Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2018 the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Mark J Crane Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz Riccardo Granchi */ //includes require_once "root.php"; require_once "resources/require.php"; //get the event socket information if (file_exists($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"]."/app/settings/app_config.php")) { if ((! isset($_SESSION['event_socket_ip_address'])) or strlen($_SESSION['event_socket_ip_address']) == 0) { $sql = "select * from v_settings "; $database = new database; $row = $database->select($sql, null, 'row'); if (is_array($row) && @sizeof($row) != 0) { $_SESSION['event_socket_ip_address'] = $row["event_socket_ip_address"]; $_SESSION['event_socket_port'] = $row["event_socket_port"]; $_SESSION['event_socket_password'] = $row["event_socket_password"]; } unset($sql, $row); } } function event_socket_create($host, $port, $password) { $esl = new event_socket; if ($esl->connect($host, $port, $password)) { return $esl->reset_fp(); } return false; } function event_socket_request($fp, $cmd) { $esl = new event_socket($fp); $result = $esl->request($cmd); $esl->reset_fp(); return $result; } function event_socket_request_cmd($cmd) { //get the database connection require_once "resources/classes/database.php"; $database = new database; $database->connect(); $db = $database->db; if (file_exists($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"]."/app/settings/app_config.php")) { $sql = "select * from v_settings "; $database = new database; $row = $database->select($sql, null, 'row'); if (is_array($row) && @sizeof($row) != 0) { $event_socket_ip_address = $row["event_socket_ip_address"]; $event_socket_port = $row["event_socket_port"]; $event_socket_password = $row["event_socket_password"]; } unset($sql, $row); } $esl = new event_socket; if (!$esl->connect($event_socket_ip_address, $event_socket_port, $event_socket_password)) { return false; } $response = $esl->request($cmd); $esl->close(); return $response; } function remove_config_from_cache($name) { $cache = new cache; $cache->delete($name); $hostname = trim(event_socket_request_cmd('api switchname')); if($hostname){ $cache->delete($name . ':' . $hostname); } } function ListFiles($dir) { if($dh = opendir($dir)) { $files = Array(); $inner_files = Array(); while($file = readdir($dh)) { if($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file[0] != '.') { if(is_dir($dir . "/" . $file)) { //$inner_files = ListFiles($dir . "/" . $file); //recursive if(is_array($inner_files)) $files = array_merge($files, $inner_files); } else { array_push($files, $file); //array_push($files, $dir . "/" . $file); } } } closedir($dh); return $files; } } function save_setting_xml() { global $domain_uuid, $host, $config; $sql = "select * from v_settings "; $database = new database; $row = $database->select($sql, null, 'row'); if (is_array($row) && @sizeof($row) != 0) { $fout = fopen($_SESSION['switch']['conf']['dir']."/directory/default/default.xml","w"); $xml = "\n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= "\n"; fwrite($fout, $xml); unset($xml); fclose($fout); $event_socket_ip_address = $row['event_socket_ip_address']; if (strlen($event_socket_ip_address) == 0) { $event_socket_ip_address = ''; } $fout = fopen($_SESSION['switch']['conf']['dir']."/autoload_configs/event_socket.conf.xml","w"); $xml = "\n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; if (strlen($row['event_socket_acl']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= ""; fwrite($fout, $xml); unset($xml, $event_socket_password); fclose($fout); $fout = fopen($_SESSION['switch']['conf']['dir']."/autoload_configs/xml_rpc.conf.xml","w"); $xml = "\n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= "\n"; fwrite($fout, $xml); unset($xml); fclose($fout); //shout.conf.xml $fout = fopen($_SESSION['switch']['conf']['dir']."