr'] = "988 Ligne de vie nationale pour la prévention du suicide";
$text['label-988']['he-il'] = "988";
$text['label-988']['it-it'] = "988 Linea di vita nazionale per la prevenzione del suicidio";
$text['label-988']['nl-nl'] = "988 Nationale levenslijn voor zelfmoordpreventie";
$text['label-988']['pl-pl'] = "988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline";
$text['label-988']['pt-br'] = "988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline";
$text['label-988']['pt-pt'] = "988";
$text['label-988']['ro-ro'] = "988";
$text['label-988']['ru-ru'] = "988";
$text['label-988']['sv-se'] = "988";
$text['label-988']['uk-ua'] = "988";
$text['label-8d']['en-us'] = "8 Digits";
$text['label-8d']['en-gb'] = "8 Digits";
$text['label-8d']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-8d']['de-at'] = "8 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-8d']['de-ch'] = "8 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-8d']['de-de'] = "8 Ziffern";
$text['label-8d']['es-cl'] = "8 Dígitos";
$text['label-8d']['es-mx'] = "8 Dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-8d']['fr-ca'] = "8 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-8d']['fr-fr'] = "8 chiffres";
$text['label-8d']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-8d']['it-it'] = "8 Cifre";
$text['label-8d']['nl-nl'] = "8 cijfers";
$text['label-8d']['pl-pl'] = "8 cyfr";
$text['label-8d']['pt-br'] = "8 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-8d']['pt-pt'] = "8 Dígitos";
$text['label-8d']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-8d']['ru-ru'] = "8 Цифр";
$text['label-8d']['sv-se'] = "8 Siffror";
$text['label-8d']['uk-ua'] = "8 цифр";
$text['label-800']['en-us'] = "Toll-Free";
$text['label-800']['en-gb'] = "Toll-Free";
$text['label-800']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-800']['de-at'] = "Gebührenfrei"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-800']['de-ch'] = "Gebührenfrei"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-800']['de-de'] = "Gebührenfrei";
$text['label-800']['es-cl'] = "Línea gratuita";
$text['label-800']['es-mx'] = "Línea gratuita"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-800']['fr-ca'] = "Sans Charge"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-800']['fr-fr'] = "Sans Charge";
$text['label-800']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-800']['it-it'] = "Numero Verde";
$text['label-800']['nl-nl'] = "Gratis nummers";
$text['label-800']['pl-pl'] = "Połaczenia specjalne (toll-free)";
$text['label-800']['pt-br'] = "Sem Custo"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-800']['pt-pt'] = "Sem Custo";
$text['label-800']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-800']['ru-ru'] = "Вызов на бесплантые номера";
$text['label-800']['sv-se'] = "Avgiftsfritt";
$text['label-800']['uk-ua'] = "Безкоштовний";
$text['label-inum']['en-us'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx";
$text['label-inum']['en-gb'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx";
$text['label-inum']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-inum']['de-at'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-inum']['de-ch'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-inum']['de-de'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx";
$text['label-inum']['es-cl'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx";
$text['label-inum']['es-mx'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-inum']['fr-ca'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-inum']['fr-fr'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx";
$text['label-inum']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-inum']['it-it'] = "";
$text['label-inum']['nl-nl'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx";
$text['label-inum']['pl-pl'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx";
$text['label-inum']['pt-br'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-inum']['pt-pt'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx";
$text['label-inum']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-inum']['ru-ru'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx";
$text['label-inum']['sv-se'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx";
$text['label-inum']['uk-ua'] = "iNum 0118335100xxxxxxxx";
$text['label-711']['en-us'] = "711 TTY";
$text['label-711']['en-gb'] = "711 TTY";
$text['label-711']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-711']['de-at'] = "711"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-711']['de-ch'] = "711"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-711']['de-de'] = "711";
$text['label-711']['es-cl'] = "711";
$text['label-711']['es-mx'] = "711"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-711']['fr-ca'] = "711"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-711']['fr-fr'] = "711";
