Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2021 the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Mark J Crane */ //includes include "root.php"; require_once "resources/require.php"; require_once "resources/check_auth.php"; //check permissions if (permission_exists('fax_extension_add') || permission_exists('fax_extension_edit') || permission_exists('fax_extension_delete')) { //access granted } else { echo "access denied"; exit; } //add multi-lingual support $language = new text; $text = $language->get(); //get the fax_extension and save it as a variable if (isset($_REQUEST["fax_extension"])) { $fax_extension = $_REQUEST["fax_extension"]; } //set the fax directory $fax_dir = $_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'].'/fax/'.$_SESSION['domain_name']; //get the fax extension if (is_numeric($fax_extension) > 0) { //set the fax directories. example /usr/local/freeswitch/storage/fax/329/inbox $dir_fax_inbox = $fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension.'/inbox'; $dir_fax_sent = $fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension.'/sent'; $dir_fax_temp = $fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension.'/temp'; //make sure the directories exist if (!is_dir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'])) { mkdir($_SESSION['switch']['storage']['dir'], 0770, true); } if (!is_dir($fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension)) { mkdir($fax_dir.'/'.$fax_extension, 0770, true); } if (!is_dir($dir_fax_inbox)) { mkdir($dir_fax_inbox, 0770, true); } if (!is_dir($dir_fax_sent)) { mkdir($dir_fax_sent, 0770, true); } if (!is_dir($dir_fax_temp)) { mkdir($dir_fax_temp, 0770, true); } } //set the action as an add or an update if (is_uuid($_REQUEST["id"])) { $action = "update"; $fax_uuid = $_REQUEST["id"]; $dialplan_uuid = $_REQUEST["dialplan_uuid"]; } else { $action = "add"; } //get the http post values and set them as php variables if (count($_POST) > 0) { //process the http post data by submitted action if ($_POST['action'] != '' && is_uuid($fax_uuid)) { $array[0]['checked'] = 'true'; $array[0]['uuid'] = $fax_uuid; switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'copy': if (permission_exists('fax_extension_copy')) { $obj = new fax; $obj->copy($array); } break; case 'delete': if (permission_exists('fax_extension_delete')) { $obj = new fax; $obj->delete($array); } break; } header('Location: fax.php'); exit; } //set the variables $fax_name = $_POST["fax_name"]; $fax_extension = $_POST["fax_extension"]; $fax_accountcode = $_POST["accountcode"]; $fax_destination_number = $_POST["fax_destination_number"]; $fax_prefix = $_POST["fax_prefix"]; $fax_email = implode(',',array_filter($_POST["fax_email"])); $fax_email_connection_type = $_POST["fax_email_connection_type"]; $fax_email_connection_host = $_POST["fax_email_connection_host"]; $fax_email_connection_port = $_POST["fax_email_connection_port"]; $fax_email_connection_security = $_POST["fax_email_connection_security"]; $fax_email_connection_validate = $_POST["fax_email_connection_validate"]; $fax_email_connection_username = $_POST["fax_email_connection_username"]; $fax_email_connection_password = $_POST["fax_email_connection_password"]; $fax_email_connection_mailbox = $_POST["fax_email_connection_mailbox"]; $fax_email_inbound_subject_tag = $_POST["fax_email_inbound_subject_tag"]; $fax_email_outbound_subject_tag = $_POST["fax_email_outbound_subject_tag"]; $fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders = $_POST["fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders"]; $fax_caller_id_name = $_POST["fax_caller_id_name"]; $fax_caller_id_number = $_POST["fax_caller_id_number"]; $fax_toll_allow = $_POST["fax_toll_allow"]; $fax_forward_number = $_POST["fax_forward_number"]; if (strlen($fax_destination_number) == 0) { $fax_destination_number = $fax_extension; } if (strlen($fax_forward_number) > 3) { //$fax_forward_number = preg_replace("~[^0-9]~", "",$fax_forward_number); $fax_forward_number = str_replace(" ", "", $fax_forward_number); $fax_forward_number = str_replace("-", "", $fax_forward_number); } if (strripos($fax_forward_number, '$1') === false) { $forward_prefix = ''; //not found } else { $forward_prefix = $forward_prefix.