
280 lines
10 KiB

Version: MPL 1.1
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
The Original Code is FusionPBX
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
Mark J Crane <markjcrane@fusionpbx.com>
Copyright (C) 2010 - 2016
All Rights Reserved.
Mark J Crane <markjcrane@fusionpbx.com>
Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz <dlucio@okay.com.mx>
Errol Samuels <voiptology@gmail.com>
include "root.php";
//define the call_forward class
class call_forward {
public $debug;
public $domain_uuid;
public $domain_name;
public $extension_uuid;
private $extension;
private $number_alias;
public $forward_all_destination;
public $forward_all_enabled;
private $toll_allow;
public $accountcode;
public $outbound_caller_id_name;
public $outbound_caller_id_number;
public function set() {
//determine whether to update the dial string
$sql = "select * from v_extensions ";
$sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid ";
$sql .= "and extension_uuid = :extension_uuid ";
$parameters['domain_uuid'] = $this->domain_uuid;
$parameters['extension_uuid'] = $this->extension_uuid;
$database = new database;
$row = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'row');
if (is_array($row) && @sizeof($row) != 0) {
$this->extension = $row["extension"];
$this->number_alias = $row["number_alias"];
$this->accountcode = $row["accountcode"];
$this->toll_allow = $row["toll_allow"];
$this->outbound_caller_id_name = $row["outbound_caller_id_name"];
$this->outbound_caller_id_number = $row["outbound_caller_id_number"];
unset($sql, $parameters, $row);
//build extension update array
$array['extensions'][0]['extension_uuid'] = $this->extension_uuid;
$array['extensions'][0]['forward_all_destination'] = strlen($this->forward_all_destination) != 0 ? $this->forward_all_destination : null;
if (strlen($this->forward_all_destination) == 0 || $this->forward_all_enabled == "false") {
$array['extensions'][0]['forward_all_enabled'] = 'false';
else {
$array['extensions'][0]['forward_all_enabled'] = 'true';
//grant temporary permissions
$p = new permissions;
$p->add('extension_add', 'temp');
//execute update
$database = new database;
$database->app_name = 'calls';
$database->app_uuid = '19806921-e8ed-dcff-b325-dd3e5da4959d';
//revoke temporary permissions
$p->delete('extension_add', 'temp');
//delete extension from the cache
$cache = new cache;
if(strlen($this->number_alias) > 0){
* declare private variables
private $app_name;
private $app_uuid;
private $permission;
private $list_page;
private $table;
private $uuid_prefix;
private $toggle_field;
private $toggle_values;
* toggle records
public function toggle($records) {
//assign private variables
$this->app_name = 'calls';
$this->app_uuid = '19806921-e8ed-dcff-b325-dd3e5da4959d';
$this->permission = 'call_forward';
$this->list_page = 'calls.php';
$this->table = 'extensions';
$this->uuid_prefix = 'extension_';
$this->toggle_field = 'forward_all_enabled';
$this->toggle_values = ['true','false'];
if (permission_exists($this->permission)) {
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text;
$text = $language->get();
//validate the token
$token = new token;
if (!$token->validate($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
header('Location: '.$this->list_page);
//toggle the checked records
if (is_array($records) && @sizeof($records) != 0) {
//get current toggle state
foreach($records as $x => $record) {
if ($record['checked'] == 'true' && is_uuid($record['uuid'])) {
$uuids[] = "'".$record['uuid']."'";
if (is_array($uuids) && @sizeof($uuids) != 0) {
$sql = "select ".$this->uuid_prefix."uuid as uuid, extension, number_alias, ";
$sql .= "call_timeout, do_not_disturb, ";
$sql .= "forward_all_enabled, forward_all_destination, ";
$sql .= "forward_busy_enabled, forward_busy_destination, ";
$sql .= "forward_no_answer_enabled, forward_no_answer_destination, ";
$sql .= $this->toggle_field." as toggle, follow_me_uuid ";
$sql .= "from v_".$this->table." ";
$sql .= "where (domain_uuid = :domain_uuid or domain_uuid is null) ";
$sql .= "and ".$this->uuid_prefix."uuid in (".implode(', ', $uuids).") ";
$parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid'];
$database = new database;
$rows = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all');