$text['label-711']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-711']['it-it'] = "711 TTY";
$text['label-711']['nl-nl'] = "711";
$text['label-711']['pl-pl'] = "711";
$text['label-711']['pt-br'] = "711"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-711']['pt-pt'] = "711";
$text['label-711']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-711']['ru-ru'] = "711 TTY";
$text['label-711']['sv-se'] = "711 TTY";
$text['label-711']['uk-ua'] = "711";
$text['label-7d']['en-us'] = "7 Digits Local";
$text['label-7d']['en-gb'] = "7 Digits Local";
$text['label-7d']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-7d']['de-at'] = "7 Ziffern (Ortsrufnummern)"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-7d']['de-ch'] = "7 Ziffern (Ortsrufnummern)"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-7d']['de-de'] = "7 Ziffern (Ortsrufnummern)";
$text['label-7d']['es-cl'] = "7 Dígitos Local";
$text['label-7d']['es-mx'] = "7 Dígitos Local"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-7d']['fr-ca'] = "7 chiffres local"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-7d']['fr-fr'] = "7 chiffres local";
$text['label-7d']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-7d']['it-it'] = "7 Cifre (Locale)";
$text['label-7d']['nl-nl'] = "7 Cijfers (lokaal)";
$text['label-7d']['pl-pl'] = "7 cyfr w formacie lokalnym";
$text['label-7d']['pt-br'] = "7 Dígitos Local"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-7d']['pt-pt'] = "7 Dígitos Local";
$text['label-7d']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-7d']['ru-ru'] = "7 Цифр Локальный";
$text['label-7d']['sv-se'] = "7 Siffror Lokalt";
$text['label-7d']['uk-ua'] = "7 цифр";
$text['label-6d']['en-us'] = "6 Digits";
$text['label-6d']['en-gb'] = "6 Digits";
$text['label-6d']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-6d']['de-at'] = "6 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-6d']['de-ch'] = "6 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-6d']['de-de'] = "6 Ziffern";
$text['label-6d']['es-cl'] = "6 Dígitos";
$text['label-6d']['es-mx'] = "6 Dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-6d']['fr-ca'] = "6 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-6d']['fr-fr'] = "6 chiffres";
$text['label-6d']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-6d']['it-it'] = "6 Cifre";
$text['label-6d']['nl-nl'] = "6 Cijfers";
$text['label-6d']['pl-pl'] = "6 cyfr";
$text['label-6d']['pt-br'] = "6 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-6d']['pt-pt'] = "6 Dígitos";
$text['label-6d']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-6d']['ru-ru'] = "6 Цифр";
$text['label-6d']['sv-se'] = "6 Siffror";
$text['label-6d']['uk-ua'] = "6 цифр";
$text['label-5d']['en-us'] = "5 Digits";
$text['label-5d']['en-gb'] = "5 Digits";
$text['label-5d']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-5d']['de-at'] = "5 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-5d']['de-ch'] = "5 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-5d']['de-de'] = "5 Ziffern";
$text['label-5d']['es-cl'] = "5 Dígitos";
$text['label-5d']['es-mx'] = "5 Dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-5d']['fr-ca'] = "5 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-5d']['fr-fr'] = "5 chiffres";
$text['label-5d']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-5d']['it-it'] = "5 Cifre";
$text['label-5d']['nl-nl'] = "5 Cijfers";
$text['label-5d']['pl-pl'] = "5 cyfr";
$text['label-5d']['pt-br'] = "5 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-5d']['pt-pt'] = "5 Dígitos";
$text['label-5d']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-5d']['ru-ru'] = "5 Цифр";
$text['label-5d']['sv-se'] = "5 Siffror";
$text['label-5d']['uk-ua'] = "5 цифр";
$text['label-4d']['en-us'] = "4 Digits";
$text['label-4d']['en-gb'] = "4 Digits";
$text['label-4d']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-4d']['de-at'] = "4 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-4d']['de-ch'] = "4 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-4d']['de-de'] = "4 Ziffern";
$text['label-4d']['es-cl'] = "4 Dígitos";
$text['label-4d']['es-mx'] = "4 Dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-4d']['fr-ca'] = "4 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-4d']['fr-fr'] = "4 chiffres";
$text['label-4d']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-4d']['it-it'] = "4 Cifre";
$text['label-4d']['nl-nl'] = "4 Cijfers";
$text['label-4d']['pl-pl'] = "4 cyfry";
$text['label-4d']['pt-br'] = "4 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-4d']['pt-pt'] = "4 Dígitos";
$text['label-4d']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-4d']['ru-ru'] = "4 Цифры";