/autoload_configs/shout.conf.xml","w"); $xml = "\n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= ""; fwrite($fout, $xml); unset($xml); fclose($fout); } unset($sql, $row); //apply settings $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true; //$cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); //unset($cmd); } function filename_safe($filename) { //lower case $filename = strtolower($filename); //replace spaces with a '_' $filename = str_replace(" ", "_", $filename); //loop through string $result = ''; for ($i=0; $i 1) { $v_needle = 'v_'.$_SESSION['domain_name'].'-'; } else { $v_needle = 'v_'; } $gateway_list = glob($_SESSION['switch']['sip_profiles']['dir'] . "/*/".$v_needle."*.xml"); foreach ($gateway_list as $gateway_file) { unlink($gateway_file); } //get the list of gateways and write the xml $sql = "select * from v_gateways "; $sql .= "where (domain_uuid = :domain_uuid or domain_uuid is null) "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $database = new database; $result = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all'); if (is_array($result) && @sizeof($result) != 0) { foreach ($result as &$row) { if ($row['enabled'] != "false") { //set the default profile as external $profile = $row['profile']; if (strlen($profile) == 0) { $profile = "external"; } //open the xml file $fout = fopen($_SESSION['switch']['sip_profiles']['dir']."/".$profile."/v_".strtolower($row['gateway_uuid']).".xml","w"); //build the xml $xml .= "\n"; $xml .= " \n"; if (strlen($row['username']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['distinct_to']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['auth_username']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['password']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['realm']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['from_user']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['from_domain']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['proxy']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['register_proxy']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['outbound_proxy']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['expire_seconds']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['register']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['register_transport']) > 0) { switch ($row['register_transport']) { case "udp": $xml .= " \n"; break; case "tcp": $xml .= " \n"; break; case "tls": $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= " \n"; break; default: $xml .= " \n"; } } if (strlen($row['retry_seconds']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['extension']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['ping']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['context']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['caller_id_in_from']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['supress_cng']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['sip_cid_type']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } if (strlen($row['extension_in_contact']) > 0) { $xml .= " \n"; } $xml .= " \n"; $xml .= ""; //write the xml fwrite($fout, $xml); unset($xml); fclose($fout); } } } unset($sql, $parameters, $result, $row); //apply settings $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true; } function save_var_xml() { if (is_array($_SESSION['switch']['conf'])) { global $config, $domain_uuid; //open the vars.xml file $fout = fopen($_SESSION['switch']['conf']['dir']."/vars.xml","w"); //get the hostname $hostname = trim(event_socket_request_cmd('api switchname')); if (strlen($hostname) == 0){ $hostname = trim(gethostname()); } if (strlen($hostname) == 0){ return; } //build the xml $sql = "select * from v_vars "; $sql .= "where var_enabled = 'true' "; $sql .= "order by var_category, var_order asc "; $database = new database; $variables = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all'); $prev_var_category = ''; $xml = ''; if (is_array($variables) && @sizeof($variables) != 0) { foreach ($variables as &$row) { if ($row['var_category'] != 'Provision') { if ($prev_var_category != $row['var_category']) { $xml .= "\n\n"; if (strlen($row["var_description"]) > 0) { $xml .