Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2022 the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Mark J Crane Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz */ if (!function_exists('mb_strtoupper')) { function mb_strtoupper($string) { return strtoupper($string); } } if (!function_exists('check_float')) { function check_float($string) { $string = str_replace(",",".",$string); return trim($string); } } if (!function_exists('check_str')) { function check_str($string, $trim = true) { global $db_type, $db; //when code in db is urlencoded the ' does not need to be modified if ($db_type == "sqlite") { if (function_exists('sqlite_escape_string')) { $string = sqlite_escape_string($string); } else { $string = str_replace("'","''",$string); } } if ($db_type == "pgsql") { $string = str_replace("'","''",$string); } if ($db_type == "mysql") { if(function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')){ $tmp_str = mysql_real_escape_string($string); } else { $tmp_str = mysqli_real_escape_string($db, $string); } if (strlen($tmp_str)) { $string = $tmp_str; } else { $search = array("\x00", "\n", "\r", "\\", "'", "\"", "\x1a"); $replace = array("\\x00", "\\n", "\\r", "\\\\" ,"\'", "\\\"", "\\\x1a"); $string = str_replace($search, $replace, $string); } } $string = ($trim) ? trim($string) : $string; return $string; } } if (!function_exists('check_sql')) { function check_sql($string) { return trim($string); //remove white space } } if (!function_exists('check_cidr')) { function check_cidr($cidr, $ip_address) { if (isset($cidr) && strlen($cidr) > 0) { list ($subnet, $mask) = explode ('/', $cidr); return ( ip2long ($ip_address) & ~((1 << (32 - $mask)) - 1) ) == ip2long ($subnet); } else { return false; } } } if (!function_exists('fix_postback')) { function fix_postback($post_array) { foreach ($post_array as $index => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { fix_postback($value); } else { $value = str_replace('"', """, $value); $value = str_replace("'", "'", $value); $post_array[$index] = $value; } } return $post_array; } } if (!function_exists('uuid')) { function uuid() { $uuid = null; if (PHP_OS === 'FreeBSD') { $uuid = trim(shell_exec("uuid -v 4")); if (is_uuid($uuid)) { return $uuid; } else { echo "Please install the following package.\n"; echo "pkg install ossp-uuid\n"; exit; } } if (PHP_OS === 'Linux') { $uuid = trim(file_get_contents('/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid')); if (is_uuid($uuid)) { return $uuid; } else { $uuid = trim(shell_exec("uuidgen")); if (is_uuid($uuid)) { return $uuid; } else { echo "Please install the uuidgen.\n"; exit; } } } if ((strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') && function_exists('com_create_guid')) { $uuid = trim(com_create_guid(), '{}'); if (is_uuid($uuid)) { return $uuid; } else { echo "The com_create_guid() function failed to create a uuid.\n"; exit; } } } } if (!function_exists('is_uuid')) { function is_uuid($uuid) { if (gettype($uuid) == 'string') { $regex = '/^[0-9A-F]{8}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{4}-[0-9A-F]{12}$/i'; return preg_match($regex, $uuid); } return false; } } if (!function_exists('recursive_copy')) { if (file_exists('/bin/cp')) { function recursive_copy($source, $destination, $options = '') { if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'SUN') { //copy -R recursive, preserve attributes for SUN $cmd = 'cp -Rp '.$source.'/* '.$destination; } else { //copy -R recursive, -L follow symbolic links, -p preserve attributes for other Posix systemss $cmd = 'cp -RLp '.$options.' '.$source.'/* '.$destination; } exec ($cmd); } } elseif(strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { function recursive_copy($source, $destination, $options = '') { $source = normalize_path_to_os($source); $destination = normalize_path_to_os($destination); exec("xcopy /E /Y \"$source\" \"$destination\""); } } else { function recursive_copy($source, $destination, $options = '') { $dir = opendir($source); if (!$dir) { throw new Exception("recursive_copy() source directory '".$source."' does not exist."); } if (!is_dir($destination)) { if (!mkdir($destination,02770,true)) { throw new Exception("recursive_copy() failed to create destination directory '".$destination."'"); } } while(false !== ( $file = readdir($dir)) ) { if (( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' )) { if ( is_dir($source . '/' . $file) ) { recursive_copy($source . '/' . $file,$destination . '/' . $file); } else { copy($source . '/' . $file,$destination . '/' . $file); } } } closedir($dir); } } } if (!function_exists('recursive_delete')) { if (file_exists('/usr/bin/find')) { function recursive_delete($directory) { if (isset($directory) && strlen($directory) > 8) { exec('/usr/bin/find '.$directory.'/* -name "*" -delete'); //exec('rm -Rf '.$directory.'/*'); clearstatcache(); } } } elseif (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { function recursive_delete($directory) { $directory = normalize_path_to_os($directory); //$this->write_debug("del /S /F /Q \"$dir\""); exec("del /S /F /Q \"$directory\""); clearstatcache(); } } else { function recursive_delete($directory) { foreach (glob($directory) as $file) { if (is_dir($file)) { //$this->write_debug("rm dir: ".$file); recursive_delete("$file/*"); rmdir($file); } else { //$this->write_debug("delete file: ".$file); unlink($file); } } clearstatcache(); } } } if (!function_exists('if_group')) { function if_group($group) { //set default false $result = false; //search for the permission if (count($_SESSION["groups"]) > 0) { foreach($_SESSION["groups"] as $row) { if ($row['group_name'] == $group) { $result = true; break; } } } //return the result return $result; } } if (!function_exists('permission_exists')) { function permission_exists($permission) { //set default false $result = false; //find the permission if (is_array($_SESSION["permissions"]) && $_SESSION["permissions"][$permission] == true) { $result = true; } //return the result return $result; } } if (!function_exists('if_group_member')) { function if_group_member($group_members, $group) { if (stripos($group_members, "||".$group."||") === false) { return false; //group does not exist } else { return true; //group exists } } } if (!function_exists('superadmin_list')) { function superadmin_list() { global $domain_uuid; $sql = "select * from v_user_groups "; $sql .