$fax_forward_number.'#'; //found } $fax_local = $_POST["fax_local"]; //! @todo check in database $fax_description = $_POST["fax_description"]; $fax_send_greeting = $_POST["fax_send_greeting"]; $fax_send_channels = $_POST["fax_send_channels"]; //restrict size of user data $fax_name = substr($fax_name, 0, 30); $fax_extension = substr($fax_extension, 0, 15); $accountcode = substr($accountcode, 0, 80); $fax_prefix = substr($fax_prefix, 0, 12); $fax_caller_id_name = substr($fax_caller_id_name, 0, 20); $fax_caller_id_number = substr($fax_caller_id_number, 0, 20); $fax_forward_number = substr($fax_forward_number, 0, 20); } //delete the user from the fax users if (is_uuid($_REQUEST["user_uuid"]) && is_uuid($_REQUEST["id"]) && $_GET["a"] == "delete" && permission_exists("fax_extension_delete")) { //set the variables $user_uuid = $_REQUEST["user_uuid"]; $fax_uuid = $_REQUEST["id"]; //delete the group from the users $array['fax_users'][0]['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $array['fax_users'][0]['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; $array['fax_users'][0]['user_uuid'] = $user_uuid; $p = new permissions; $p->add('fax_user_delete', 'temp'); $database = new database; $database->app_name = 'fax'; $database->app_uuid = '24108154-4ac3-1db6-1551-4731703a4440'; $database->delete($array); unset($array); $p->delete('fax_user_delete', 'temp'); //redirect the browser message::add($text['message-delete']); header("Location: fax_edit.php?id=".$fax_uuid); return; } //add the user to the fax users if (is_uuid($_REQUEST["user_uuid"]) && is_uuid($_REQUEST["id"]) && $_GET["a"] != "delete") { //set the variables $user_uuid = $_REQUEST["user_uuid"]; $fax_uuid = $_REQUEST["id"]; //assign the user to the fax extension $array['fax_users'][0]['fax_user_uuid'] = uuid(); $array['fax_users'][0]['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $array['fax_users'][0]['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; $array['fax_users'][0]['user_uuid'] = $user_uuid; $p = new permissions; $p->add('fax_user_add', 'temp'); $database = new database; $database->app_name = 'fax'; $database->app_uuid = '24108154-4ac3-1db6-1551-4731703a4440'; $database->save($array); unset($array); $p->delete('fax_user_add', 'temp'); //redirect the browser message::add($text['confirm-add']); header("Location: fax_edit.php?id=".$fax_uuid); return; } //clear file status cache clearstatcache(); //process the data if (count($_POST) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) { $msg = ''; if ($action == "update" && is_uuid($_POST["fax_uuid"]) && permission_exists('fax_extension_edit')) { $fax_uuid = $_POST["fax_uuid"]; } //validate the token $token = new token; if (!$token->validate($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { message::add($text['message-invalid_token'],'negative'); header('Location: fax.php'); exit; } //check for all required data if (strlen($fax_extension) == 0) { $msg .= "".$text['confirm-ext']."
\n"; } if (strlen($fax_name) == 0) { $msg .= "".$text['confirm-fax']."
\n"; } if (strlen($msg) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) { require_once "resources/header.php"; require_once "resources/persist_form_var.php"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo $msg."
