Fork of FusionPBX but with LDAP kinda working
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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//application details
$apps[$x]['name'] = "Inbound Routes";
$apps[$x]['uuid'] = "c03b422e-13a8-bd1b-e42b-b6b9b4d27ce4";
$apps[$x]['category'] = "Switch";
$apps[$x]['subcategory'] = "";
$apps[$x]['version'] = "1.0";
$apps[$x]['license'] = "Mozilla Public License 1.1";
$apps[$x]['url'] = "";
$apps[$x]['description']['en-us'] = "The public dialplan is used to route incoming calls to destinations based on one or more conditions and context.";
$apps[$x]['description']['en-gb'] = "The public dialplan is used to route incoming calls to destinations based on one or more conditions and context.";
$apps[$x]['description']['ar-eg'] = "";
$apps[$x]['description']['de-at'] = "Der öffentliche Wählplan wird verwendet um eingehende Anrufe anhand von einer oder mehreren Bedingungen und Kontext an die Ziele weiterzuleiten.";
$apps[$x]['description']['de-ch'] = "";
$apps[$x]['description']['de-de'] = "Der öffentliche Wählplan wird verwendet um eingehende Anrufe anhand von einer oder mehreren Bedingungen und Kontext an die Ziele weiterzuleiten.";
$apps[$x]['description']['es-cl'] = "El plan de marcado público es usado para dirigir llamadas entrantes a destinos basados en una o más condiciones y contexto.";
$apps[$x]['description']['es-mx'] = "El plan de marcado público es usado para dirigir llamadas entrantes a destinos basados en una o más condiciones y contexto.";
$apps[$x]['description']['fr-ca'] = "";
$apps[$x]['description']['fr-fr'] = "Les routes publiques sont utilisés pour diriger les appels entrants en fonction d'une ou plusieures conditions et contextes.";
$apps[$x]['description']['he-il'] = "";
$apps[$x]['description']['it-it'] = "";
$apps[$x]['description']['nl-nl'] = "Het openbare belplan wordt gebruikt om de inkomende oproepen naar de juiste bestemming te sturen gebaseerd op een of meer voorwaarden en context";
$apps[$x]['description']['pl-pl'] = "";
$apps[$x]['description']['pt-br'] = "O dialplan público é usado para encaminhar chamadas recebidas para destinos com base em uma ou mais condições e contexto.";
$apps[$x]['description']['pt-pt'] = "O dialplan público é usado para encaminhar chamadas recebidas para destinos com base em uma ou mais condições e contexto.";
$apps[$x]['description']['ro-ro'] = "";
$apps[$x]['description']['ru-ru'] = "";
$apps[$x]['description']['sv-se'] = "";
$apps[$x]['description']['uk-ua'] = "";
//permission details
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['name'] = "inbound_route_view";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['menu']['uuid'] = "b64b2bbf-f99b-b568-13dc-32170515a687";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['groups'][] = "superadmin";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['groups'][] = "admin";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['name'] = "inbound_route_add";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['groups'][] = "superadmin";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['groups'][] = "admin";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['name'] = "inbound_route_advanced";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['groups'][] = "superadmin";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['name'] = "inbound_route_edit";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['groups'][] = "superadmin";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['name'] = "inbound_route_delete";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['groups'][] = "superadmin";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['groups'][] = "admin";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['name'] = "inbound_route_copy";
$apps[$x]['permissions'][$y]['groups'][] = "superadmin";