= "where group_name = 'superadmin' "; $database = new database; $result = $database->select($sql, null, 'all'); $superadmin_list = "||"; if (is_array($result) && @sizeof($result) != 0) { foreach ($result as $field) { //get the list of superadmins $superadmin_list .= $field['user_uuid']."||"; } } unset($sql, $result, $field); return $superadmin_list; } } if (!function_exists('if_superadmin')) { function if_superadmin($superadmin_list, $user_uuid) { if (stripos($superadmin_list, "||".$user_uuid."||") === false) { return false; } else { return true; //user_uuid exists } } } if (!function_exists('html_select_other')) { function html_select_other($table_name, $field_name, $sql_where_optional, $field_current_value) { //html select other: build a select box from distinct items in db with option for other global $domain_uuid; $table_name = preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9_]#", "", $table_name); $field_name = preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9_]#", "", $field_name); $html = "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "
\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "\n"; $html .= "
"; return $html; } } if (!function_exists('html_select')) { function html_select($table_name, $field_name, $sql_where_optional, $field_current_value, $field_value = '', $style = '', $on_change = '') { //html select: build a select box from distinct items in db global $domain_uuid; $table_name = preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9_]#", "", $table_name); $field_name = preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9_]#", "", $field_name); $field_value = preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9_]#", "", $field_value); if (strlen($field_value) > 0) { $html .= "\n"; $html .= " \n"; $sql = "select distinct(".$field_name.") as ".$field_name." from ".$table_name." ".$sql_where_optional." "; } $database = new database; $result = $database->select($sql, null, 'all'); if (is_array($result) && @sizeof($result) != 0) { foreach($result as $field) { if (strlen($field[$field_name]) > 0) { $selected = $field_current_value == $field[$field_name] ? "selected='selected'" : null; $array_key = strlen($field_value) > 0 ? $field_value : $field_name; $html .= "\n"; } } } unset($sql, $result, $field); $html .= "\n"; return $html; } } if (!function_exists('th_order_by')) { //html table header order by function th_order_by($field_name, $column_title, $order_by, $order, $app_uuid = '', $css = '', $http_get_params = '', $description = '') { global $text; if (is_uuid($app_uuid) > 0) { $app_uuid = "&app_uuid=".urlencode($app_uuid); } // accomodate need to pass app_uuid where necessary (inbound/outbound routes lists) $field_name = preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9_]#", "", $field_name); $field_value = preg_replace("#[^a-zA-Z0-9_]#", "", $field_value); $sanitized_parameters = ''; if (isset($http_get_params) && strlen($http_get_params) > 0) { $parameters = explode('&', $http_get_params); if (is_array($parameters)) { foreach ($parameters as $parameter) { if (substr_count($parameter, '=') != 0) { $array = explode('=', $parameter); $key = preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]#', '', $array['0']); $value = urldecode($array['1']); if ($key == 'order_by' && strlen($value) > 0) { //validate order by $sanitized_parameters .= "&order_by=". preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]#', '', $value); } else if ($key == 'order' && strlen($value) > 0) { //validate order switch ($value) { case 'asc': $sanitized_parameters .= "&order=asc"; break; case 'desc': $sanitized_parameters .= "&order=desc"; break; } } else if (strlen($value) > 0 && is_numeric($value)) { $sanitized_parameters .= "&".$key."=".$value; } else { $sanitized_parameters .= "&".$key."=".urlencode($value); } } } } } $html = ""; $description = (strlen($description) > 0) ? $description . ', ': ''; if (strlen($order_by) == 0) { $order = 'asc'; } if ($order_by == $field_name) { if ($order == "asc") { $description .= $text['label-order'].' '.$text['label-descending']; $html .= "".escape($column_title).""; } else { $description .= $text['label-order'].' '.$text['label-ascending']; $html .= "".escape($column_title).""; } } else { $description .= $text['label-order'].' '.$text['label-ascending']; $html .= "".escape($column_title).""; } $html .= ""; return $html; } } if (!function_exists('get_ext')) { function get_ext($filename) { preg_match('/[^?]*/', $filename, $matches); $string = $matches[0]; $pattern = preg_split('/\./', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE); // check if there is any extension if(count($pattern) == 1){ //echo 'No File Extension Present'; return ''; } if(count($pattern) > 1) { $filenamepart = $pattern[count($pattern)-1][0]; preg_match('/[^?]*/', $filenamepart, $matches); return $matches[0]; } } //echo "ext: ".get_ext('test.txt'); } if (!function_exists('file_upload')) { function file_upload($field = '', $file_type = '', $dest_dir = '') { $uploadtempdir = $_ENV["TEMP"]."\\"; ini_set('upload_tmp_dir', $uploadtempdir); $tmp_name = $_FILES[$field]["tmp_name"]; $file_name = $_FILES[$field]["name"]; $file_type = $_FILES[$field]["type"]; $file_size = $_FILES[$field]["size"]; $file_ext = get_ext($file_name); $file_name_orig = $file_name; $file_name_base = substr($file_name, 0, (strlen($file_name) - (strlen($file_ext)+1))); //$dest_dir = '/tmp'; if ($file_size == 0) { return; } if (!is_dir($dest_dir)) { echo "dest_dir not found
\n"; return; } //check if allowed file type if ($file_type == "img") { switch (strtolower($file_ext)) { case "jpg": case "png": case "gif": case "bmp": case "psd": case "tif": break; default: return false; } } if ($file_type == "file") { switch (strtolower($file_ext)) { case "doc": case "pdf": case "ppt": case "xls": case "zip": case "exe": break; default: return false; } } //find unique filename: check if file exists if it does then increment the filename $i = 1; while( file_exists($dest_dir.'/'.$file_name)) { if (strlen($file_ext)> 0) { $file_name = $file_name_base . $i .'.'. $file_ext; } else { $file_name = $file_name_orig . $i; } $i++; } //echo "file_type: ".$file_type."
\n"; //echo "tmp_name: ".$tmp_name."
\n"; //echo "file_name: ".$file_name."
\n"; //echo "file_ext: ".$file_ext."
\n"; //echo "file_name_orig: ".$file_name_orig."
\n"; //echo "file_name_base: ".$file_name_base."
\n"; //echo "dest_dir: ".$dest_dir."