"; echo "
\n"; persistformvar($_POST); echo "
\n"; require_once "resources/footer.php"; return; } //sanitize the fax extension number $fax_extension = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#', '', $fax_extension); //replace the spaces with a dash $fax_name = str_replace(" ", "-", $fax_name); //escape the commas with a backslash and remove the spaces $fax_email = str_replace(" ", "", $fax_email); //set the $php_bin //if (file_exists(PHP_BINDIR."/php")) { $php_bin = 'php'; } if (substr(strtoupper(PHP_OS), 0, 3) == "WIN") { $php_bin = 'php.exe'; } elseif (file_exists(PHP_BINDIR."/php5")) { $php_bin = 'php5'; } else { $php_bin = 'php'; } //add or update the database if ($_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") { //prep authorized senders if (sizeof($fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders) > 0) { foreach ($fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders as $sender_num => $sender) { if ($sender == '' || (substr_count($sender, '@') == 1 && !valid_email($sender)) || substr_count($sender, '.') == 0) { unset($fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders[$sender_num]); } } $fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders = strtolower(implode(',', $fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders)); } if ($action == "add" && permission_exists('fax_extension_add')) { //prepare the unique identifiers $fax_uuid = uuid(); $dialplan_uuid = uuid(); //begin insert array $array['fax'][0]['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; $array['fax'][0]['dialplan_uuid'] = $dialplan_uuid; //assign temp permission $p = new permissions; $p->add('fax_add', 'temp'); //set the dialplan action $dialplan_type = "add"; } if ($action == "update" && permission_exists('fax_extension_edit')) { //begin update array $array['fax'][0]['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; //assign temp permission $p = new permissions; $p->add('fax_edit', 'temp'); } if (is_array($array) && @sizeof($array) != 0) { //add common columns to array $array['fax'][0]['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $array['fax'][0]['fax_extension'] = $fax_extension; $array['fax'][0]['accountcode'] = $fax_accountcode; $array['fax'][0]['fax_destination_number'] = $fax_destination_number; $array['fax'][0]['fax_prefix'] = $fax_prefix; $array['fax'][0]['fax_name'] = $fax_name; $array['fax'][0]['fax_email'] = $fax_email; if (permission_exists('fax_extension_advanced') && function_exists("imap_open") && file_exists("fax_files_remote.php")) { $array['fax'][0]['fax_email_connection_type'] = $fax_email_connection_type; $array['fax'][0]['fax_email_connection_host'] = $fax_email_connection_host; $array['fax'][0]['fax_email_connection_port'] = $fax_email_connection_port; $array['fax'][0]['fax_email_connection_security'] = $fax_email_connection_security; $array['fax'][0]['fax_email_connection_validate'] = $fax_email_connection_validate; $array['fax'][0]['fax_email_connection_username'] = $fax_email_connection_username; $array['fax'][0]['fax_email_connection_password'] = $fax_email_connection_password; $array['fax'][0]['fax_email_connection_mailbox'] = $fax_email_connection_mailbox; $array['fax'][0]['fax_email_inbound_subject_tag'] = $fax_email_inbound_subject_tag; $array['fax'][0]['fax_email_outbound_subject_tag'] = $fax_email_outbound_subject_tag; $array['fax'][0]['fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders'] = $fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders; } $array['fax'][0]['fax_caller_id_name'] = $fax_caller_id_name; $array['fax'][0]['fax_caller_id_number'] = $fax_caller_id_number; $array['fax'][0]['fax_toll_allow'] = $fax_toll_allow; if ($action == "add" && strlen($fax_forward_number) > 0) { $array['fax'][0]['fax_forward_number'] = $fax_forward_number; } if ($action == "update") { $array['fax'][0]['fax_forward_number'] = strlen($fax_forward_number) > 0 ? $fax_forward_number : null; } if (permission_exists('fax_send_greeting')) { $array['fax'][0]['fax_send_greeting'] = strlen($fax_send_greeting) != 0 ? $fax_send_greeting : null; } $array['fax'][0]['fax_send_channels'] = strlen($fax_send_channels) != 0 ? $fax_send_channels : null; $array['fax'][0]['fax_description'] = $fax_description; //execute $database = new database; $database->app_name = 'fax'; $database->app_uuid = '24108154-4ac3-1db6-1551-4731703a4440'; $database->save($array); unset($array); //revoke temp permissions $p->delete('fax_add', 'temp'); $p->delete('fax_edit', 'temp'); //clear the destinations session array if (isset($_SESSION['destinations']['array'])) { unset($_SESSION['destinations']['array']); } } //get the dialplan_uuid $sql = "select dialplan_uuid from v_fax "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and fax_uuid = :fax_uuid "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $parameters['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; $database = new database; $dialplan_uuid = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'column'); unset($sql, $parameters); //dialplan add or update $c = new fax; $c->db = $db; $c->domain_uuid = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $c->dialplan_uuid = $dialplan_uuid; $c->fax_name = $fax_name; $c->fax_uuid = $fax_uuid; $c->fax_extension = $fax_extension; $c->fax_forward_number = $fax_forward_number; $c->destination_number = $fax_destination_number; $c->fax_description = $fax_description; $a = $c->dialplan(); //redirect the browser if ($action == "update" && permission_exists('fax_extension_edit')) { message::add($text['confirm-update']); } if ($action == "add" && permission_exists('fax_extension_add')) { message::add($text['confirm-add']); } header("Location: fax.php"); return; } } //pre-populate the form if (is_uuid($_GET['id']) && $_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") { $fax_uuid = $_GET["id"]; $sql = "select * from v_fax "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and fax_uuid = :fax_uuid "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $parameters['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; $database = new database; $row = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'row'); if (is_array($row) && @sizeof($row) != 0) { $dialplan_uuid = $row["dialplan_uuid"]; $fax_extension = $row["fax_extension"]; $fax_accountcode = $row["accountcode"]; $fax_destination_number = $row["fax_destination_number"]; $fax_prefix = $row["fax_prefix"]; $fax_name = $row["fax_name"]; $fax_email = $row["fax_email"]; $fax_email_connection_type = $row["fax_email_connection_type"]; $fax_email_connection_host = $row["fax_email_connection_host"]; $fax_email_connection_port = $row["fax_email_connection_port"]; $fax_email_connection_security = $row["fax_email_connection_security"]; $fax_email_connection_validate = $row["fax_email_connection_validate"]; $fax_email_connection_username = $row["fax_email_connection_username"]; $fax_email_connection_password = $row["fax_email_connection_password"]; $fax_email_connection_mailbox = $row["fax_email_connection_mailbox"]; $fax_email_inbound_subject_tag = $row["fax_email_inbound_subject_tag"]; $fax_email_outbound_subject_tag = $row["fax_email_outbound_subject_tag"]; $fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders = $row["fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders"]; $fax_caller_id_name = $row["fax_caller_id_name"]; $fax_caller_id_number = $row["fax_caller_id_number"]; $fax_toll_allow = $row["fax_toll_allow"]; $fax_forward_number = $row["fax_forward_number"]; $fax_description = $row["fax_description"]; $fax_send_greeting = $row["fax_send_greeting"]; $fax_send_channels = $row["fax_send_channels"]; } unset($sql, $parameters, $row); } else{ $fax_send_channels = 10; } //get the fax users $sql = "select * from v_fax_users as e, v_users as u "; $sql .= "where e.user_uuid = u.user_uuid "; $sql .= "and e.domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and e.fax_uuid = :fax_uuid "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $parameters['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; $database = new database; $fax_users = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all'); unset($sql, $parameters); //get the users that are not assigned to this fax server $sql = "select * from v_users \n"; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid \n"; $sql .= "and user_uuid not in (\n"; $sql .= " select user_uuid from v_fax_users "; $sql .= " where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= " and fax_uuid = :fax_uuid "; $sql .= " and user_uuid is not null "; $sql .= ")\n"; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $parameters['fax_uuid'] = $fax_uuid; $database = new database; $available_users = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all'); unset($sql, $parameters); //replace the dash with a space $fax_name = str_replace("-", " ", $fax_name); //build the fax_emails array $fax_emails = explode(',',$fax_email); //set the dialplan_uuid if (!is_uuid($dialplan_uuid)) { $dialplan_uuid = uuid(); } //create token $object = new token; $token = $object->create($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); //show the header $document['title'] = $text['title-fax_server_settings']; require_once "resources/header.php"; //advanced button js echo "\n"; //show the content echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-back'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_back'],'id'=>'btn_back','link'=>'fax.php']); if ($action == "update") { $button_margin = 'margin-left: 15px;'; if (permission_exists('fax_extension_copy')) { echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-copy'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_copy'],'name'=>'btn_copy','style'=>$button_margin,'onclick'=>"modal_open('modal-copy','btn_copy');"]); unset($button_margin); } if (permission_exists('fax_extension_delete')) { echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-delete'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_delete'],'name'=>'btn_delete','style'=>$button_margin,'onclick'=>"modal_open('modal-delete','btn_delete');"]); unset($button_margin); } } echo button::create(['type'=>'submit','label'=>$text['button-save'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_save'],'id'=>'btn_save','style'=>'margin-left: 15px;']); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; if ($action == 'update') { if (permission_exists('fax_extension_copy')) { echo modal::create(['id'=>'modal-copy','type'=>'copy','actions'=>button::create(['type'=>'submit','label'=>$text['button-continue'],'icon'=>'check','id'=>'btn_copy','style'=>'float: right; margin-left: 15px;','collapse'=>'never','name'=>'action','value'=>'copy','onclick'=>"modal_close();"])]); } if (permission_exists('fax_extension_delete')) { echo modal::create(['id'=>'modal-delete','type'=>'delete','actions'=>button::create(['type'=>'submit','label'=>$text['button-continue'],'icon'=>'check','id'=>'btn_delete','style'=>'float: right; margin-left: 15px;','collapse'=>'never','name'=>'action','value'=>'delete','onclick'=>"modal_close();"])]); } } echo "\n"; if (!permission_exists('fax_extension_delete')) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } else { //admin, superadmin, etc echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if (permission_exists('fax_user_view')) { if ($action == "update") { echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; } } if (permission_exists('fax_send_greeting')) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " "; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-email']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-name']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "".$text['description-name']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-extension']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "".$text['description-extension']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-accountcode']."\n"; echo "\n"; if ($action == "add") { $fax_accountcode = get_accountcode(); } echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo $text['description-accountcode']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-destination-number']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-destination-number']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-fax_prefix']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-fax_prefix']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $x = 0; foreach($fax_emails as $email) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $x++; } echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-email']."\n"; if (permission_exists('fax_extension_advanced') && function_exists("imap_open") && file_exists("fax_files_remote.php")) { echo "

