#!/bin/sh #move to script directory so all relative paths work cd "$(dirname "$0")" #includes . ./config.sh . ./colors.sh #count the users admin_users=$(sudo -u postgres psql fusionpbx -Atc "select count(*) from v_users JOIN v_user_groups USING (domain_uuid) where username='$system_username' and group_name = 'superadmin'") if [ .$admin_users = .'0' ]; then error "i could not find the user '$system_username' in the database, check your resources/config.sh is correct" elif [ .$admin_users = .'' ]; then error "something went wrong, see errors above"; else admin_uuids=$(sudo -u postgres psql fusionpbx -Atc "select v_users.user_uuid from v_users JOIN v_user_groups USING (domain_uuid) where username='$system_username' and group_name = 'superadmin'") for admin_uuid in $admin_uuids; do user_salt=$(/usr/bin/php /var/www/fusionpbx/resources/uuid.php); if [ .$system_password = .'random' ]; then user_password=$(dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=12 2>/dev/null | base64 | sed 's/[=\+//]//g') else user_password=$system_password fi password_hash=$(php -r "echo md5('$user_salt$user_password');"); sudo -u postgres psql fusionpbx -c "update v_users SET password='$password_hash', salt='$user_salt' where user_uuid='$admin_uuid'" admin_domain=$(sudo -u postgres psql fusionpbx -Atc "select domain_name from v_users JOIN v_domains USING (domain_uuid) where username='$system_username'") verbose " $system_username@$admin_domain has had it's password reset." verbose " password: $user_password" done fi