= "\n"; } } if (strlen($row['var_command']) == 0) { $row['var_command'] = 'set'; } if ($row['var_category'] == 'Exec-Set') { $row['var_command'] = 'exec-set'; } if (strlen($row['var_hostname']) == 0) { $xml .= "\n"; } elseif ($row['var_hostname'] == $hostname) { $xml .= "\n"; } } $prev_var_category = $row['var_category']; } } $xml .= "\n"; fwrite($fout, $xml); unset($sql, $variables, $xml); fclose($fout); //apply settings $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true; //$cmd = "api reloadxml"; //event_socket_request_cmd($cmd); //unset($cmd); } } function outbound_route_to_bridge($domain_uuid, $destination_number, array $channel_variables=null) { $destination_number = trim($destination_number); preg_match('/^[\*\+0-9]*$/', $destination_number, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if (count($matches) > 0) { //not found, continue to process the function } else { //not a number, brige_array and exit the function $bridge_array[0] = $destination_number; return $bridge_array; } //get the hostname $hostname = trim(event_socket_request_cmd('api switchname')); if (strlen($hostname) == 0) { $hostname = 'unknown'; } $sql = "select d.dialplan_uuid, "; $sql .= "d.dialplan_name, "; $sql .= "dd.dialplan_detail_uuid, "; $sql .= "dd.dialplan_detail_tag, "; $sql .= "dd.dialplan_detail_type, "; $sql .= "dd.dialplan_detail_data , "; $sql .= "d.dialplan_continue "; $sql .= "from v_dialplans d, v_dialplan_details dd "; $sql .= "where d.dialplan_uuid = dd.dialplan_uuid "; if (is_uuid($domain_uuid)) { $sql .= "and (d.domain_uuid = :domain_uuid or d.domain_uuid is null) "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; } else { $sql .= "and (d.domain_uuid is null) "; } $sql .= "and (hostname = :hostname or hostname is null) "; $sql .= "and d.app_uuid = '8c914ec3-9fc0-8ab5-4cda-6c9288bdc9a3' "; $sql .= "and d.dialplan_enabled = 'true' "; $sql .= "order by d.domain_uuid, d.dialplan_order, dd.dialplan_detail_order "; $parameters['hostname'] = $hostname; $database = new database; $result = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all'); unset($sql, $parameters); if (is_array($result) && @sizeof($result) != 0) { foreach ($result as &$row) { $dialplan_uuid = $row["dialplan_uuid"]; $dialplan_detail_uuid = $row["dialplan_detail_uuid"]; $outbound_routes[$dialplan_uuid][$dialplan_detail_uuid]["dialplan_detail_tag"] = $row["dialplan_detail_tag"]; $outbound_routes[$dialplan_uuid][$dialplan_detail_uuid]["dialplan_detail_type"] = $row["dialplan_detail_type"]; $outbound_routes[$dialplan_uuid][$dialplan_detail_uuid]["dialplan_detail_data"] = $row["dialplan_detail_data"]; $outbound_routes[$dialplan_uuid]["dialplan_continue"] = $row["dialplan_continue"]; } } if (is_array($outbound_routes) && @sizeof($outbound_routes) != 0) { $x = 0; foreach ($outbound_routes as &$dialplan) { $condition_match = false; foreach ($dialplan as &$dialplan_details) { if ($dialplan_details['dialplan_detail_tag'] == "condition") { if ($dialplan_details['dialplan_detail_type'] == "destination_number") { $pattern = '/'.$dialplan_details['dialplan_detail_data'].'/'; preg_match($pattern, $destination_number, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if (count($matches) == 0) { $condition_match[] = 'false'; } else { $condition_match[] = 'true'; $regex_match_1 = $matches[1][0]; $regex_match_2 = $matches[2][0]; $regex_match_3 = $matches[3][0]; $regex_match_4 = $matches[4][0]; $regex_match_5 = $matches[5][0]; } } elseif ($dialplan_details['dialplan_detail_type'] == "\${toll_allow}") { $pattern = '/'.$dialplan_details['dialplan_detail_data'].'