\n"; //move the file to upload directory //bool move_uploaded_file ( string $filename, string $destination ) if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $dest_dir.'/'.$file_name)) { return $file_name; } else { echo "File upload failed! Here's some debugging info:\n"; return false; } exit; } } if (!function_exists('sys_get_temp_dir')) { function sys_get_temp_dir() { if ($temp = getenv('TMP')) { return $temp; } if ($temp = getenv('TEMP')) { return $temp; } if ($temp = getenv('TMPDIR')) { return $temp; } $temp = tempnam(__FILE__,''); if (file_exists($temp)) { unlink($temp); return dirname($temp); } return null; } } //echo realpath(sys_get_temp_dir()); if (!function_exists('normalize_path')) { //don't use DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR as it will change on a per platform basis and we need consistency function normalize_path($path) { return str_replace(array('/','\\'), '/', $path); } } if (!function_exists('normalize_path_to_os')) { function normalize_path_to_os($path) { return str_replace(array('/','\\'), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path); } } if (!function_exists('username_exists')) { function username_exists($username) { global $domain_uuid; $sql = "select count(*) from v_users "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and username = :username "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $parameters['username'] = $username; $database = new database; $num_rows = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'column'); return $num_rows > 0 ? true : false; } } if (!function_exists('add_extension_user')) { function add_extension_user($extension_uuid, $username) { global $domain_uuid; //get the user_uuid by using the username $sql = "select user_uuid from v_users "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and username = :username "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $parameters['username'] = $username; $database = new database; $user_uuid = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'column'); unset($sql, $parameters); if (is_uuid($user_uuid)) { //check if the user_uuid exists in v_extension_users $sql = "select count(*) from v_extension_users "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and user_uuid = :user_uuid "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $parameters['user_uuid'] = $user_uuid; $database = new database; $num_rows = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'column'); unset($sql, $parameters); //assign the extension to the user if ($num_rows == 0) { //build insert array $extension_user_uuid = uuid(); $array['extension_users'][$x]['extension_user_uuid'] = $extension_user_uuid; $array['extension_users'][$x]['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $array['extension_users'][$x]['extension_uuid'] = $extension_uuid; $array['extension_users'][$x]['user_uuid'] = $row["user_uuid"]; //grant temporary permissions $p = new permissions; $p->add('extension_user_add', 'temp'); //execute insert $database = new database; $database->app_name = 'function-add_extension_user'; $database->app_uuid = 'e68d9689-2769-e013-28fa-6214bf47fca3'; $database->save($array); unset($array); //revoke temporary permissions $p->delete('extension_user_add', 'temp'); } } } } if (!function_exists('user_add')) { function user_add($username, $password, $user_email = '') { global $domain_uuid; if (strlen($username) == 0) { return false; } if (strlen($password) == 0) { return false; } if (!username_exists($username)) { //build user insert array $user_uuid = uuid(); $salt = generate_password('20', '4'); $array['users'][0]['user_uuid'] = $user_uuid; $array['users'][0]['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $array['users'][0]['username'] = $username; $array['users'][0]['password'] = md5($salt.$password); $array['users'][0]['salt'] = $salt; if (valid_email($user_email)) { $array['users'][0]['user_email'] = $user_email; } $array['users'][0]['add_date'] = 'now()'; $array['users'][0]['add_user'] = $_SESSION["username"]; //build user group insert array $user_group_uuid = uuid(); $array['user_groups'][0]['user_group_uuid'] = $user_group_uuid; $array['user_groups'][0]['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $array['user_groups'][0]['group_name'] = 'user'; $array['user_groups'][0]['user_uuid'] = $user_uuid; //grant temporary permissions $p = new permissions; $p->add('user_add', 'temp'); $p->add('user_group_add', 'temp'); //execute insert $database = new database; $database->app_name = 'function-user_add'; $database->app_uuid = '15a8d74b-ac7e-4468-add4-3e6ebdcb8e22'; $database->save($array); unset($array); //revoke temporary permissions $p->delete('user_add', 'temp'); $p->delete('user_group_add', 'temp'); } } } function switch_module_is_running($fp, $mod) { if (!$fp) { //if the handle does not exist create it $fp = event_socket_create($_SESSION['event_socket_ip_address'], $_SESSION['event_socket_port'], $_SESSION['event_socket_password']); //if the handle still does not exist show an error message if (!$fp) { $msg = "
Connection to Event Socket failed.
"; } } if ($fp) { //send the api command to check if the module exists $switchcmd = "module_exists $mod"; $switch_result = event_socket_request($fp, 'api '.$switchcmd); unset($switchcmd); if (trim($switch_result) == "true") { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } //switch_module_is_running('mod_spidermonkey'); //format a number (n) replace with a number (r) remove the number function format_string($format, $data) { //preset values $x=0; $tmp = ''; //count the characters $format_count = substr_count($format, 'x'); $format_count = $format_count + substr_count($format, 'R'); $format_count = $format_count + substr_count($format, 'r'); //format the string if it matches if ($format_count == strlen($data)) { for ($i = 0; $i <= strlen($format); $i++) { $tmp_format = strtolower(substr($format, $i, 1)); if ($tmp_format == 'x') { $tmp .= substr($data, $x, 1); $x++; } elseif ($tmp_format == 'r') { $x++; } else { $tmp .= $tmp_format; } } } if (strlen($tmp) == 0) { return $data; } else { return $tmp; } } //get the format and use it to format the phone number function format_phone($phone_number) { if (is_numeric(trim($phone_number, ' +'))) { if (isset($_SESSION["format"]["phone"])) { $phone_number = trim($phone_number, ' +'); foreach ($_SESSION["format"]["phone"] as &$format) { $format_count = substr_count($format, 'x'); $format_count = $format_count + substr_count($format, 'R'); $format_count = $format_count + substr_count($format, 'r'); if ($format_count == strlen($phone_number)) { //format the number $phone_number = format_string($format, $phone_number); } } } } return $phone_number; } //format seconds into hh:mm:ss function format_hours($seconds) { $hours = floor($seconds / 3600); $minutes = floor(($seconds / 60) % 60); $seconds = $seconds % 60; if (strlen($minutes) == 1) { $minutes = '0'.$minutes; } if (strlen($seconds) == 1) { $seconds = '0'.