\n"; echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-advanced'],'icon'=>'tools','onclick'=>"toggle_advanced('advanced_email_connection');"]); } echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-caller-id-name']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "".$text['description-caller-id-name']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-caller-id-number']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "".$text['description-caller-id-number']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-forward']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "".$text['description-forward-number']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-toll_allow']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "".$text['description-toll_allow']."\n"; echo "
".$text['label-user-list'].""; if (is_array($fax_users) && @sizeof($fax_users) != 0) { echo " \n"; foreach($fax_users as $field) { echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; } echo "
".escape($field['username'])."\n"; echo " $v_link_label_delete\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; } unset($fax_users); if (is_array($available_users) && @sizeof($available_users) != 0) { echo " "; echo button::create(['type'=>'submit','label'=>$text['button-add'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_add']]); echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-user-add']."\n"; echo "
\n"; unset($available_users); } echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-fax_send_greeting']."\n"; echo "\n"; if (permission_exists('fax_extension_add') || permission_exists('fax_extension_edit')) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-fax_send_greeting']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-fax_send_channels']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-fax_send_channels']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-description']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo "".$text['description-info']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
"; if ($action == "update") { if (!permission_exists('fax_extension_delete')) { echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; } echo " \n"; echo " \n"; } echo " \n"; echo "
"; echo "
\n"; if (permission_exists('fax_extension_advanced') && function_exists("imap_open") && file_exists("fax_files_remote.php")) { echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo $text['description-advanced_settings']."\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "\n"; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; echo "
"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; echo " ".$text['label-email_account_connection']."

"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email_connection_type']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-email_connection_type']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email_connection_server']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo "  : "; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-email_connection_server']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email_connection_security']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-email_connection_security']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email_connection_validate']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-email_connection_validate']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email_connection_username']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo " \n"; //help defeat browser auto-fill echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-email_connection_username']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email_connection_password']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; //help defeat browser auto-fill echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-email_connection_password']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email_connection_mailbox']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-email_connection_mailbox']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
    "; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; if (file_exists("fax_emails.php")) { echo ""; echo ""; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "
"; echo " ".$text['label-email_remote_inbox']."

"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email_inbound_subject_tag']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " [ ]\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-email_inbound_subject_tag']."\n"; echo "
"; echo "

"; echo " ".$text['label-email_email-to-fax']."

"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email_outbound_subject_tag']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " [ ]\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['description-email_outbound_subject_tag']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo " ".$text['label-email_outbound_authorized_senders']."\n"; echo "\n"; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo " "; echo "
"; if (substr_count($fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders, ',') > 0) { $senders = explode(',', $fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders); } else { $senders[] = $fax_email_outbound_authorized_senders; } $senders[] = ''; // empty one foreach ($senders as $sender_num => $sender) { echo " ".((sizeof($senders) > 0 && $sender_num < (sizeof($senders) - 1) ) ? "
" : null); } echo "
"; echo " $v_link_label_add"; echo "
"; echo " ".$text['description-email_outbound_authorized_senders']."\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "

\n"; echo "
\n"; } echo "
"; //show the footer require_once "resources/footer.php"; ?>