/'; preg_match($pattern, $channel_variables['toll_allow'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE); if (count($matches) == 0) { $condition_match[] = 'false'; } else { $condition_match[] = 'true'; } } } } if (!in_array('false', $condition_match)) { foreach ($dialplan as &$dialplan_details) { $dialplan_detail_data = $dialplan_details['dialplan_detail_data']; if ($dialplan_details['dialplan_detail_tag'] == "action" && $dialplan_details['dialplan_detail_type'] == "bridge" && $dialplan_detail_data != "\${enum_auto_route}") { $dialplan_detail_data = str_replace("\$1", $regex_match_1, $dialplan_detail_data); $dialplan_detail_data = str_replace("\$2", $regex_match_2, $dialplan_detail_data); $dialplan_detail_data = str_replace("\$3", $regex_match_3, $dialplan_detail_data); $dialplan_detail_data = str_replace("\$4", $regex_match_4, $dialplan_detail_data); $dialplan_detail_data = str_replace("\$5", $regex_match_5, $dialplan_detail_data); $bridge_array[$x] = $dialplan_detail_data; $x++; } } if ($dialplan["dialplan_continue"] == "false") { break; } } } } return $bridge_array; } //$destination_number = '1231234'; //$bridge_array = outbound_route_to_bridge ($domain_uuid, $destination_number); //foreach ($bridge_array as &$bridge) { // echo "bridge: ".$bridge."
"; //} function extension_exists($extension) { global $domain_uuid; $sql = "select count(*) from v_extensions "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and ( "; $sql .= "extension = :extension "; $sql .= "or number_alias = :extension "; $sql .= ") "; $sql .= "and enabled = 'true' "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $parameters['extension'] = $extension; $database = new database; $num_rows = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'column'); unset($sql, $parameters); return $num_rows > 0 ? true : false; } function extension_presence_id($extension, $number_alias = false) { global $domain_uuid; if ($number_alias === false) { $sql = "select extension, number_alias from v_extensions "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and ( "; $sql .= "extension = :extension "; $sql .= "or number_alias = :extension "; $sql .= ") "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $parameters['extension'] = $extension; $database = new database; $row = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'row'); if (is_array($row) && @sizeof($row) != 0) { $extension = $row['extension']; $number_alias = $row['number_alias']; } else { return false; } unset($sql, $parameters, $row); } if (strlen($number_alias) > 0) { if ($_SESSION['provision']['number_as_presence_id']['text'] === 'true') { return $number_alias; } } return $extension; } function get_recording_filename($id) { global $domain_uuid; $sql = "select * from v_recordings "; $sql .= "where recording_uuid = :recording_uuid "; $sql .= "and domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $parameters['recording_uuid'] = $id; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $database = new database; $row = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'row'); if (is_array($row) && @sizeof($row) != 0) { //$filename = $row["filename"]; //$recording_name = $row["recording_name"]; //$recording_uuid = $row["recording_uuid"]; return $row["filename"]; } unset($sql, $parameters, $row); } function dialplan_add($domain_uuid, $dialplan_uuid, $dialplan_name, $dialplan_order, $dialplan_context, $dialplan_enabled, $dialplan_description, $app_uuid) { //build insert array $array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_uuid'] = $dialplan_uuid; $array['dialplans'][0]['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; if (is_uuid($app_uuid)) { $array['dialplans'][0]['app_uuid'] = $app_uuid; } $array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_name'] = $dialplan_name; $array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_order'] = $dialplan_order; $array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_context'] = $dialplan_context; $array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_enabled'] = $dialplan_enabled; $array['dialplans'][0]['dialplan_description'] = $dialplan_description; //grant temporary permissions $p = new permissions; $p->add('dialplan_add', 'temp'); //execute insert $database = new database; $database->app_name = 'switch-function-dialplan_add'; $database->app_uuid = '2fa2243c-47a1-41a0-b144-eb2b609219e0'; $database->save($array); unset($array); //revoke temporary permissions $p->delete('dialplan_add', 'temp'); } if (!function_exists('phone_letter_to_number')) { function