Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2019-2020 the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Mark J Crane */ //includes require_once "root.php"; require_once "resources/require.php"; require_once "resources/check_auth.php"; //check permissions if (permission_exists('voicemail_import')) { //access granted } else { echo "access denied"; exit; } //add multi-lingual support $language = new text; $text = $language->get(); //built in str_getcsv requires PHP 5.3 or higher, this function can be used to reproduct the functionality but requirs PHP 5.1.0 or higher if (!function_exists('str_getcsv')) { function str_getcsv($input, $delimiter = ",", $enclosure = '"', $escape = "\\") { $fp = fopen("php://memory", 'r+'); fputs($fp, $input); rewind($fp); $data = fgetcsv($fp, null, $delimiter, $enclosure); // $escape only got added in 5.3.0 fclose($fp); return $data; } } //set the max php execution time ini_set('max_execution_time', 7200); //get the http get values and set them as php variables $action = $_POST["action"]; $from_row = $_POST["from_row"]; $delimiter = $_POST["data_delimiter"]; $enclosure = $_POST["data_enclosure"]; //save the data to the csv file if (isset($_POST['data'])) { $file = $_SESSION['server']['temp']['dir']."/voicemails-".$_SESSION['domain_name'].".csv"; file_put_contents($file, $_POST['data']); $_SESSION['file'] = $file; } //copy the csv file //$_POST['submit'] == "Upload" && if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['ulfile']['tmp_name']) && permission_exists('voicemail_import')) { if ($_POST['type'] == 'csv') { move_uploaded_file($_FILES['ulfile']['tmp_name'], $_SESSION['server']['temp']['dir'].'/'.$_FILES['ulfile']['name']); $save_msg = "Uploaded file to ".$_SESSION['server']['temp']['dir']."/". htmlentities($_FILES['ulfile']['name']); //system('chmod -R 744 '.$_SESSION['server']['temp']['dir'].'*'); unset($_POST['txtCommand']); $file = $_SESSION['server']['temp']['dir'].'/'.$_FILES['ulfile']['name']; $_SESSION['file'] = $file; } } //get the schema if (strlen($delimiter) > 0) { //get the first line $line = fgets(fopen($_SESSION['file'], 'r')); $line_fields = explode($delimiter, $line); //get the schema $x = 0; include ("app/voicemails/app_config.php"); $i = 0; foreach ($apps[0]['db'] as $table) { //get the table name and parent name if (is_array($table["table"]['name'])) { $table_name = $table["table"]['name']['text']; } else { $table_name = $table["table"]['name']; } $parent_name = $table["table"]['parent']; //remove the v_ table prefix if (substr($table_name, 0, 2) == 'v_') { $table_name = substr($table_name, 2); } if (substr($parent_name, 0, 2) == 'v_') { $parent_name = substr($parent_name, 2); } //filter for specific tables and build the schema array if ($table_name == "voicemails") { $schema[$i]['table'] = $table_name; $schema[$i]['parent'] = $parent_name; foreach($table['fields'] as $row) { if ($row['deprecated'] !== 'true') { if (is_array($row['name'])) { $field_name = $row['name']['text']; } else { $field_name = $row['name']; } $schema[$i]['fields'][] = $field_name; } } $i++; } } } //match the column names to the field names if (strlen($delimiter) > 0 && file_exists($_SESSION['file']) && $action != 'import') { //create token $object = new token; $token = $object->create($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); //include header $document['title'] = $text['title-voicemail_import']; require_once "resources/header.php"; //form to match the fields to the column names echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-back'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_back'],'id'=>'btn_back','style'=>'margin-right: 15px;','link'=>'voicemails.php']); echo button::create(['type'=>'submit','label'=>$text['button-import'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_import'],'id'=>'btn_save']); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo $text['description-import']."\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; //loop through user columns $x = 0; foreach ($line_fields as $line_field) { $line_field = trim(trim($line_field), $enclosure); echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo "\n"; $x++; } echo "
\n"; //echo " ".$text['label-zzz']."\n"; echo $line_field; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; //echo "
