Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2019 the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Mark J Crane */ //includes require_once "root.php"; require_once "resources/require.php"; require_once "resources/check_auth.php"; require_once "resources/paging.php"; //check permissions if (permission_exists('call_center_agent_view')) { //access granted } else { echo "access denied"; exit; } //add multi-lingual support $language = new text; $text = $language->get(); //get the agents from the database $sql = "select * from v_call_center_tiers "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $database = new database; $tiers = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all'); if (is_array($tiers) && count($tiers) == 0) { $per_queue_login = true; } else { $per_queue_login = false; } unset($sql, $parameters); //setup the event socket connection $fp = event_socket_create($_SESSION['event_socket_ip_address'], $_SESSION['event_socket_port'], $_SESSION['event_socket_password']); //get the agents from the database $sql = "select * from v_call_center_agents "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "order by agent_name asc "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $database = new database; $agents = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all'); unset($sql, $parameters); //get the agent list from event socket $switch_cmd = 'callcenter_config agent list'; $event_socket_str = trim(event_socket_request($fp, 'api '.$switch_cmd)); $agent_list = csv_to_named_array($event_socket_str, '|'); //get the agent list from event socket $switch_cmd = 'callcenter_config tier list'; $event_socket_str = trim(event_socket_request($fp, 'api '.$switch_cmd)); $call_center_tiers = csv_to_named_array($event_socket_str, '|'); //get the call center queues from the database $sql = "select q.*, d.domain_name "; $sql .= "from v_call_center_queues as q, v_domains as d "; $sql .= "where q.domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and d.domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and q.domain_uuid = d.domain_uuid "; $sql .= "order by queue_name asc "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $database = new database; $call_center_queues = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all'); unset($sql, $parameters); //view_array($call_center_queues, false); //add the status to the call_center_queues array $x = 0; if (is_array($call_center_queues)) { foreach ($call_center_queues as $queue) { //set the queue id $queue_id = $queue['queue_extension'].'@'.$queue['domain_name']; //get the queue list from event socket $switch_cmd = "callcenter_config queue list agents ".$queue_id; $event_socket_str = trim(event_socket_request($fp, 'api '.$switch_cmd)); $queue_list = csv_to_named_array($event_socket_str, '|'); $call_center_queues[$x]['queue_list'] = $queue_list; $x++; } } //get the agent status from mod_callcenter and update the agent status in the agents array $x = 0; if (is_array($agents)) { foreach ($agents as $row) { //add the domain name $domain_name = $_SESSION['domains'][$row['domain_uuid']]['domain_name']; $agents[$x]['domain_name'] = $domain_name; //update the queue status $i = 0; if (is_array($call_center_queues)) { foreach ($call_center_queues as $queue) { $agents[$x]['queues'][$i]['agent_name'] = $row['agent_name']; $agents[$x]['queues'][$i]['queue_name'] = $queue['queue_name']; $agents[$x]['queues'][$i]['call_center_agent_uuid'] = $row['call_center_agent_uuid']; $agents[$x]['queues'][$i]['call_center_queue_uuid'] = $queue['call_center_queue_uuid']; $agents[$x]['queues'][$i]['queue_status'] = 'Logged Out'; if (is_array($queue['queue_list'])) { foreach ($queue['queue_list'] as $queue_list) { if ($row['call_center_agent_uuid'] == $queue_list['name']) { $agents[$x]['queues'][$i]['queue_status'] = 'Available'; } } } $i++; } } //update the agent status if (is_array($agent_list)) { foreach ($agent_list as $r) { if ($r['name'] == $row['call_center_agent_uuid']) { $agents[$x]['agent_status'] = $r['status']; } } } //increment x $x++; } } //remove rows from the http post array where the status has not changed if (is_array($_POST['agents']) && !$per_queue_login) { foreach($_POST['agents'] as $key => $row) { foreach($agents as $k => $field) { if ($field['agent_name'] === $row['agent_name'] && $field['agent_status'] === $row['agent_status']) { unset($_POST['agents'][$key]); } } } } //use the http post array to change the status if (is_array($_POST['agents'])) { foreach($_POST['agents'] as $row) { if (isset($row['agent_status'])) { //agent set status if ($fp) { //set the user_status if (!isset($row['queue_name'])) { $array['users'][0]['user_uuid'] = $row['user_uuid']; $array['users'][0]['user_status'] = $row['agent_status']; $array['users'][0]['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $p = new permissions; $p->add('user_edit', 'temp'); $database = new database; $database->app_name = 'call_centers'; $database->app_uuid = '95788e50-9500-079e-2807-fd530b0ea370'; $database->save($array); $response = $database->message; unset($array); $p->delete('user_edit', 'temp'); } //validate the agent status $agent_status = $row['agent_status']; switch ($agent_status) { case "Available" : break; case "Available (On Demand)" : break; case "On Break" : break; case "Do Not Disturb" : break; case "Logged Out" : break; default : $agent_status = null; } //set the call center status $command = ''; if (!isset($row['queue_name'])) { if ($agent_status == "Do Not Disturb") { //set the default dnd action $dnd_action = "add"; //set the call center status to Logged Out if (is_uuid($row['agent_uuid'])) { $command = "api callcenter_config agent set status ".$row['agent_uuid']." 'Logged Out' "; } } else { if (is_uuid($row['agent_uuid'])) { $command = "api callcenter_config agent set status ".$row['agent_uuid']." '".$agent_status."'"; } } $response = event_socket_request($fp, $command); } //echo $command."\n"; //get the queue_id if (isset($row['queue_uuid']) && is_uuid($row['queue_uuid'])) { if (is_array($call_center_queues)) { foreach ($call_center_queues as $queue) { if ($queue['call_center_queue_uuid'] == $row['queue_uuid']) { $queue_id = $queue['queue_extension'].'@'.$queue['domain_name']; } } } } //set the agent status to available and assign the agent to the queue with the tier if (isset($row['queue_uuid']) && $row['agent_status'] == 'Available') { //set the call center status //$command = "api callcenter_config agent set status ".$row['agent_name']."@".$_SESSION['domain_name']." '".$row['agent_status']."'"; //$response = event_socket_request($fp, $command); //assign the agent to the queue if (is_uuid($row['queue_uuid']) && is_uuid($row['agent_uuid'])) { $command = "api callcenter_config tier add ".$queue_id." ".$row['agent_uuid']." 1 1"; //echo $command."