phone_letter_to_number($tmp) { $tmp = strtolower($tmp); if ($tmp == "a" | $tmp == "b" | $tmp == "c") { return 2; } if ($tmp == "d" | $tmp == "e" | $tmp == "f") { return 3; } if ($tmp == "g" | $tmp == "h" | $tmp == "i") { return 4; } if ($tmp == "j" | $tmp == "k" | $tmp == "l") { return 5; } if ($tmp == "m" | $tmp == "n" | $tmp == "o") { return 6; } if ($tmp == "p" | $tmp == "q" | $tmp == "r" | $tmp == "s") { return 7; } if ($tmp == "t" | $tmp == "u" | $tmp == "v") { return 8; } if ($tmp == "w" | $tmp == "x" | $tmp == "y" | $tmp == "z") { return 9; } } } if (!function_exists('save_call_center_xml')) { function save_call_center_xml() { global $domain_uuid; if (strlen($_SESSION['switch']['call_center']['dir']) > 0) { //get the call center queue array $sql = "select * from v_call_center_queues "; $database = new database; $call_center_queues = $database->select($sql, null, 'all'); unset($sql); if (is_array($call_center_queues) && @sizeof($call_center_queues) != 0) { //prepare Queue XML string $x=0; foreach ($call_center_queues as &$row) { $queue_name = $row["queue_name"]; $queue_extension = $row["queue_extension"]; $queue_strategy = $row["queue_strategy"]; $queue_moh_sound = $row["queue_moh_sound"]; $queue_record_template = $row["queue_record_template"]; $queue_time_base_score = $row["queue_time_base_score"]; $queue_max_wait_time = $row["queue_max_wait_time"]; $queue_max_wait_time_with_no_agent = $row["queue_max_wait_time_with_no_agent"]; $queue_tier_rules_apply = $row["queue_tier_rules_apply"]; $queue_tier_rule_wait_second = $row["queue_tier_rule_wait_second"]; $queue_tier_rule_wait_multiply_level = $row["queue_tier_rule_wait_multiply_level"]; $queue_tier_rule_no_agent_no_wait = $row["queue_tier_rule_no_agent_no_wait"]; $queue_discard_abandoned_after = $row["queue_discard_abandoned_after"]; $queue_abandoned_resume_allowed = $row["queue_abandoned_resume_allowed"]; $queue_announce_sound = $row["queue_announce_sound"]; $queue_announce_frequency = $row ["queue_announce_frequency"]; $queue_description = $row["queue_description"]; //replace space with an underscore $queue_name = str_replace(" ", "_", $queue_name); if ($x > 0) { $v_queues .= "\n"; $v_queues .= " "; } $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; if (strlen($queue_moh_sound) == 0) { $v_queues .= " \n"; } else { if (substr($queue_moh_sound, 0, 15) == 'local_stream://') { $v_queues .= " \n"; } elseif (substr($queue_moh_sound, 0, 2) == '${' && substr($queue_moh_sound, -5) == 'ring}') { $v_queues .= " \n"; } else { $v_queues .= " \n"; } } if (strlen($queue_record_template) > 0) { $v_queues .= " \n"; } $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " \n"; $v_queues .= " "; $x++; } //prepare Agent XML string $v_agents = ''; $sql = "select * from v_call_center_agents "; $database = new database; $result = $database->select($sql, null, 'all'); unset($sql); $x=0; if (is_array($result) && @sizeof($result) != 0) { foreach ($result as &$row) { //get the values from the db and set as php variables $agent_name = $row["agent_name"]; $agent_type = $row["agent_type"]; $agent_call_timeout = $row["agent_call_timeout"]; $agent_contact = $row["agent_contact"]; $agent_status = $row["agent_status"]; $agent_no_answer_delay_time = $row["agent_no_answer_delay_time"]; $agent_max_no_answer = $row["agent_max_no_answer"]; $agent_wrap_up_time = $row["agent_wrap_up_time"]; $agent_reject_delay_time = $row["agent_reject_delay_time"]; $agent_busy_delay_time = $row["agent_busy_delay_time"]; if ($x > 0) { $v_agents .= "\n"; $v_agents .= " "; } //get and then set the complete agent_contact with the call_timeout and when necessary confirm //$tmp_confirm = "group_confirm_file=custom/press_1_to_accept_this_call.wav,group_confirm_key=1"; //if you change this variable also change app/call_center/call_center_agent_edit.php $tmp_confirm = "group_confirm_file=custom/press_1_to_accept_this_call.wav,group_confirm_key=1,group_confirm_read_timeout=2000,leg_timeout=".$agent_call_timeout; if(strstr($agent_contact, '}') === FALSE) { //not found if(stristr($agent_contact, 'sofia/gateway') === FALSE) { //add the call_timeout $tmp_agent_contact = "{call_timeout=".