\n"; //echo $text['description-zzz']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; require_once "resources/footer.php"; //normalize the column names //$line = strtolower($line); //$line = str_replace("-", "_", $line); //$line = str_replace($delimiter."title".$delimiter, $delimiter."contact_title".$delimiter, $line); //$line = str_replace("firstname", "name_given", $line); //$line = str_replace("lastname", "name_family", $line); //$line = str_replace("company", "organization", $line); //$line = str_replace("company", "contact_email", $line); //end the script exit; } //get the parent table function get_parent($schema,$table_name) { foreach ($schema as $row) { if ($row['table'] == $table_name) { return $row['parent']; } } } //upload the csv if (file_exists($_SESSION['file']) && $action == 'import') { //validate the token $token = new token; if (!$token->validate($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { message::add($text['message-invalid_token'],'negative'); header('Location: extension_imports.php'); exit; } //user selected fields $fields = $_POST['fields']; //set the domain_uuid $domain_uuid = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; //get the contents of the csv file and convert them into an array $handle = @fopen($_SESSION['file'], "r"); if ($handle) { //set the starting identifiers $row_id = 0; $row_number = 1; //loop through the array while (($line = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false) { if ($from_row <= $row_number) { //format the data $y = 0; foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { //get the line $result = str_getcsv($line, $delimiter, $enclosure); //get the table and field name $field_array = explode(".",$value); $table_name = $field_array[0]; $field_name = $field_array[1]; //echo "value: $value
\n"; //echo "table_name: $table_name
\n"; //echo "field_name: $field_name
\n"; //get the parent table name $parent = get_parent($schema, $table_name); //remove formatting from the phone number if ($field_name == "phone_number") { $result[$key] = preg_replace('{\D}', '', $result[$key]); } //set the voicemail_local_after_email, voicemail_tutorial, and voicemail_enabled to lower case if ($field_name == 'voicemail_local_after_email' || $field_name == 'voicemail_tutorial' || $field_name == 'voicemail_enabled') { $result[$key] = strtolower($result[$key]); } //build the data array if (strlen($table_name) > 0) { if (strlen($parent) == 0) { $array[$table_name][$row_id]['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $array[$table_name][$row_id][$field_name] = $result[$key]; } else { $array[$parent][$row_id][$table_name][$y]['domain_uuid'] = $domain_uuid; $array[$parent][$row_id][$table_name][$y][$field_name] = $result[$key]; } } } //process a chunk of the array if ($row_id === 1000) { //save to the data $database = new database; $database->app_name = 'voicemails'; $database->app_uuid = 'b523c2d2-64cd-46f1-9520-ca4b4098e044'; $database->save($array); //clear the array unset($array); //set the row id back to 0 $row_id = 0; } } //if ($from_row <= $row_number) $row_number++; $row_id++; } //end while fclose($handle); //save to the data if (is_array($array)) { $database = new database; $database->app_name = 'voicemails'; $database->app_uuid = 'b523c2d2-64cd-46f1-9520-ca4b4098e044'; $database->save($array); unset($array); } //send the redirect header header("Location: voicemails.php"); exit; } } //create token $object = new token; $token = $object->create($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); //include the header $document['title'] = $text['title-voicemail_import']; require_once "resources/header.php"; //show content echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-back'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_back'],'id'=>'btn_back','style'=>'margin-right: 15px;','link'=>'voicemails.php']); echo button::create(['type'=>'submit','label'=>$text['button-continue'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_upload'],'id'=>'btn_save']); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo $text['description-import']."\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-import_data']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo $text['description-import_data']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-from_row']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo $text['description-from_row']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-import_delimiter']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo $text['description-import_delimiter']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-import_enclosure']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo $text['description-import_enclosure']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-import_file_upload']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "

"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; //include the footer require_once "resources/footer.php"; ?>