$seconds; } return "$hours:$minutes:$seconds"; } //browser detection without browscap.ini dependency function http_user_agent($info = '') { //set default values $user_agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $browser_name = 'Unknown'; $platform = 'Unknown'; $version = ''; $mobile = false; //get the platform if (preg_match('/linux/i', $user_agent)) { $platform = 'Linux'; } elseif (preg_match('/macintosh|mac os x/i', $user_agent)) { $platform = 'Apple'; } elseif (preg_match('/windows|win32/i', $user_agent)) { $platform = 'Windows'; } //set mobile to true or false if (preg_match('/mobile/i', $user_agent)) { $platform = 'Mobile'; $mobile = true; } elseif (preg_match('/android/i', $user_agent)) { $platform = 'Android'; $mobile = true; } //get the name of the useragent if (preg_match('/MSIE/i',$user_agent) || preg_match('/Trident/i',$user_agent)) { $browser_name = 'Internet Explorer'; $browser_name_short = 'MSIE'; } elseif (preg_match('/Firefox/i',$user_agent)) { $browser_name = 'Mozilla Firefox'; $browser_name_short = 'Firefox'; } elseif (preg_match('/Chrome/i',$user_agent)) { $browser_name = 'Google Chrome'; $browser_name_short = 'Chrome'; } elseif (preg_match('/Safari/i',$user_agent)) { $browser_name = 'Apple Safari'; $browser_name_short = 'Safari'; } elseif (preg_match('/Opera/i',$user_agent)) { $browser_name = 'Opera'; $browser_name_short = 'Opera'; } elseif (preg_match('/Netscape/i',$user_agent)) { $browser_name = 'Netscape'; $browser_name_short = 'Netscape'; } else { $browser_name = 'Unknown'; $browser_name_short = 'Unknown'; } //finally get the correct version number $known = array('Version', $browser_name_short, 'other'); $pattern = '#(?' . join('|', $known) . ')[/ ]+(?[0-9.|a-zA-Z.]*)#'; if (!preg_match_all($pattern, $user_agent, $matches)) { //we have no matching number just continue } //see how many we have $i = count($matches['browser']); if ($i != 1) { //we will have two since we are not using 'other' argument yet //see if version is before or after the name if (strripos($user_agent,"Version") < strripos($user_agent,$browser_name_short)) { $version= $matches['version'][0]; } else { $version= $matches['version'][1]; } } else { $version= $matches['version'][0]; } //check if we have a number if ($version == null || $version == "") { $version = "?"; } //return the data switch ($info) { case "agent": return $user_agent; break; case "name": return $browser_name; break; case "name_short": return $browser_name_short; break; case "version": return $version; break; case "platform": return $platform; break; case "mobile": return $mobile; break; case "pattern": return $pattern; break; default : return array( 'user_agent' => $user_agent, 'name' => $browser_name, 'name_short' => $browser_name_short, 'version' => $version, 'platform' => $platform, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'pattern' => $pattern ); } } //tail php function for non posix systems function tail($file, $num_to_get=10) { $fp = fopen($file, 'r'); $position = filesize($file); $chunklen = 4096; if($position-$chunklen<=0) { fseek($fp,0); } else { fseek($fp, $position-$chunklen); } $data="";$ret="";$lc=0; while($chunklen > 0) { $data = fread($fp, $chunklen); $dl=strlen($data); for($i=$dl-1;$i>=0;$i--){ if($data[$i]=="\n"){ if($lc==0 && $ret!="")$lc++; $lc++; if($lc>$num_to_get)return $ret; } $ret=$data[$i].$ret; } if($position-$chunklen<=0){ fseek($fp,0); $chunklen=$chunklen-abs($position-$chunklen); } else { fseek($fp, $position-$chunklen); } $position = $position - $chunklen; } fclose($fp); return $ret; } //generate a random password with upper, lowercase and symbols function generate_password($length = 0, $strength = 0) { $password = ''; $chars = ''; if ($length === 0 && $strength === 0) { //set length and strenth if specified in default settings and strength isn't numeric-only $length = (is_numeric($_SESSION["users"]["password_length"]["numeric"])) ? $_SESSION["users"]["password_length"]["numeric"] : 20; $strength = (is_numeric($_SESSION["users"]["password_strength"]["numeric"])) ? $_SESSION["users"]["password_strength"]["numeric"] : 4; } if ($strength >= 1) { $chars .= "0123456789"; } if ($strength >= 2) { $chars .= "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"; } if ($strength >= 3) { $chars .= "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"; } if ($strength >= 4) { $chars .= "!^$%*?."; } for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $password .= $chars[random_int(0, strlen($chars)-1)]; } return $password; } //check password strength against requirements (if any) function check_password_strength($password, $text, $type = 'default') { if ($password != '') { if ($type == 'default') { $req['length'] = $_SESSION['extension']['password_length']['numeric']; $req['number'] = ($_SESSION['extension']['password_number']['boolean'] == 'true') ? true : false; $req['lowercase'] = ($_SESSION['extension']['password_lowercase']['boolean'] == 'true') ? true : false; $req['uppercase'] = ($_SESSION['extension']['password_uppercase']['boolean'] == 'true') ? true : false; $req['special'] = ($_SESSION['extension']['password_special']['boolean'] == 'true') ? true : false; } elseif ($type == 'user') { $req['length'] = $_SESSION['user']['password_length']['numeric']; $req['number'] = ($_SESSION['user']['password_number']['boolean'] == 'true') ? true : false; $req['lowercase'] = ($_SESSION['user']['password_lowercase']['boolean'] == 'true') ? true : false; $req['uppercase'] = ($_SESSION['user']['password_uppercase']['boolean'] == 'true') ? true : false; $req['special'] = ($_SESSION['user']['password_special']['boolean'] == 'true') ? true : false; } if (is_numeric($req['length']) && $req['length'] != 0 && !preg_match_all('$\S*(?=\S{'.$req['length'].',})\S*$', $password)) { // length $msg_errors[] = $req['length'].'+ '.$text['label-characters']; } if ($req['number'] && !preg_match_all('$\S*(?=\S*[\d])\S*$', $password)) { //number $msg_errors[] = '1+ '.$text['label-numbers']; } if ($req['lowercase'] && !preg_match_all('$\S*(?=\S*[a-z])\S*$', $password)) { //lowercase $msg_errors[] = '1+ '.$text['label-lowercase_letters']; } if ($req['uppercase'] && !preg_match_all('$\S*(?=\S*[A-Z])\S*$', $password)) { //uppercase $msg_errors[] = '1+ '.$text['label-uppercase_letters']; } if ($req['special'] && !preg_match_all('$\S*(?=\S*[\W])\S*$', $password)) { //special $msg_errors[] = '1+ '.$text['label-special_characters']; } if (is_array($msg_errors) && sizeof($msg_errors) > 0) { message::add($_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-password_requirements'].': '.implode(', ', $msg_errors), 'negative', 6000); return false; } else { return true; } } return true; } //based on Wez Furlong do_post_request if (!function_exists('send_http_request')) { function send_http_request($url, $data, $method = "POST", $optional_headers = null) { $params = array('http' => array( 'method' => $method, 'content' => $data )); if ($optional_headers !== null) { $params['http']['header'] = $optional_headers; } $ctx = stream_context_create($params); $fp = @fopen($url, 'rb', false, $ctx); if (!$fp) { throw new Exception("Problem with $url, $php_errormsg"); } $response = @stream_get_contents($fp); if ($response === false) { throw new Exception("Problem reading data from $url, $php_errormsg"); } return $response; } } //convert the string to a named array if(!function_exists('csv_to_named_array')) { function csv_to_named_array($tmp_str, $tmp_delimiter) { $tmp_array = explode ("\n", $tmp_str); $result = array(); if (trim(strtoupper($tmp_array[0])) !== "+OK") { $tmp_field_name_array = explode ($tmp_delimiter, $tmp_array[0]); $x = 0; foreach ($tmp_array as $row) { if ($x > 0) { $tmp_field_value_array = explode ($tmp_delimiter, $tmp_array[$x]); $y = 0; foreach ($tmp_field_value_array as $tmp_value) { $tmp_name = $tmp_field_name_array[$y]; if (trim(strtoupper($tmp_value)) !