$agent_call_timeout."}".$agent_contact; } else { //add the call_timeout and confirm $tmp_agent_contact = $tmp_first.',call_timeout='.$agent_call_timeout.$tmp_last; $tmp_agent_contact = "{".$tmp_confirm.",call_timeout=".$agent_call_timeout."}".$agent_contact; } } else { //found if(stristr($agent_contact, 'sofia/gateway') === FALSE) { //not found if(stristr($agent_contact, 'call_timeout') === FALSE) { //add the call_timeout $tmp_pos = strrpos($agent_contact, "}"); $tmp_first = substr($agent_contact, 0, $tmp_pos); $tmp_last = substr($agent_contact, $tmp_pos); $tmp_agent_contact = $tmp_first.',call_timeout='.$agent_call_timeout.$tmp_last; } else { //the string has the call timeout $tmp_agent_contact = $agent_contact; } } else { //found $tmp_pos = strrpos($agent_contact, "}"); $tmp_first = substr($agent_contact, 0, $tmp_pos); $tmp_last = substr($agent_contact, $tmp_pos); if(stristr($agent_contact, 'call_timeout') === FALSE) { //add the call_timeout and confirm $tmp_agent_contact = $tmp_first.','.$tmp_confirm.',call_timeout='.$agent_call_timeout.$tmp_last; } else { //add confirm $tmp_agent_contact = $tmp_first.','.$tmp_confirm.$tmp_last; } } } $v_agents .= "select($sql, null, 'all'); unset($sql); $x=0; if (is_array($result) && @sizeof($result) != 0) { foreach ($result as &$row) { $agent_name = $row["agent_name"]; $queue_name = $row["queue_name"]; $tier_level = $row["tier_level"]; $tier_position = $row["tier_position"]; if ($x > 0) { $v_tiers .= "\n"; $v_tiers .= " "; } $v_tiers .= ""; $x++; } } unset($result, $row); //set the path if (file_exists('/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/templates/conf')) { $path = "/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/templates/conf"; } else { $path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].PROJECT_PATH."/resources/templates/conf"; } //get the contents of the template $file_contents = file_get_contents($path."/autoload_configs/callcenter.conf.xml.noload"); //add the Call Center Queues, Agents and Tiers to the XML config $file_contents = str_replace("{v_queues}", $v_queues, $file_contents); unset($v_queues); $file_contents = str_replace("{v_agents}", $v_agents, $file_contents); unset($v_agents); $file_contents = str_replace("{v_tiers}", $v_tiers, $file_contents); unset($v_tiers); //write the XML config file $fout = fopen($_SESSION['switch']['conf']['dir']."/autoload_configs/callcenter.conf.xml","w"); fwrite($fout, $file_contents); fclose($fout); //apply settings $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true; } unset($call_center_queues); } } } if (!function_exists('switch_conf_xml')) { function switch_conf_xml() { //get the contents of the template if (file_exists('/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/templates/conf')) { $path = "/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/templates/conf"; } else { $path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].PROJECT_PATH."/resources/templates/conf"; } $file_contents = file_get_contents($path."/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml"); //prepare the php variables if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { $php_bin = win_find_php('php.exe'); if(!$php_bin){ // relay on system path $php_bin = 'php.exe'; } $secure_path = path_join($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"], PROJECT_PATH, 'secure'); $v_mail_bat = path_join($secure_path, 'mailto.bat'); $v_mail_cmd = '@' . '"' . str_replace('/', '\\', $php_bin) . '" ' . '"' . str_replace('/', '\\', path_join($secure_path, 'v_mailto.php')) . '" '; $fout = fopen($v_mail_bat, "w+"); fwrite($fout, $v_mail_cmd); fclose($fout); $v_mailer_app = '"' . str_replace('/', '\\', $v_mail_bat) . '"'; $v_mailer_app_args = ""; unset($v_mail_bat, $v_mail_cmd, $secure_path, $php_bin, $fout); } else { if (file_exists(PHP_BINDIR.'/php')) { define("PHP_BIN", "php"); } $v_mailer_app = PHP_BINDIR."/".PHP_BIN." ".$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].PROJECT_PATH."