$text['label-4d']['sv-se'] = "4 Siffror";
$text['label-4d']['uk-ua'] = "4 цифри";
$text['label-411']['en-us'] = "411 Information";
$text['label-411']['en-gb'] = "411 Information";
$text['label-411']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-411']['de-at'] = "411 Auskunft"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-411']['de-ch'] = "411 Auskunft"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-411']['de-de'] = "411 Auskunft";
$text['label-411']['es-cl'] = "411 Información";
$text['label-411']['es-mx'] = "411 Información"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-411']['fr-ca'] = "411 Information"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-411']['fr-fr'] = "411 Information";
$text['label-411']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-411']['it-it'] = "411 Informazioni";
$text['label-411']['nl-nl'] = "411 Informatie";
$text['label-411']['pl-pl'] = "411 Informacja";
$text['label-411']['pt-br'] = "411 Informação"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-411']['pt-pt'] = "411 Informação";
$text['label-411']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-411']['ru-ru'] = "411 Справочная";
$text['label-411']['sv-se'] = "411 Informationen";
$text['label-411']['uk-ua'] = "411 Довідка";
$text['label-3d']['en-us'] = "3 Digits";
$text['label-3d']['en-gb'] = "3 Digits";
$text['label-3d']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-3d']['de-at'] = "3 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-3d']['de-ch'] = "3 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-3d']['de-de'] = "3 Ziffern";
$text['label-3d']['es-cl'] = "3 Dígitos";
$text['label-3d']['es-mx'] = "3 Dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-3d']['fr-ca'] = "3 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-3d']['fr-fr'] = "3 chiffres";
$text['label-3d']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-3d']['it-it'] = "3 Cifre";
$text['label-3d']['nl-nl'] = "3 Cijfers";
$text['label-3d']['pl-pl'] = "3 cyfry";
$text['label-3d']['pt-br'] = "3 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-3d']['pt-pt'] = "3 Dígitos";
$text['label-3d']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-3d']['ru-ru'] = "3 Цифры";
$text['label-3d']['sv-se'] = "3 Siffror";
$text['label-3d']['uk-ua'] = "3 цифри";
$text['label-311']['en-us'] = "311 Information";
$text['label-311']['en-gb'] = "311 Information";
$text['label-311']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-311']['de-at'] = "311 Auskunft"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-311']['de-ch'] = "311 Auskunft"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-311']['de-de'] = "311 Auskunft";
$text['label-311']['es-cl'] = "311 Información";
$text['label-311']['es-mx'] = "311 Información"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-311']['fr-ca'] = "311 Information"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-311']['fr-fr'] = "311 Information";
$text['label-311']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-311']['it-it'] = "311 Informazioni";
$text['label-311']['nl-nl'] = "311 Informatie";
$text['label-311']['pl-pl'] = "Informacja 311";
$text['label-311']['pt-br'] = "311 Informação"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-311']['pt-pt'] = "311 Informação";
$text['label-311']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-311']['ru-ru'] = "311 Справочная";
$text['label-311']['sv-se'] = "311 Information";
$text['label-311']['uk-ua'] = "311 Довідка";
$text['label-2d']['en-us'] = "2 Digits";
$text['label-2d']['en-gb'] = "2 Digits";
$text['label-2d']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-2d']['de-at'] = "2 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-2d']['de-ch'] = "2 Ziffern"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-2d']['de-de'] = "2 Ziffern";
$text['label-2d']['es-cl'] = "2 Dígitos";
$text['label-2d']['es-mx'] = "2 Dígitos"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-2d']['fr-ca'] = "2 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-2d']['fr-fr'] = "2 chiffres";
$text['label-2d']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-2d']['it-it'] = "2 Cifre";
$text['label-2d']['nl-nl'] = "2 Cijfers";
$text['label-2d']['pl-pl'] = "2 cyfry";
$text['label-2d']['pt-br'] = "2 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-2d']['pt-pt'] = "2 Dígitos";
$text['label-2d']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-2d']['ru-ru'] = "2 Цифры";
$text['label-2d']['sv-se'] = "2 Siffror";
$text['label-2d']['uk-ua'] = "2 цифри";
$text['label-11d']['en-us'] = "11 Digits Long Distance";
$text['label-11d']['en-gb'] = "11 Digits Long Distance";