\n"; $response = event_socket_request($fp, $command); } } //un-assign the agent from the queue if (isset($row['queue_uuid']) && $row['agent_status'] == 'Logged Out') { if (is_uuid($row['queue_uuid']) && is_uuid($row['agent_uuid'])) { $command = "api callcenter_config tier del ".$queue_id." ".$row['agent_uuid']; //echo $command."
\n"; $response = event_socket_request($fp, $command); } } usleep(200); //set the blf status //get the agents from the database $sql = "select agent_name from v_call_center_agents "; $sql .= "where domain_uuid = :domain_uuid "; $sql .= "and call_center_agent_uuid = :call_center_agent_uuid "; $parameters['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION['domain_uuid']; $parameters['call_center_agent_uuid'] = $row['agent_uuid']; $database = new database; $agent_name = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'all'); unset($sql, $parameters); if ($row['agent_status'] == 'Available') { $answer_state = 'confirmed'; } else { $answer_state = 'terminated'; } $call_center_notify = new call_center_notify; $call_center_notify->domain_name = $_SESSION['domain_name']; $call_center_notify->agent_name = $agent_name[0]['agent_name']; $call_center_notify->answer_state = $answer_state; $call_center_notify->agent_uuid = $row['agent_uuid']; $call_center_notify->send_call_center_notify(); unset($call_center_notify); } //end fp } //strlen } //foreach //send a message message::add($text['confirm-add']); header("Location: call_center_agent_status.php"); return; } //post //includes the header $document['title'] = $text['title-call_center_agent_status']; require_once "resources/header.php"; //radio button cycle script echo "\n"; //show the content echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-back'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_back'],'id'=>'btn_back','collapse'=>'hide-xs','style'=>'margin-right: 15px;','link'=>'call_center_queues.php']); echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-refresh'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_refresh'],'collapse'=>'hide-xs','link'=>'call_center_agent_status.php']); echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-save'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_save'],'id'=>'btn_save','collapse'=>'hide-xs','style'=>'margin-left: 15px;','onclick'=>"list_form_submit('form_list');"]); echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "
\n"; if (is_array($_POST['agents']) && !$per_queue_login) { echo $text['description-call_center_agent_status']."\n"; echo "

\n"; } echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo " \n"; if (!$per_queue_login) { echo " \n"; } echo " \n"; if ($per_queue_login) { echo " \n"; } echo "\n"; if (is_array($agents) && @sizeof($agents) != 0) { $x = 0; foreach ($agents as $row) { $onclick = "onclick=\"cycle('agents[".$x."][agent_status]');\""; $html = "\n"; $html .= " \n"; if (!$per_queue_login) { $html .= " \n"; } $html .= " \n"; if ($per_queue_login) { $html .= " \n"; } $html .= "\n"; if (count($_SESSION['domains']) > 1) { if ($row['domain_name'] == $_SESSION['domain_name']) { echo $html; } } else { echo $html; } $x++; } unset($agents); } echo "
".$text['label-agent']."".$text['label-status']." ".$text['label-options']."
".escape($row['agent_name'])." "; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; //$html .= " \n"; $html .= "  "; if (is_array($row['queues'])) { $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; if (is_array($row['queues'])) { foreach ($row['queues'] as $queue) { $x++; $onclick = "onclick=\"cycle('agents[".$x."][agent_status]');\""; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; } } $html .= "
".$queue['queue_name']."\n"; if ($queue['queue_status'] == "Available") { $html .= " ".$text['option-available']."\n"; } if ($queue['queue_status'] == "Logged Out") { $html .= " ".$text['option-logged_out']."\n"; } $html .= " "; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= "  \n"; $html .= " \n"; $html .= "
\n"; } $html .= "
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "\n"; echo "
\n"; //show the footer require_once "resources/footer.php"; ?>