/secure/v_mailto.php"; $v_mailer_app_args = "-t"; } //replace the values in the template $file_contents = str_replace("{v_mailer_app}", $v_mailer_app, $file_contents); unset ($v_mailer_app); //replace the values in the template $file_contents = str_replace("{v_mailer_app_args}", $v_mailer_app_args, $file_contents); unset ($v_mailer_app_args); //write the XML config file $fout = fopen($_SESSION['switch']['conf']['dir']."/autoload_configs/switch.conf.xml","w"); fwrite($fout, $file_contents); fclose($fout); //apply settings $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true; } } if (!function_exists('xml_cdr_conf_xml')) { function xml_cdr_conf_xml() { //get the contents of the template if (file_exists('/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/templates/conf')) { $path = "/usr/share/examples/fusionpbx/resources/templates/conf"; } else { $path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].PROJECT_PATH."/resources/templates/conf"; } $file_contents = file_get_contents($path."/autoload_configs/xml_cdr.conf.xml"); //replace the values in the template $file_contents = str_replace("{v_http_protocol}", "http", $file_contents); $file_contents = str_replace("{domain_name}", "", $file_contents); $file_contents = str_replace("{v_project_path}", PROJECT_PATH, $file_contents); $v_user = generate_password(); $file_contents = str_replace("{v_user}", $v_user, $file_contents); unset ($v_user); $v_pass = generate_password(); $file_contents = str_replace("{v_pass}", $v_pass, $file_contents); unset ($v_pass); //write the XML config file $fout = fopen($_SESSION['switch']['conf']['dir']."/autoload_configs/xml_cdr.conf.xml","w"); fwrite($fout, $file_contents); fclose($fout); //apply settings $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true; } } if (!function_exists('save_sip_profile_xml')) { function save_sip_profile_xml() { //skip saving the sip profile xml if the directory is not set if (strlen($_SESSION['switch']['sip_profiles']['dir']) == 0) { return; } // make profile dir if needed $profile_dir = $_SESSION['switch']['conf']['dir']."/sip_profiles"; if (!is_readable($profile_dir)) { mkdir($profile_dir, 0770, false); } //get the sip profiles from the database $sql = "select * from v_sip_profiles"; $database = new database; $result = $database->select($sql, null, 'all'); unset($sql); if (is_array($result) && @sizeof($result) != 0) { foreach($result as $row) { $sip_profile_uuid = $row['sip_profile_uuid']; $sip_profile_name = $row['sip_profile_name']; $sip_profile_enabled = $row['sip_profile_enabled']; if ($sip_profile_enabled == 'false') { $fout = fopen($profile_dir.'/'.$sip_profile_name.".xml","w"); if ($fout) { fclose($fout); } continue; } //get the xml sip profile template if ($sip_profile_name == "internal" || $sip_profile_name == "external" || $sip_profile_name == "internal-ipv6") { $file_contents = file_get_contents($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].PROJECT_PATH."/app/sip_profiles/resources/xml/sip_profiles/".$sip_profile_name.".xml"); } else { $file_contents = file_get_contents($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].PROJECT_PATH."/app/sip_profiles/resources/xml/sip_profiles/default.xml"); } //get the sip profile settings $sql = "select * from v_sip_profile_settings "; $sql .= "where sip_profile_uuid = :sip_profile_uuid "; $sql .= "and sip_profile_setting_enabled = 'true' "; $parameters['sip_profile_uuid'] = $sip_profile_uuid; $database = new database; $result_2 = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all'); if (is_array($result_2) && @sizeof($result_2) != 0) { $sip_profile_settings = ''; foreach ($result_2 as &$row_2) { $sip_profile_settings .= " \n"; } } unset($sql, $parameters, $result_2, $row_2); //replace the values in the template $file_contents = str_replace("{v_sip_profile_name}", $sip_profile_name, $file_contents); $file_contents = str_replace("{v_sip_profile_settings}", $sip_profile_settings, $file_contents); //write the XML config file if (is_readable($profile_dir.'/')) { $fout = fopen($profile_dir.'/'.