== "+OK") { $result[$x][$tmp_name] = $tmp_value; } $y++; } } $x++; } unset($row); } return $result; } } function get_time_zone_offset($remote_tz, $origin_tz = 'UTC') { $origin_dtz = new DateTimeZone($origin_tz); $remote_dtz = new DateTimeZone($remote_tz); $origin_dt = new DateTime("now", $origin_dtz); $remote_dt = new DateTime("now", $remote_dtz); $offset = $remote_dtz->getOffset($remote_dt) - $origin_dtz->getOffset($origin_dt); return $offset; } function number_pad($number,$n) { return str_pad((int) $number,$n,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT); } // validate email address syntax if(!function_exists('valid_email')) { function valid_email($email) { return (filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) ? true : false; } } //function to convert hexidecimal color value to rgb string/array value if (!function_exists('hex_to_rgb')) { function hex_to_rgb($hex, $delim = '') { $hex = str_replace("#", "", $hex); if (strlen($hex) == 3) { $r = hexdec(substr($hex,0,1).substr($hex,0,1)); $g = hexdec(substr($hex,1,1).substr($hex,1,1)); $b = hexdec(substr($hex,2,1).substr($hex,2,1)); } else { $r = hexdec(substr($hex,0,2)); $g = hexdec(substr($hex,2,2)); $b = hexdec(substr($hex,4,2)); } $rgb = array($r, $g, $b); if ($delim != '') { return implode($delim, $rgb); // return rgb delimited string } else { return $rgb; // return array of rgb values } } } //function to get a color's luminence level -- dependencies: rgb_to_hsl() if (!function_exists('get_color_luminence')) { function get_color_luminence($color) { //convert hex to rgb if (substr_count($color, ',') == 0) { $color = str_replace(' ', '', $color); $color = str_replace('#', '', $color); if (strlen($color) == 3) { $r = hexdec(substr($color,0,1).substr($color,0,1)); $g = hexdec(substr($color,1,1).substr($color,1,1)); $b = hexdec(substr($color,2,1).substr($color,2,1)); } else { $r = hexdec(substr($color,0,2)); $g = hexdec(substr($color,2,2)); $b = hexdec(substr($color,4,2)); } $color = $r.','.$g.','.$b; } //color to array, pop alpha if (substr_count($color, ',') > 0) { $color = str_replace(' ', '', $color); $color = str_replace('rgb', '', $color); $color = str_replace('a(', '', $color); $color = str_replace(')', '', $color); $color = explode(',', $color); $hsl = rgb_to_hsl($color[0], $color[1], $color[2]); } //return luminence value return (is_array($hsl) && is_numeric($hsl[2])) ? $hsl[2] : null; } } //function to lighten or darken a hexidecimal, rgb, or rgba color value by a percentage -- dependencies: rgb_to_hsl(), hsl_to_rgb() if (!function_exists('color_adjust')) { function color_adjust($color, $percent) { /* USAGE 20% Lighter color_adjust('#3f4265', 0.2); color_adjust('234,120,6,0.3', 0.2); 20% Darker color_adjust('#3f4265', -0.2); // color_adjust('rgba(234,120,6,0.3)', -0.2); RETURNS Same color format provided (hex in = hex out, rgb(a) in = rgb(a) out) */ //convert hex to rgb if (substr_count($color, ',') == 0) { $color = str_replace(' ', '', $color); if (substr_count($color, '#') > 0) { $color = str_replace('#', '', $color); $hash = '#'; } if (strlen($color) == 3) { $r = hexdec(substr($color,0,1).substr($color,0,1)); $g = hexdec(substr($color,1,1).substr($color,1,1)); $b = hexdec(substr($color,2,1).substr($color,2,1)); } else { $r = hexdec(substr($color,0,2)); $g = hexdec(substr($color,2,2)); $b = hexdec(substr($color,4,2)); } $color = $r.','.$g.','.$b; } //color to array, pop alpha if (substr_count($color, ',') > 0) { $color = str_replace(' ', '', $color); $wrapper = false; if (substr_count($color, 'rgb') != 0) { $color = str_replace('rgb', '', $color); $color = str_replace('a(', '', $color); $color = str_replace(')', '', $color); $wrapper = true; } $colors = explode(',', $color); $alpha = (sizeof($colors) == 4) ? array_pop($colors) : null; $color = $colors; unset($colors); //adjust color using rgb > hsl > rgb conversion $hsl = rgb_to_hsl($color[0], $color[1], $color[2]); $hsl[2] = $hsl[2] + $percent; $color = hsl_to_rgb($hsl[0], $hsl[1], $hsl[2]); //return adjusted color in format received if (isset($hash) && $hash == '#') { //hex for ($i = 0; $i <= 2; $i++) { $hex_color = dechex($color[$i]); if (strlen($hex_color) == 1) { $hex_color = '0'.$hex_color; } $hex .= $hex_color; } return $hash.$hex; } else { //rgb(a) $rgb = implode(',', $color); if ($alpha != '') { $rgb .= ','.$alpha; $a = 'a'; } if ($wrapper) { $rgb = 'rgb'.$a.'('.$rgb.')'; } return $rgb; } } return $color; } } //function to convert an rgb color array to an hsl color array if (!function_exists('rgb_to_hsl')) { function rgb_to_hsl($r, $g, $b) { $r /= 255; $g /= 255; $b /= 255; $max = max($r, $g, $b); $min = min($r, $g, $b); $h; $s; $l = ($max + $min) / 2; $d = $max - $min; if ($d == 0) { $h = $s = 0; // achromatic } else { $s = $d / (1 - abs((2 * $l) - 1)); switch($max){ case $r: $h = 60 * fmod((($g - $b) / $d), 6); if ($b > $g) { $h += 360; } break; case $g: $h = 60 * (($b - $r) / $d + 2); break; case $b: $h = 60 * (($r - $g) / $d + 4); break; } } return array(round($h, 2), round($s, 2), round($l, 2)); } } //function to convert an hsl color array to an rgb color array if (!function_exists('hsl_to_rgb')) { function hsl_to_rgb($h, $s, $l){ $r; $g; $b; $c = (1 - abs((2 * $l) - 1)) * $s; $x = $c * (1 - abs(fmod(($h / 60), 2) - 1)); $m = $l - ($c / 2); if ($h < 60) { $r = $c; $g = $x; $b = 0; } else if ($h < 120) { $r = $x; $g = $c; $b = 0; } else if ($h < 180) { $r = 0; $g = $c; $b = $x; } else if ($h < 240) { $r = 0; $g = $x; $b = $c; } else if ($h < 300) { $r = $x; $g = 0; $b = $c; } else { $r = $c; $g = 0; $b = $x; } $r = ($r + $m) * 255; $g = ($g + $m) * 255; $b = ($b + $m) * 255; if ($r > 255) { $r = 255; } if ($g > 255) { $g = 255; } if ($b > 255) { $b = 255; } if ($r < 0) { $r = 0; } if ($g < 0) { $g = 0; } if ($b < 0) { $b = 0; } return array(floor($r), floor($g), floor($b)); } } //function to send email if (!function_exists('send_email')) { function send_email($email_recipients, $email_subject, $email_body, &$email_error = '', $email_from_address = '', $email_from_name = '', $email_priority = 3, $email_debug_level = 0, $email_attachments = '', $email_read_confirmation = false) { /* RECIPIENTS NOTE: Pass in a single email address... user@domain.com Pass in a comma or semi-colon delimited string of e-mail addresses... user@domain.com,user2@domain2.com,user3@domain3.com user@domain.com;user2@domain2.com;user3@domain3.com Pass in a simple array of email addresses... Array ( [0] => user@domain.com [1] => user2@domain2.com [2] => user3@domain3.com ) Pass in a multi-dimentional array of addresses (delivery, address, name)... Array ( [0] => Array ( [delivery] => to [address] => user@domain.com [name] => user 1 ) [1] => Array ( [delivery] => cc [address] => user2@domain2.com [name] => user 2 ) [2] => Array ( [delivery] => bcc [address] => user3@domain3.com [name] => user 3 ) ) ATTACHMENTS NOTE: Pass in as many files as necessary in an array in the following format... Array ( [0] => Array ( [type] => file (or 'path') [name] => filename.ext [value] => /folder/filename.ext ) [1] => Array ( [type] => string [name] => filename.ext [value] => (string of file contents - if base64, will be decoded automatically) ) ) ERROR RESPONSE: Error messages are stored in the variable passed into $email_error BY REFERENCE */ //add the email recipients $address_found = false; if (!is_array($email_recipients)) { // must be a single or delimited recipient address(s) $email_recipients = str_replace(' ', '', $email_recipients); $email_recipients = str_replace(',', ';', $email_recipients); $email_recipients = explode(';', $email_recipients); // convert to array of addresses } foreach ($email_recipients as $email_recipient) { if (is_array($email_recipient)) { // check if each recipient has multiple fields if ($email_recipient["address"] != '' && valid_email($email_recipient["address"])) { // check if valid address $recipients = $email_recipient["address"]; $address_found = true; } } else if ($email_recipient != '' && valid_email($email_recipient)) { // check if recipient value is simply (only) an address $email_recipients = $email_recipient; $address_found = true; } } if (is_array($recipients)) { $email_recipients = implode(",", $recipients); } if (!