if (is_array($rows) && @sizeof($rows) != 0) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['extension'] = $row['extension'];
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['number_alias'] = $row['number_alias'];
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['call_timeout'] = $row['call_timeout'];
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['do_not_disturb'] = $row['do_not_disturb'];
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['forward_all_enabled'] = $row['forward_all_enabled'];
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['forward_all_destination'] = $row['forward_all_destination'];
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['forward_busy_enabled'] = $row['forward_busy_enabled'];
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['forward_busy_destination'] = $row['forward_busy_destination'];
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['forward_no_answer_enabled'] = $row['forward_no_answer_enabled'];
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['forward_no_answer_destination'] = $row['forward_no_answer_destination'];
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['state'] = $row['toggle'];
$extensions[$row['uuid']]['follow_me_uuid'] = $row['follow_me_uuid'];
unset($sql, $parameters, $rows, $row);
//build update array
$x = 0;
foreach ($extensions as $uuid => $extension) {
//check destination
$destination_exists = $extension['forward_all_destination'] != '' ? true : false;
//determine new state
$new_state = $extension['state'] == $this->toggle_values[1] && $destination_exists ? $this->toggle_values[0] : $this->toggle_values[1];
//toggle feature
if ($new_state != $extension['state']) {
$array[$this->table][$x][$this->uuid_prefix.'uuid'] = $uuid;
$array[$this->table][$x][$this->toggle_field] = $new_state;
//disable other features
if ($new_state == $this->toggle_values[0]) { //true
$array[$this->table][$x]['do_not_disturb'] = $this->toggle_values[1]; //false
$array[$this->table][$x]['follow_me_enabled'] = $this->toggle_values[1]; //false
if (is_uuid($extension['follow_me_uuid'])) {
$array['follow_me'][$x]['follow_me_uuid'] = $extension['follow_me_uuid'];
$array['follow_me'][$x]['follow_me_enabled'] = $this->toggle_values[1]; //false
//increment counter
//save the changes
if (is_array($array) && @sizeof($array) != 0) {
//grant temporary permissions
$p = new permissions;
$p->add('extension_edit', 'temp');
//save the array
$database = new database;
$database->app_name = $this->app_name;
$database->app_uuid = $this->app_uuid;
//revoke temporary permissions
$p->delete('extension_edit', 'temp');
//send feature event notify to the phone
if ($_SESSION['device']['feature_sync']['boolean'] == "true") {
foreach ($extensions as $uuid => $extension) {
$feature_event_notify = new feature_event_notify;
$feature_event_notify->domain_name = $_SESSION['domain_name'];
$feature_event_notify->extension = $extension['extension'];
$feature_event_notify->do_not_disturb = $extension['do_not_disturb'];
$feature_event_notify->ring_count = ceil($extension['call_timeout'] / 6);
$feature_event_notify->forward_all_enabled = $extension['forward_all_enabled'];
$feature_event_notify->forward_busy_enabled = $extension['forward_busy_enabled'];
$feature_event_notify->forward_no_answer_enabled = $extension['forward_no_answer_enabled'];
//workarounds: send 0 as freeswitch doesn't send NOTIFY when destination values are nil
$feature_event_notify->forward_all_destination = $extension['forward_all_destination'] != '' ? $extension['forward_all_destination'] : '0';
$feature_event_notify->forward_busy_destination = $extension['forward_busy_destination'] != '' ? $extension['forward_busy_destination'] : '0';
$feature_event_notify->forward_no_answer_destination = $extension['forward_no_answer_destination'] != '' ? $extension['forward_no_answer_destination'] : '0';
//synchronize configuration
if (is_readable($_SESSION['switch']['extensions']['dir'])) {
require_once "app/extensions/resources/classes/extension.php";
$ext = new extension;
//clear the cache
$cache = new cache;
foreach ($extensions as $uuid => $extension) {
if ($extension['number_alias'] != '') {
//set message
unset($records, $extensions, $extension);
} //function
}// class