$sip_profile_name.".xml","w"); fwrite($fout, $file_contents); fclose($fout); } //if the directory does not exist then create it if (!is_readable($profile_dir.'/'.$sip_profile_name)) { mkdir($profile_dir.'/'.$sip_profile_name, 0770, false); } } unset($result, $row); } //apply settings $_SESSION["reload_xml"] = true; } } if (!function_exists('save_switch_xml')) { function save_switch_xml() { if (is_readable($_SESSION['switch']['extensions']['dir'])) { if (file_exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].PROJECT_PATH."/app/extensions/resources/classes/extension.php")) { require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].PROJECT_PATH."app/extensions/resources/classes/extension.php"; $extension = new extension; $extension->xml(); } } if (is_readable($_SESSION['switch']['conf']['dir'])) { if (file_exists($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"]."/app/settings/app_config.php")) { save_setting_xml(); } if (file_exists($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"]."/app/modules/app_config.php")) { require_once $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].PROJECT_PATH."/app/modules/resources/classes/modules.php"; $module = new modules; $module->xml(); //$msg = $module->msg; } if (file_exists($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"]."/app/vars/app_config.php")) { save_var_xml(); } if (file_exists($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"]."/app/call_center/app_config.php")) { save_call_center_xml(); } if (file_exists($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"]."/app/gateways/app_config.php")) { save_gateway_xml(); } //if (file_exists($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"]."/app/ivr_menu/app_config.php")) { // save_ivr_menu_xml(); //} if (file_exists($_SERVER["PROJECT_ROOT"]."/app/sip_profiles/app_config.php")) { save_sip_profile_xml(); } } } } if(!function_exists('path_join')) { function path_join() { $args = func_get_args(); $paths = array(); foreach ($args as $arg) { $paths = array_merge($paths, (array)$arg); } $prefix = null; foreach($paths as &$path) { if($prefix === null && strlen($path) > 0) { if(substr($path, 0, 1) == '/') $prefix = '/'; else $prefix = ''; } $path = trim( $path, '/' ); $path = trim( $path, '\\' ); } if($prefix === null){ return ''; } $paths = array_filter($paths); return $prefix . join('/', $paths); } } if(!function_exists('win_find_php')) { function win_find_php_in_root($root, $bin){ while(true) { $php_bin = path_join($root, $bin); if(file_exists($php_bin)){ $php_bin = str_replace('/', '\\', $php_bin); return $php_bin; } $prev_root = $root; $root = dirname($root); if((!$root)&&($prev_root == $root)){ return false; } } } //Tested on WAMP and OpenServer //Can get wrong result if `extension_dir` set as relative path. function win_find_php_by_extension($bin_name){ $bin_dir = get_cfg_var('extension_dir'); return win_find_php_in_root($bin_dir, $bin_name); } // Works since PHP 5.4 function win_find_php_by_binary($bin_name){ if(!defined('PHP_BINARY')){ return false; } $bin_dir = realpath(PHP_BINARY); if(!$bin_dir){ $bin_dir = PHP_BINARY; } $bin_dir = dirname($bin_dir); return win_find_php_in_root($bin_dir, $bin_name); } function win_find_php_by_phprc($bin_name){ $bin_dir = getenv(PHPRC); if(!$bin_dir){ return false; } $bin_dir = realpath($bin_dir); return win_find_php_in_root($bin_dir, $bin_name); } //on Windows PHP_BIN set in compile time to c:\php //It possible redifine it in env, but not all installation do it function win_find_php_by_bin($bin_name){ if(!defined('PHP_BIN')){ return false; } $bin_dir = realpath(PHP_BIN); if(!$bin_dir){ $bin_dir = PHP_BIN; } $bin_dir = dirname($bin_dir); return win_find_php_in_root($bin_dir, $bin_name); } function win_find_php($bin_name){ $php_bin = win_find_php_by_binary($bin_name); if($php_bin) return $php_bin; $php_bin = win_find_php_by_extension($bin_name); if($php_bin) return $php_bin; $php_bin = win_find_php_by_bin($bin_name); if($php_bin) return $php_bin; $php_bin = win_find_php_by_phprc($bin_name); if($php_bin) return $php_bin; return false; } } ?>