$address_found) { $email_error = "No valid e-mail address provided."; return false; } //get the from address and name $email_from_address = ($email_from_address != '') ? $email_from_address : $_SESSION['email']['smtp_from']['text']; $email_from_name = ($email_from_name != '') ? $email_from_name : $_SESSION['email']['smtp_from_name']['text']; //send email $email = new email; $email->recipients = $email_recipients; $email->subject = $email_subject; $email->body = $email_body; $email->from_address = $email_from_address; $email->from_name = $email_from_name; $email->attachments = $email_attachments; $email->debug_level = 3; $sent = $email->send(); //$email_error = $email->email_error; } } //encrypt a string if (!function_exists('encrypt')) { function encrypt($key, $data) { $encryption_key = base64_decode($key); $iv = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length('aes-256-cbc')); $encrypted = openssl_encrypt($data, 'aes-256-cbc', $encryption_key, 0, $iv); return base64_encode($encrypted.'::'.$iv); } } //decrypt a string if (!function_exists('decrypt')) { function decrypt($key, $data) { $encryption_key = base64_decode($key); list($encrypted_data, $iv) = explode('::', base64_decode($data), 2); return openssl_decrypt($encrypted_data, 'aes-256-cbc', $encryption_key, 0, $iv); } } //json detection if (!function_exists('is_json')) { function is_json($str) { return (is_string($str) && is_object(json_decode($str))) ? true : false; } } //mac detection if (!function_exists('is_mac')) { function is_mac($str) { return (preg_match('/([a-fA-F0-9]{2}[:|\-]?){6}/', $str) == 1) ? true : false; } } //detect if php is running as command line interface if (!function_exists('is_cli')) { function is_cli() { if (defined('STDIN')) { return true; } if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' && !isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && is_numeric($_SERVER['argc'])) { return true; } return false; } } //format mac address if (!function_exists('format_mac')) { function format_mac($str, $delim = '-', $case = 'lower') { if (is_mac($str)) { $str = join($delim, str_split($str, 2)); $str = ($case == 'upper') ? strtoupper($str) : strtolower($str); } return $str; } } //transparent gif if (!function_exists('img_spacer')) { function img_spacer($width = '1px', $height = '1px', $custom = null) { return ""; } } //lower case function lower_case($string) { if (function_exists('mb_strtolower')) { return mb_strtolower($string, 'UTF-8'); } else { return strtolower($string); } } //upper case function upper_case($string) { if (function_exists('mb_strtoupper')) { return mb_strtoupper($string, 'UTF-8'); } else { return strtoupper($string); } } //write javascript function that detects select key combinations to perform designated actions if (!function_exists('key_press')) { function key_press($key, $direction = 'up', $subject = 'document', $exceptions = array(), $prompt = null, $action = null, $script_wrapper = true) { //determine key code switch (strtolower($key)) { case 'escape': $key_code = '(e.which == 27)'; break; case 'delete': $key_code = '(e.which == 46)'; break; case 'enter': $key_code = '(e.which == 13)'; break; case 'backspace': $key_code = '(e.which == 8)'; break; case 'space': $key_code = '(e.which == 32)'; break; case 'ctrl+s': $key_code = '(((e.which == 115 || e.which == 83) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) || (e.which == 19))'; break; case 'ctrl+q': $key_code = '(((e.which == 113 || e.which == 81) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) || (e.which == 19))'; break; case 'ctrl+a': $key_code = '(((e.which == 97 || e.which == 65) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) || (e.which == 19))'; break; case 'ctrl+c': $key_code = '(((e.which == 99 || e.which == 67) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) || (e.which == 19))'; break; case 'ctrl+enter': $key_code = '(((e.which == 13 || e.which == 10) && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) || (e.which == 19))'; break; default: return; } //filter direction switch ($direction) { case 'down': $direction = 'keydown'; break; case 'press': $direction = 'keypress'; break; case 'up': $direction = 'keyup'; break; } //check for element exceptions if (is_array($exceptions)) { if (sizeof($exceptions) > 0) { $exceptions = "!$(e.target).is('".implode(',', $exceptions)."') && "; } } //quote if selector is id or class $subject = ($subject != 'window' && $subject != 'document') ? "'".$subject."'" : $subject; //output script echo "\n\n\n"; if ($script_wrapper) { echo "\n"; } echo "\n\n\n"; } } //format border radius values if (!function_exists('format_border_radius')) { function format_border_radius($radius_value, $default = 5) { $radius_value = ($radius_value != '') ? $radius_value : $default; $br_a = explode(' ', $radius_value); foreach ($br_a as $index => $br) { if (substr_count($br, '%') > 0) { $br_b[$index]['number'] = str_replace('%', '', $br); $br_b[$index]['unit'] = '%'; } else { $br_b[$index]['number'] = str_replace('px', '', strtolower($br)); $br_b[$index]['unit'] = 'px'; } } unset($br_a, $br); if (sizeof($br_b) == 4) { $br['tl']['n'] = $br_b[0]['number']; $br['tr']['n'] = $br_b[1]['number']; $br['br']['n'] = $br_b[2]['number']; $br['bl']['n'] = $br_b[3]['number']; $br['tl']['u'] = $br_b[0]['unit']; $br['tr']['u'] = $br_b[1]['unit']; $br['br']['u'] = $br_b[2]['unit']; $br['bl']['u'] = $br_b[3]['unit']; } else if (sizeof($br_b) == 2) { $br['tl']['n'] = $br_b[0]['number']; $br['tr']['n'] = $br_b[0]['number']; $br['br']['n'] = $br_b[1]['number']; $br['bl']['n'] = $br_b[1]['number']; $br['tl']['u'] = $br_b[0]['unit']; $br['tr']['u'] = $br_b[0]['unit']; $br['br']['u'] = $br_b[1]['unit']; $br['bl']['u'] = $br_b[1]['unit']; } else { $br['tl']['n'] = $br_b[0]['number']; $br['tr']['n'] = $br_b[0]['number']; $br['br']['n'] = $br_b[0]['number']; $br['bl']['n'] = $br_b[0]['number']; $br['tl']['u'] = $br_b[0]['unit']; $br['tr']['u'] = $br_b[0]['unit']; $br['br']['u'] = $br_b[0]['unit']; $br['bl']['u'] = $br_b[0]['unit']; } unset($br_b); return $br; //array } } //converts a string to a regular expression if (!function_exists('string_to_regex')) { function string_to_regex($string, $prefix='') { $original_string = $string; //escape the plus if (substr($string, 0, 1) == "+") { $string = "^\\+(".substr($string, 1).")$"; } //add prefix if (strlen($prefix) > 0) { if (strlen($prefix) > 0 && strlen($prefix) < 4) { $plus = (substr($string, 0, 1) == "+") ? '' : '\+?'; $prefix = $plus.$prefix.'?'; } else { $prefix = '(?:'.$prefix.')