$text['label-11d']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-11d']['de-at'] = "11 Ziffern Ferngespräch"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-11d']['de-ch'] = "11 Ziffern Ferngespräch"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-11d']['de-de'] = "11 Ziffern Ferngespräch";
$text['label-11d']['es-cl'] = "11 Dígitos Larga Distancia";
$text['label-11d']['es-mx'] = "11 Dígitos Larga Distancia"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-11d']['fr-ca'] = "11 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-11d']['fr-fr'] = "11 chiffres";
$text['label-11d']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-11d']['it-it'] = "11 Cifre (Lunga Distanza)";
$text['label-11d']['nl-nl'] = "11 Cijfers (lange afstand)";
$text['label-11d']['pl-pl'] = "11 cyfr, pozamiejscowe";
$text['label-11d']['pt-br'] = "11 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-11d']['pt-pt'] = "11 Dígitos";
$text['label-11d']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-11d']['ru-ru'] = "11 Цифр Длинная дистанция";
$text['label-11d']['sv-se'] = "11 Siffror Långdistans";
$text['label-11d']['uk-ua'] = "11 цифр міжміського номера";
$text['label-10d']['en-us'] = "10 Digits Long Distance";
$text['label-10d']['en-gb'] = "10 Digits Long Distance";
$text['label-10d']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['label-10d']['de-at'] = "10 Ziffern Ferngespräch"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-10d']['de-ch'] = "10 Ziffern Ferngespräch"; //copied from de-de
$text['label-10d']['de-de'] = "10 Ziffern Ferngespräch";
$text['label-10d']['es-cl'] = "10 Dígitos Larga Distancia";
$text['label-10d']['es-mx'] = "10 Dígitos Larga Distancia"; //copied from es-cl
$text['label-10d']['fr-ca'] = "10 chiffres"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['label-10d']['fr-fr'] = "10 chiffres";
$text['label-10d']['he-il'] = "";
$text['label-10d']['it-it'] = "10 Cifre (Lunga Distanza)";
$text['label-10d']['nl-nl'] = "10 Cijfers (lange afstand)";
$text['label-10d']['pl-pl'] = "10 cyfr, pozamiejscowe";
$text['label-10d']['pt-br'] = "10 Dígitos"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['label-10d']['pt-pt'] = "10 Dígitos";
$text['label-10d']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['label-10d']['ru-ru'] = "10 Цифр Длинная дистанция";
$text['label-10d']['sv-se'] = "10 Siffror Långdistans";
$text['label-10d']['uk-ua'] = "10 цифр міжміського номера";
$text['description-shortcut']['en-us'] = "Shortcut to create the outbound dialplan entries for this Gateway.";
$text['description-shortcut']['en-gb'] = "Shortcut to create the outbound dialplan entries for this Gateway.";
$text['description-shortcut']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['description-shortcut']['de-at'] = "Abkkürzung um ausgehende Wählpläne für dieses Gateway zu erstellen."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-shortcut']['de-ch'] = "Abkkürzung um ausgehende Wählpläne für dieses Gateway zu erstellen."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-shortcut']['de-de'] = "Abkkürzung um ausgehende Wählpläne für dieses Gateway zu erstellen.";
$text['description-shortcut']['es-cl'] = "Acceso directo para crear las entradas del plan de marcado saliente para esta pasarela.";
$text['description-shortcut']['es-mx'] = "Acceso directo para crear las entradas del plan de marcado saliente para esta pasarela."; //copied from es-cl
$text['description-shortcut']['fr-ca'] = "Raccourci pour créer l'entrée de cette passerelle dans le plan de numérotation sortant."; //copied from fr-fr
$text['description-shortcut']['fr-fr'] = "Raccourci pour créer l'entrée de cette passerelle dans le plan de numérotation sortant.";
$text['description-shortcut']['he-il'] = "";
$text['description-shortcut']['it-it'] = "Scorciatoia per creare rotte di uscita nel piano numerazioni per questo Gateway.";
$text['description-shortcut']['nl-nl'] = "Afkorting om een uitgaand kiesplan voor deze gateway te maken.";
$text['description-shortcut']['pl-pl'] = "Pomoc w stworzeniu dialplanu wychodzącego w tej Bramie wyjściowej.";
$text['description-shortcut']['pt-br'] = "Atalho para criar entradas no dialplan de saída para este Gateway."; //copied from pt-pt
$text['description-shortcut']['pt-pt'] = "Atalho para criar entradas no dialplan de saída para este Gateway.";
$text['description-shortcut']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['description-shortcut']['ru-ru'] = "Ярлык для создания записей исходящего Плана Нумерации для этого шлюза.";
$text['description-shortcut']['sv-se'] = "Genväg för att skapa utgående nummerplan för denna Gateway.";
