var Plugins; (function (Plugins) { var AutosizeInputOptions = (function () { function AutosizeInputOptions(space) { if (typeof space === "undefined") { space = 30; } = space; } return AutosizeInputOptions; })(); Plugins.AutosizeInputOptions = AutosizeInputOptions; var AutosizeInput = (function () { function AutosizeInput(input, options) { var _this = this; this._input = $(input); this._options = $.extend({}, AutosizeInput.getDefaultOptions(), options); // Init mirror this._mirror = $(''); // Copy to mirror $.each(['fontFamily', 'fontSize', 'fontWeight', 'fontStyle', 'letterSpacing', 'textTransform', 'wordSpacing', 'textIndent'], function (i, val) { _this._mirror[0].style[val] = _this._input.css(val); }); $("body").append(this._mirror); // Bind events - change update paste click mousedown mouseup focus blur // IE 9 need keydown to keep updating while deleting (keeping backspace in - else it will first update when backspace is released) // IE 9 need keyup incase text is selected and backspace/deleted is hit - keydown is to early // How to fix problem with hitting the delete "X" in the box - but not updating!? mouseup is apparently to early // Could bind separatly and set timer // Add so it automatically updates if value of input is changed this._input.on("keydown keyup input propertychange change", function (e) { _this.update(); }); // Update (function () { _this.update(); })(); } AutosizeInput.prototype.getOptions = function () { return this._options; }; AutosizeInput.prototype.update = function () { var value = this._input.val() || ""; if (value === this._mirror.text()) { // Nothing have changed - skip return; } // Update mirror this._mirror.text(value); // Calculate the width var newWidth = this._mirror.width() +; // Update the width this._input.width(newWidth); }; AutosizeInput.getDefaultOptions = function () { return this._defaultOptions; }; AutosizeInput.getInstanceKey = function () { // Use camelcase because .data()['autosize-input-instance'] will not work return "autosizeInputInstance"; }; AutosizeInput._defaultOptions = new AutosizeInputOptions(); return AutosizeInput; })(); Plugins.AutosizeInput = AutosizeInput; // jQuery Plugin (function ($) { var pluginDataAttributeName = "autosize-input"; var validTypes = ["text", "password", "search", "url", "tel", "email", "number"]; // jQuery Plugin $.fn.autosizeInput = function (options) { return this.each(function () { // Make sure it is only applied to input elements of valid type // Or let it be the responsibility of the programmer to only select and apply to valid elements? if (!(this.tagName == "INPUT" && $.inArray(this.type, validTypes) > -1)) { // Skip - if not input and of valid type return; } var $this = $(this); if (!$ { // If instance not already created and attached if (options == undefined) { // Try get options from attribute options = $; } // Create and attach instance $, new Plugins.AutosizeInput(this, options)); } }); }; // On Document Ready $(function () { // Instantiate for all with data-provide=autosize-input attribute $("input[data-" + pluginDataAttributeName + "]").autosizeInput(); }); // Alternative to use On Document Ready and creating the instance immediately //$(document).on('focus.autosize-input', 'input[data-autosize-input]', function (e) //{ // $(this).autosizeInput(); //}); })(jQuery); })(Plugins || (Plugins = {}));