?'; } } //convert N,X,Z syntax to regex if (preg_match('/^[NnXxZz]+$/', $original_string)) { $string = str_ireplace("N", "[2-9]", $string); $string = str_ireplace("X", "[0-9]", $string); $string = str_ireplace("Z", "[1-9]", $string); } //add ^ to the start of the string if missing if (substr($string, 0, 1) != "^") { $string = "^".$string; } //add $ to the end of the string if missing if (substr($string, -1) != "$") { $string = $string."$"; } //add the round brackets if (!strstr($string, '(')) { if (strstr($string, '^')) { $string = str_replace("^", "^".$prefix."(", $string); } else { $string = '^('.$string; } if (strstr($string, '$')) { $string = str_replace("$", ")$", $string); } else { $string = $string.')$'; } } //return the result return $string; } //$string = "+12089068227"; echo $string." ".string_to_regex($string)."\n"; //$string = "12089068227"; echo $string." ".string_to_regex($string)."\n"; //$string = "2089068227"; echo $string." ".string_to_regex($string)."\n"; //$string = "^(20890682[0-9][0-9])$"; echo $string." ".string_to_regex($string)."\n"; //$string = "1208906xxxx"; echo $string." ".string_to_regex($string)."\n"; //$string = "nxxnxxxxxxx"; echo $string." ".string_to_regex($string)."\n"; //$string = "208906xxxx"; echo $string." ".string_to_regex($string)."\n"; //$string = "^(2089068227"; echo $string." ".string_to_regex($string)."\n"; //$string = "^2089068227)"; echo $string." ".string_to_regex($string)."\n"; //$string = "2089068227$"; echo $string." ".string_to_regex($string)."\n"; //$string = "2089068227)$"; echo $string." ".string_to_regex($string)."\n"; } //dynamically load available web fonts if (!function_exists('get_available_fonts')) { function get_available_fonts($sort = 'alpha') { if ($_SESSION['theme']['font_source_key']['text'] != '') { if (!is_array($_SESSION['fonts_available']) || sizeof($_SESSION['fonts_available']) == 0) { /* sort options: alpha - alphabetically date - by date added (most recent font added or updated first) popularity - by popularity (most popular family first) style - by number of styles available (family with most styles first) trending - by families seeing growth in usage (family seeing the most growth first) */ $google_api_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/webfonts/v1/webfonts?key='.$_SESSION['theme']['font_source_key']['text'].'&sort='.$sort; $response = file_get_contents($google_api_url); if ($response != '') { $data = json_decode($response, true); $items = $data['items']; foreach ($items as $item) { $fonts[] = $item['family']; } //echo "
".print_r($font_list, true)."
"; } $_SESSION['fonts_available'] = $fonts; unset($fonts); } return (is_array($_SESSION['fonts_available']) && sizeof($_SESSION['fonts_available']) > 0) ? $_SESSION['fonts_available'] : array(); } else { return false; } } } //dynamically import web fonts (by reading static css file) if (!function_exists('import_fonts')) { function import_fonts($file_to_parse, $line_styles_begin = null) { /* This function reads the contents of $file_to_parse, beginning at $line_styles_begin (if set), and attempts to parse the specified google fonts used. The assumption is that each curly brace will be on its own line, each CSS style (attribute: value;) will be on its own line, a single Google Fonts name will be used per selector, and that it will be surrounded by SINGLE quotes, as shown in the example below: .class_name { font-family: 'Google Font'; font-weight: 300; font-style: italic; } If the CSS styles are formatted as described, the necessary @import string should be generated correctly. */ $file = file_get_contents($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].$file_to_parse); $lines = explode("\n", $file); $style_counter = 0; foreach ($lines as $line_number => $line) { if ($line_styles_begin != '' && $line_number < $line_styles_begin - 1) { continue; } if (substr_count($line, "{") > 0) { $style_lines[$style_counter]['begins'] = $line_number; } if (substr_count($line, "}") > 0) { $style_lines[$style_counter]['ends'] = $line_number; $style_counter++; } } //echo "\n\n".print_r($style_lines, true)."\n\n"; if (is_array($style_lines) && sizeof($style_lines) > 0) { foreach ($style_lines as $index => $style_line) { for ($l = $style_line['begins']+1; $l < $style_line['ends']; $l++) { $tmp[] = $lines[$l]; } $style_groups[] = $tmp; unset($tmp); } //echo "\n\n".print_r($style_groups, true)."\n\n"; if (is_array($style_groups) && sizeof($style_groups) > 0) { foreach ($style_groups as $style_group_index => $style_group) { foreach ($style_group as $style_index => $style) { $tmp = explode(':', $style); $attribute = trim($tmp[0]); $value = trim(trim($tmp[1]),';'); $style_array[$attribute] = $value; } $style_groups[$style_group_index] = $style_array; unset($style_array); } //echo "\n\n".print_r($style_groups, true)."\n\n"; foreach ($style_groups as $style_group_index => $style_group) { $style_value = $style_group['font-family']; if (substr_count($style_value, "'") > 0) { //determine font $font_begin = strpos($style_value, "'")+1; $font_end = strpos($style_value, "'", $font_begin); $font_name = substr($style_value, $font_begin, $font_end - $font_begin); //determine modifiers $weight = (is_numeric($style_group['font-weight']) || strtolower($style_group['font-weight']) == 'bold') ? strtolower($style_group['font-weight']) : null; $italic = (strtolower($style_group['font-style']) == 'italic') ? 'italic' : null; //add font to array $fonts[$font_name][] = $weight.$italic; } } //echo "\n\n/*".print_r($fonts, true)."*/\n\n"; if (is_array($fonts)) { foreach ($fonts as $font_name => $modifiers) { $modifiers = array_unique($modifiers); $import_font_string = str_replace(' ', '+', $font_name); if (is_array($modifiers) && sizeof($modifiers) > 0) { $import_font_string .= ':'.implode(',', $modifiers); } $import_fonts[] = $import_font_string; } //echo "\n\n/*".print_r($import_fonts, true)."*/\n\n"; $import_string = "@import url(//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=".implode('|', $import_fonts).");"; echo $import_string."\n"; } } } } } //retrieve array of countries if (!function_exists('get_countries')) { function get_countries() { $sql = "select * from v_countries order by country asc"; $database = new database; $result = $database->select($sql, null, 'all'); unset($sql); return is_array($result) && @sizeof($result) != 0 ? $result : false; } } //make directory with event socket function event_socket_mkdir($dir) { //connect to fs $fp = event_socket_create($_SESSION['event_socket_ip_address'], $_SESSION['event_socket_port'], $_SESSION['event_socket_password']); if (!$fp) { return false; } //send the mkdir command to freeswitch if ($fp) { //build and send the mkdir command to freeswitch $switch_cmd = "lua mkdir.lua ".escapeshellarg($dir); $switch_result = event_socket_request($fp, 'api '.$switch_cmd); fclose($fp); //check result if (trim($switch_result) == "-ERR no reply") { return true; } } //can not create directory return false; } //escape user data function escape($string) { if (is_array($string)) { return false; } elseif (isset($string) && strlen($string)) { return htmlentities($string, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5, 'UTF-8'); } else { return false; } //return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } //output pre-formatted array keys and values if (!function_exists('view_array')) { function view_array($array, $exit = true, $return = false) { $html = "
".print_r($array, true).'