$text['description-shortcut']['uk-ua'] = "Ярлик для створення маршрутизації вихідного дзвінка для цього шлюзу.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['en-us'] = "Outbound dialplans have one or more conditions that are matched to attributes of a call. When a call matches the conditions the call is then routed to the gateway.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['en-gb'] = "Outbound dialplans have one or more conditions that are matched to attributes of a call. When a call matches the conditions the call is then routed to the gateway.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['de-at'] = "Ausgehende Wählpläne haben eine oder mehrere Bedingungen, die gegen den Eigenschaften des Anrufes geprüft werden. Sofern der Anruf die Bedingungen erfüllt, wir er über dieses Gateway geroutet."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-outbound-routes']['de-ch'] = "Ausgehende Wählpläne haben eine oder mehrere Bedingungen, die gegen den Eigenschaften des Anrufes geprüft werden. Sofern der Anruf die Bedingungen erfüllt, wir er über dieses Gateway geroutet."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-outbound-routes']['de-de'] = "Ausgehende Wählpläne haben eine oder mehrere Bedingungen, die gegen den Eigenschaften des Anrufes geprüft werden. Sofern der Anruf die Bedingungen erfüllt, wir er über dieses Gateway geroutet.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['es-cl'] = "Los planes de marcado de salida tienen una o más condiciones que deben cumplirse. Cuando las condiciones se cumplen, las llamada es dirigida con la pasarela seleccionada.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['es-mx'] = "Los planes de marcado de salida tienen una o más condiciones que deben cumplirse. Cuando las condiciones se cumplen, las llamada es dirigida con la pasarela seleccionada."; //copied from es-cl
$text['description-outbound-routes']['fr-ca'] = "les Plan de numérotation sortant doivent remplir une ou plusieures conditions afin d'acheminer un appel. Lorsqu'un appel rempli la ou des conditions, l'appel est alors acheminé à la passerelle."; //copied from fr-fr
$text['description-outbound-routes']['fr-fr'] = "les Plan de numérotation sortant doivent remplir une ou plusieures conditions afin d'acheminer un appel. Lorsqu'un appel rempli la ou des conditions, l'appel est alors acheminé à la passerelle.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['he-il'] = "";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['it-it'] = "I dialplan di uscita hanno una o più condizioni che vengono verificate sugli attributi di una chiamata. Quando le coindizioni si verificano la chiamata è passata al gateway.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['nl-nl'] = "Uitgaande kiesplannen hebben een of meer voorwaarden die passen bij de attributen van een oproep. Als de oproep past bij voorwaarden dan wordt de oproep naar de gateway gerouteerd.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['pl-pl'] = "Wychodzący dialplan ma jeden lub więcej warunków, które zostają porównane z atrybutami każdego połączenia. Gdy rozmowa wychodząca spełnia warunki dialplanu jest przesyłana do Bramy wyjściowej.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['pt-br'] = " Dialplans de saída têm uma ou mais condições que se encontram nos atributos da chamada. Quando uma chamada verifica as condições a chamada é encaminhada para o gateway."; //copied from pt-pt
$text['description-outbound-routes']['pt-pt'] = " Dialplans de saída têm uma ou mais condições que se encontram nos atributos da chamada. Quando uma chamada verifica as condições a chamada é encaminhada para o gateway.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['ru-ru'] = "Исходящие Планы Нумерации имеют одно или несколько условий, которые соответствуют атрибутам вызова. Если вызов соответствует условиям, он направляется на шлюз.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['sv-se'] = "Utgående nummerplan har ett eller flera villkor som matchas till attribut av ett samtal. När ett samtal matchar villkoren ringer sedan samtalet till gateway:en.";
$text['description-outbound-routes']['uk-ua'] = "Плани набору вихідних дзвінків мають умови, які відповідають атрибутам дзвінка. Коли дзвінок відповідає умовам, то він спрямовується на шлюзу.";
$text['description-order']['en-us'] = "Select the order number. The order number determines the order of the outbound routes when there is more than one.";
$text['description-order']['en-gb'] = "Select the order number. The order number determines the order of the outbound routes when there is more than one.";
$text['description-order']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['description-order']['de-at'] = "Wahlen Sie die Nummer für die Reihenfolge. Hierdurch wird die Reihenfolge bei mehreren ausgehenden Routen festgelegt."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-order']['de-ch'] = "Wahlen Sie die Nummer für die Reihenfolge. Hierdurch wird die Reihenfolge bei mehreren ausgehenden Routen festgelegt."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-order']['de-de'] = "Wahlen Sie die Nummer für die Reihenfolge. Hierdurch wird die Reihenfolge bei mehreren ausgehenden Routen festgelegt.";
$text['description-order']['es-cl'] = "Ingrese el número de orden. El número de orden determina el orden de las rutas de salida cuando existe más de una.";
$text['description-order']['es-mx'] = "Ingrese el número de orden. El número de orden determina el orden de las rutas de salida cuando existe más de una."; //copied from es-cl
$text['description-order']['fr-ca'] = "Choisir le numéro d'ordre. Ce nombre détermine l'ordre dans le quel cette route sera utilisées si plusieurs routes correspondant aux conditions de l'appel existent."; //copied from fr-fr
$text['description-order']['fr-fr'] = "Choisir le numéro d'ordre. Ce nombre détermine l'ordre dans le quel cette route sera utilisées si plusieurs routes correspondant aux conditions de l'appel existent.";
$text['description-order']['he-il'] = "";
$text['description-order']['it-it'] = "Seleziona il numero d'ordine. Il numero d'ordine determina l'ordine della regola d'uscita quando ce n'è più di una.";
$text['description-order']['nl-nl'] = "Kies het volgorde nummer. Het volgorde nummer bepaald de volgorde waarin de uitgaande router geordend worden als er meer dan een is.";
$text['description-order']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz kolejność.";
$text['description-order']['pt-br'] = "Seleccione o número de ordem. O número de ordem determina a ordem das rotas de saída sempre que haja mais do que uma."; //copied from pt-pt
$text['description-order']['pt-pt'] = "Seleccione o número de ordem. O número de ordem determina a ordem das rotas de saída sempre que haja mais do que uma.";
$text['description-order']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['description-order']['ru-ru'] = "Выберите порядок набора номера. Он определяет порядок выбора исходящих маршрутов, если их несколько.";
$text['description-order']['sv-se'] = "Välj ordnings numret. Numret på ordning bestämmer ordningen på de utgående routerna när det finns fler än en.";
$text['description-order']['uk-ua'] = "Виберіть порядковий номер. Він визначає порядок використання маршрутів вихідних дзвінків";
$text['description-limit']['en-us'] = "Enter limit to restrict the number of outbound calls.";
$text['description-limit']['en-gb'] = "Enter limit to restrict the number of outbound calls.";
$text['description-limit']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['description-limit']['de-at'] = "Geben Sie eine Obergrenze ein, um die Anzahl ausgehender Anrufe zu begrenzen."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-limit']['de-ch'] = "Geben Sie eine Obergrenze ein, um die Anzahl ausgehender Anrufe zu begrenzen."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-limit']['de-de'] = "Geben Sie eine Obergrenze ein, um die Anzahl ausgehender Anrufe zu begrenzen.";
$text['description-limit']['es-cl'] = "Ingrese un límite para restringir el número de llamadas salientes.";
$text['description-limit']['es-mx'] = "Ingrese un límite para restringir el número de llamadas salientes."; //copied from es-cl
$text['description-limit']['fr-ca'] = "Choisir une limite afin de limiter le noombre d'appel sortants."; //copied from fr-fr
$text['description-limit']['fr-fr'] = "Choisir une limite afin de limiter le noombre d'appel sortants.";
$text['description-limit']['he-il'] = "";
$text['description-limit']['it-it'] = "Inserire il limite per restringere il numero massimo di chiamate in uscita. ";
$text['description-limit']['nl-nl'] = "Voer de limiet op het aantal uitgaande oproepen in.";
$text['description-limit']['pl-pl'] = "Wprowadź limit aby ograniczyć liczbę połączeń wychodzących.";
$text['description-limit']['pt-br'] = "Introduza o limite máximo de número de chamadas de saída."; //copied from pt-pt
$text['description-limit']['pt-pt'] = "Introduza o limite máximo de número de chamadas de saída.";
$text['description-limit']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['description-limit']['ru-ru'] = "Введите лимит, чтобы ограничить количество исходящих вызовов.";
$text['description-limit']['sv-se'] = "Ange en begränsning för att begränsa antal utgående samtal.";