'; if ($return) { return $html; } else { echo $html; } $exit and exit(); } } //format db date and/or time to local date and/or time if (!function_exists('format_when_local')) { function format_when_local($when, $format = 'dt', $include_seconds = false) { if ($when != '') { // determine when format if (substr_count($when, ' ') > 0) { // date and time $tmp = explode(' ', $when); $date = $tmp[0]; $time = $tmp[1]; } else if (substr_count($when, '-') > 0) { // date only $date = $when; } else if (substr_count($when, ':') > 0) { // time only $time = $when; } unset($when, $tmp); // format date if ($date != '') { $tmp = explode('-', $date); $date = $tmp[1].'-'.$tmp[2].'-'.$tmp[0]; } // format time if ($time != '') { $tmp = explode(':', $time); if ($tmp[0] >= 0 && $tmp[0] <= 11) { $meridiem = 'AM'; $hour = ($tmp[0] == 0) ? 12 : $tmp[0]; } else { $meridiem = 'PM'; $hour = ($tmp[0] > 12) ? ($tmp[0] - 12) : $tmp[0]; } $minute = $tmp[1]; $second = $tmp[2]; } // structure requested time format $time = $hour.':'.$minute; if ($include_seconds) { $time .= ':'.$second; } $time .= ' '.$meridiem; $return['d'] = $date; $return['t'] = $time; $return['dt'] = $date.' '.$time; return $return[$format]; } else { return false; } } } //define email button (src: https://buttons.cm) if (!function_exists('email_button')) { function email_button($text = 'Click Here!', $link = URL, $bg_color = '#dddddd', $fg_color = '#000000', $radius = '') { // default button radius $radius = $radius != '' ? $radius : '3px'; // retrieve single/first numeric radius value for ms arc $tmp = $radius; if (substr_count($radius, ' ') > 0) { $tmp = explode(' ', $radius); $tmp = $tmp[0]; } $tmp = preg_replace("/[^0-9,.]/", '', $tmp); // remove non-numeric characters $arc = floor($tmp / 35 * 100); // calculate percentage // create button code $btn = "
"; return $btn; } } //validate and format order by clause of select statement if (!function_exists('order_by')) { function order_by($col, $dir, $col_default = '', $dir_default = 'asc') { $order_by = ' order by '; $col = preg_replace('#[^a-zA-Z0-9-_.]#', '', $col); $dir = strtolower($dir) == 'desc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; if ($col != '') { return $order_by.$col.' '.$dir.' '; } else if (is_array($col_default) || $col_default != '') { if (is_array($col_default) && @sizeof($col_default) != 0) { foreach ($col_default as $k => $column) { $direction = (is_array($dir_default) && @sizeof($dir_default) != 0 && (strtolower($dir_default[$k]) == 'asc' || strtolower($dir_default[$k]) == 'desc')) ? $dir_default[$k] : 'asc'; $order_bys[] = $column.' '.$direction.' '; } if (is_array($order_bys) && @sizeof($order_bys) != 0) { return $order_by.implode(', ', $order_bys); } } else { return $order_by.$col_default.' '.$dir_default.' '; } } } } //validate and format limit and offset clause of select statement if (!function_exists('limit_offset')) { function limit_offset($limit, $offset = 0) { $regex = '#[^0-9]#'; $limit = preg_replace($regex, '', $limit); $offset = preg_replace($regex, '', $offset); if (is_numeric($limit) && $limit > 0) { $clause = ' limit '.$limit; $offset = is_numeric($offset) ? $offset : 0; $clause .= ' offset '.$offset; } return $clause.' '; } } //add a random_bytes function when it doesn't exist for old versions of PHP if (!function_exists('random_bytes')) { function random_bytes($length) { $chars .= "0123456789"; $chars .= "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"; $chars .= "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZ"; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $string .= $chars[random_int(0, strlen($chars)-1)]; } return $string.' '; } } //add a hash_equals function when it doesn't exist for old versions of PHP if (!function_exists('hash_equals')) { function hash_equals($var1, $var2) { if ($var1 == $var2) { return true; } else { return false; } } } //convert bytes to readable human format if (!function_exists('byte_convert')) { function byte_convert($bytes, $precision = 2) { static $units = array('B','KB','MB','GB','TB','PB','EB','ZB','YB'); $step = 1024; $i = 0; while (($bytes / $step) > 0.9) { $bytes = $bytes / $step; $i++; } return round($bytes, $precision).' '.$units[$i]; } } //convert bytes to readable human format if (!function_exists('random_int')) { function random_int($min, $max) { return rand ($min, $max); } } //manage submitted form values in a session array if (!function_exists('persistent_form_values')) { function persistent_form_values($action, $array = null) { switch ($action) { case 'store': // $array is expected to be an array of key / value pairs to store in the session if (is_array($array) && @sizeof($array) != 0) { $_SESSION['persistent'][$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']] = $array; } break; case 'exists': return is_array($_SESSION['persistent'][$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']]) && @sizeof($_SESSION['persistent'][$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']]) != 0 ? true : false; break; case 'load': // $array is expected to be the name of the array to create containing the key / value pairs if ($array && !is_array($array)) { global $$array; } if (is_array($_SESSION['persistent'][$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']]) && @sizeof($_SESSION['persistent'][$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']]) != 0) { foreach ($_SESSION['persistent'][$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']] as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'XID' && $key != 'ACT' && $key != 'RET') { if ($array && !is_array($array)) { $$array[$key] = $value; } else { global $$key; $$key = $value; } } } global $unsaved; $unsaved = true; } break; case 'view': if (is_array($_SESSION['persistent'][$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']]) && @sizeof($_SESSION['persistent'][$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']]) != 0) { view_array($_SESSION['persistent'][$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']], false); } break; case 'clear': unset($_SESSION['persistent'][$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']]); break; } } } //add alternative array_key_first for older verisons of PHP if (!function_exists('array_key_first')) { function array_key_first(array $arr) { foreach($arr as $key => $unused) { return $key; } return NULL; } } //get accountcode if (!function_exists('get_accountcode')) { function get_accountcode() { if (strlen($accountcode = $_SESSION['domain']['accountcode']['text']) > 0) { if ($accountcode == "none") { return; } } else { $accountcode = $_SESSION['domain_name']; } return $accountcode; } } // User exists if (!function_exists('user_exists')) { function user_exists($login, $domain_name = null) { //connect to freeswitch $fp = event_socket_create($_SESSION['event_socket_ip_address'], $_SESSION['event_socket_port'], $_SESSION['event_socket_password']); if (!$fp) { return false; } //send the user_exists command to freeswitch if ($fp) { if (is_null($domain_name)) { $domain_name = $_SESSION['domain_name']; } $switch_cmd = "user_exists id '$login' '$domain_name'"; $switch_result = event_socket_request($fp, 'api '.$switch_cmd); fclose($fp); return ($switch_result == 'true' ? true: false); } //can not create directory return null; } } //include additional functions $functions = glob("{".$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].PROJECT_PATH."/resources/functions/*.php,".$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].PROJECT_PATH."/*/*/resources/functions/*.php}", GLOB_BRACE); foreach($functions as $function) { $path = pathinfo($function); if ($path['filename'] != 'transcribe') { require($function); } } ?>