$text['description-limit']['uk-ua'] = "Введіть обмеження кількість вихідних дзвінків.";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['en-us'] = "Enter a prefix number to add to the beginning of the destination number.";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['en-gb'] = "Enter a prefix number to add to the beginning of the destination number.";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['de-at'] = "Geben Sie eine präfix Nummer an, die am Anfang der Zielrufnummer hinzugefügt wird."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-enter-prefix']['de-ch'] = "Geben Sie eine präfix Nummer an, die am Anfang der Zielrufnummer hinzugefügt wird."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-enter-prefix']['de-de'] = "Geben Sie eine präfix Nummer an, die am Anfang der Zielrufnummer hinzugefügt wird.";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['es-cl'] = "Ingrese un número de prefijo para agregar al inicio del número de destino.";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['es-mx'] = "Ingrese un número de prefijo para agregar al inicio del número de destino."; //copied from es-cl
$text['description-enter-prefix']['fr-ca'] = "Choisir un préfixe à ajouter en début de numérotation pour joindre la destination."; //copied from fr-fr
$text['description-enter-prefix']['fr-fr'] = "Choisir un préfixe à ajouter en début de numérotation pour joindre la destination.";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['he-il'] = "";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['it-it'] = "Inserire il prefisso da aggiungere all'inizio del numero di destinazione. ";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['nl-nl'] = "Voer een voorloop nummer in dat aan de bestemming moet worden toegevoegd.";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['pl-pl'] = "Wprowadź prefiks, który zostanie dodany do początku numeru docelowego.";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['pt-br'] = "Introduza um número de prefixo para adicionar ao início do número de destino."; //copied from pt-pt
$text['description-enter-prefix']['pt-pt'] = "Introduza um número de prefixo para adicionar ao início do número de destino.";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['ru-ru'] = "Введите номер префикса, который будет добавлен в начало номера назначения.";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['sv-se'] = "Ange ett prefixnummer som ska läggas till i början av destinationsnumret.";
$text['description-enter-prefix']['uk-ua'] = "Введіть префікс, щоб додати на початок номера";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['en-us'] = "Enter custom outbound prefix";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['en-gb'] = "Enter custom outbound prefix";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['de-at'] = "Geben Sie eine benutzerdefinierten ausgehenden Präfix an"; //copied from de-de
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['de-ch'] = "Geben Sie eine benutzerdefinierten ausgehenden Präfix an"; //copied from de-de
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['de-de'] = "Geben Sie eine benutzerdefinierten ausgehenden Präfix an";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['es-cl'] = "Ingrese un prefijo de salida personalizados";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['es-mx'] = "Ingrese un prefijo de salida personalizados"; //copied from es-cl
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['fr-ca'] = "Choisir le préfixe sortantes personnalisé"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['fr-fr'] = "Choisir le préfixe sortantes personnalisé";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['he-il'] = "";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['it-it'] = "Inserisci il prefisso in uscita personalzzato.";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['nl-nl'] = "Voer een aangepaste uitgaande prefix in";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['pl-pl'] = "Wprowadź swój prefiks wyjściowy";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['pt-br'] = "Introduza um prefixo de saída personalizado"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['pt-pt'] = "Introduza um prefixo de saída personalizado";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['ru-ru'] = "Ввод пользовательского исходящего префикса";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['sv-se'] = "Ange det egna utgående prefixet";
$text['description-enter-custom_outbound_prefix']['uk-ua'] = "Введіть префікс вихідного дзвінка";
$text['description-enabled']['en-us'] = "Choose to enable or disable the outbound route.";
$text['description-enabled']['en-gb'] = "Choose to enable or disable the outbound route.";
$text['description-enabled']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['description-enabled']['de-at'] = "Wählen Sie, ob die ausgehende Route aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden soll."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-enabled']['de-ch'] = "Wählen Sie, ob die ausgehende Route aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden soll."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-enabled']['de-de'] = "Wählen Sie, ob die ausgehende Route aktiviert oder deaktiviert werden soll.";
$text['description-enabled']['es-cl'] = "Seleccione si desea activar o desactivar la ruta de salida.";
$text['description-enabled']['es-mx'] = "Seleccione si desea activar o desactivar la ruta de salida."; //copied from es-cl
$text['description-enabled']['fr-ca'] = "Choisissez d'activer ou de désactiver l'itinéraire sortant.";
$text['description-enabled']['fr-fr'] = "Choisissez d'activer ou de désactiver l'itinéraire sortant.";
$text['description-enabled']['he-il'] = "";
$text['description-enabled']['it-it'] = "Seleziona per abilitare o disabilitare la regola d'uscita.";
$text['description-enabled']['nl-nl'] = "Kies om de uitgaande route aan/uit te zetten.";
$text['description-enabled']['pl-pl'] = "Ustaw status numeru wewnętrznego.";
$text['description-enabled']['pt-br'] = "Active ou desactive a rota de saída."; //copied from pt-pt
$text['description-enabled']['pt-pt'] = "Active ou desactive a rota de saída.";
$text['description-enabled']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['description-enabled']['ru-ru'] = "Включить или отключить исходящий маршрут.";
$text['description-enabled']['sv-se'] = "Välj att aktivera eller inaktivera utgående route.";
$text['description-enabled']['uk-ua'] = "Виберіть щоб включити або відключити маршрут";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['en-us'] = "Set to true to enable toll allow";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['en-gb'] = "Set to true to enable toll allow";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['de-at'] = "Setzen Sie den Wert auf Ein, um kostenpflichtige Anrufe zu erlauben."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['de-ch'] = "Setzen Sie den Wert auf Ein, um kostenpflichtige Anrufe zu erlauben."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['de-de'] = "Setzen Sie den Wert auf Ein, um kostenpflichtige Anrufe zu erlauben.";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['es-cl'] = "Seleccione verdadero para activar permitir Tarifas Especiales";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['es-mx'] = "Seleccione verdadero para activar permitir Tarifas Especiales"; //copied from es-cl
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['fr-ca'] = "Choisir Oui pour activer droits"; //copied from fr-fr
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['fr-fr'] = "Choisir Oui pour activer droits";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['he-il'] = "";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['it-it'] = "Imposta a Vero per attivare Destinazioni Abilitate";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['nl-nl'] = "Kies aan om betaal gesprekken toe te staan.";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['pl-pl'] = "Wybierz TAK aby zezwolić na połaczenia specjalne (toll-free).";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['pt-br'] = "scolha 'sim' para activar permissões"; //copied from pt-pt
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['pt-pt'] = "scolha 'sim' para activar permissões";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['ru-ru'] = "Установите значение Да, чтобы разрешить ВСЕ";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['sv-se'] = "Ändra till sann för att tillåta betalsamtal.";
$text['description-enable-toll_allow']['uk-ua'] = "Встановіть 'Так' щоб дозволити номери TOLL";
$text['description-accountcode']['en-us'] = "Enter the accountcode.";
$text['description-accountcode']['en-gb'] = "Enter the accountcode.";
$text['description-accountcode']['ar-eg'] = "";
$text['description-accountcode']['de-at'] = "Geben Sie den Kontoschlüssel an."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-accountcode']['de-ch'] = "Geben Sie den Kontoschlüssel an."; //copied from de-de
$text['description-accountcode']['de-de'] = "Geben Sie den Kontoschlüssel an.";
$text['description-accountcode']['es-cl'] = "Ingrese el código de cuenta.";
$text['description-accountcode']['es-mx'] = "Ingrese el código de cuenta."; //copied from es-cl
$text['description-accountcode']['fr-ca'] = "Entrez le code de compte.";
$text['description-accountcode']['fr-fr'] = "Entrez le code de compte.";
$text['description-accountcode']['he-il'] = "";
$text['description-accountcode']['it-it'] = "Inserire accountcode.";
$text['description-accountcode']['nl-nl'] = "Voer de accountcode in.";
$text['description-accountcode']['pl-pl'] = "Wpisz numer billingowy (nagłówek dodany do SIP INVITE).";
$text['description-accountcode']['pt-br'] = "Introduza a conta."; //copied from pt-pt
$text['description-accountcode']['pt-pt'] = "Introduza a conta.";
$text['description-accountcode']['ro-ro'] = "";
$text['description-accountcode']['ru-ru'] = "Введите Код Аккаунта.";
$text['description-accountcode']['sv-se'] = "Ange accountcode.";
$text['description-accountcode']['uk-ua'] = "Введіть код облікового запису";