
261 lines
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2022-09-05 08:18:30 +00:00
Version: MPL 1.1
The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
The Original Code is FusionPBX
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
Mark J Crane <markjcrane@fusionpbx.com>
Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2018 - 2019
the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
require_once "root.php";
require_once "resources/require.php";
require_once "resources/check_auth.php";
//check permissions
if (!permission_exists('bridge_add') && !permission_exists('bridge_edit')) {
echo "access denied";
//add multi-lingual support
$language = new text;
$text = $language->get();
//action add or update
if (is_uuid($_REQUEST["id"])) {
$action = "update";
$bridge_uuid = $_REQUEST["id"];
$id = $_REQUEST["id"];
else {
$action = "add";
//get http post variables and set them to php variables
if (is_array($_POST)) {
$bridge_uuid = $_POST["bridge_uuid"];
$bridge_name = $_POST["bridge_name"];
$bridge_destination = $_POST["bridge_destination"];
$bridge_enabled = $_POST["bridge_enabled"];
$bridge_description = $_POST["bridge_description"];
//process the user data and save it to the database
if (count($_POST) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) {
//delete the bridge
if (permission_exists('bridge_delete')) {
if ($_POST['action'] == 'delete' && is_uuid($bridge_uuid)) {
$array[0]['checked'] = 'true';
$array[0]['uuid'] = $bridge_uuid;
$obj = new bridges;
header('Location: bridges.php');
//get the uuid from the POST
if ($action == "update") {
$bridge_uuid = $_POST["bridge_uuid"];
//validate the token
$token = new token;
if (!$token->validate($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
header('Location: bridges.php');
//check for all required data
$msg = '';
if (strlen($bridge_name) == 0) { $msg .= $text['message-required']." ".$text['label-bridge_name']."<br>\n"; }
if (strlen($bridge_destination) == 0) { $msg .= $text['message-required']." ".$text['label-bridge_destination']."<br>\n"; }
if (strlen($bridge_enabled) == 0) { $msg .= $text['message-required']." ".$text['label-bridge_enabled']."<br>\n"; }
if (strlen($msg) > 0 && strlen($_POST["persistformvar"]) == 0) {
require_once "resources/header.php";
require_once "resources/persist_form_var.php";
echo "<div align='center'>\n";
echo "<table><tr><td>\n";
echo $msg."<br />";
echo "</td></tr></table>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
require_once "resources/footer.php";
//add the bridge_uuid
if (strlen($bridge_uuid) == 0) {
$bridge_uuid = uuid();
//prepare the array
$array['bridges'][0]['bridge_uuid'] = $bridge_uuid;
$array['bridges'][0]['domain_uuid'] = $_SESSION["domain_uuid"];
$array['bridges'][0]['bridge_name'] = $bridge_name;
$array['bridges'][0]['bridge_destination'] = $bridge_destination;
$array['bridges'][0]['bridge_enabled'] = $bridge_enabled;
$array['bridges'][0]['bridge_description'] = $bridge_description;
//save to the data
$database = new database;
$database->app_name = 'bridges';
$database->app_uuid = 'a6a7c4c5-340a-43ce-bcbc-2ed9bab8659d';
$message = $database->message;
//clear the destinations session array
if (isset($_SESSION['destinations']['array'])) {
//redirect the user
if (isset($action)) {
if ($action == "add") {
$_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-add'];
if ($action == "update") {
$_SESSION["message"] = $text['message-update'];
header('Location: bridges.php');
//pre-populate the form
if (is_array($_GET) && $_POST["persistformvar"] != "true") {
$bridge_uuid = $_GET["id"];
$sql = "select * from v_bridges ";
$sql .= "where bridge_uuid = :bridge_uuid ";
$parameters['bridge_uuid'] = $bridge_uuid;
$database = new database;
$row = $database->select($sql, $parameters, 'row');
if (is_array($row) && sizeof($row) != 0) {
$bridge_name = $row["bridge_name"];
$bridge_destination = $row["bridge_destination"];
$bridge_enabled = $row["bridge_enabled"];
$bridge_description = $row["bridge_description"];
unset($sql, $parameters, $row);
//create token
$object = new token;
$token = $object->create($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
//show the header
$document['title'] = $text['title-bridge'];
require_once "resources/header.php";
//show the content
echo "<form name='frm' id='frm' method='post'>\n";
echo "<div class='action_bar' id='action_bar'>\n";
echo " <div class='heading'><b>".$text['title-bridge']."</b></div>\n";
echo " <div class='actions'>\n";
echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-back'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_back'],'id'=>'btn_back','style'=>'margin-right: 15px;','link'=>'bridges.php']);
if ($action == 'update' && permission_exists('bridge_delete')) {
echo button::create(['type'=>'button','label'=>$text['button-delete'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_delete'],'name'=>'btn_delete','style'=>'margin-right: 15px;','onclick'=>"modal_open('modal-delete','btn_delete');"]);
echo button::create(['type'=>'submit','label'=>$text['button-save'],'icon'=>$_SESSION['theme']['button_icon_save'],'id'=>'btn_save','name'=>'action','value'=>'save']);
echo " </div>\n";
echo " <div style='clear: both;'></div>\n";
echo "</div>\n";
if ($action == 'update' && permission_exists('bridge_delete')) {
echo modal::create(['id'=>'modal-delete','type'=>'delete','actions'=>button::create(['type'=>'submit','label'=>$text['button-continue'],'icon'=>'check','id'=>'btn_delete','style'=>'float: right; margin-left: 15px;','collapse'=>'never','name'=>'action','value'=>'delete','onclick'=>"modal_close();"])]);
echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td width='30%' class='vncellreq' valign='top' align='left' nowrap='nowrap'>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-bridge_name']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td width='70%' class='vtable' style='position: relative;' align='left'>\n";
echo " <input class='formfld' type='text' name='bridge_name' maxlength='255' value='".escape($bridge_name)."'>\n";
echo "<br />\n";
echo $text['description-bridge_name']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncellreq' valign='top' align='left' nowrap='nowrap'>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-bridge_destination']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' style='position: relative;' align='left'>\n";
echo " <input class='formfld' type='text' name='bridge_destination' maxlength='255' value='".escape($bridge_destination)."'>\n";
echo "<br />\n";
echo $text['description-bridge_destination']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncellreq' valign='top' align='left' nowrap='nowrap'>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-bridge_enabled']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' style='position: relative;' align='left'>\n";
echo " <select class='formfld' name='bridge_enabled'>\n";
if ($bridge_enabled == "true") {
echo " <option value='true' selected='selected'>".$text['label-true']."</option>\n";
else {
echo " <option value='true'>".$text['label-true']."</option>\n";
if ($bridge_enabled == "false") {
echo " <option value='false' selected='selected'>".$text['label-false']."</option>\n";
else {
echo " <option value='false'>".$text['label-false']."</option>\n";
echo " </select>\n";
echo "<br />\n";
echo $text['description-bridge_enabled']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr>\n";
echo "<td class='vncell' valign='top' align='left' nowrap='nowrap'>\n";
echo " ".$text['label-bridge_description']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "<td class='vtable' align='left'>\n";
echo " <input class='formfld' type='text' name='bridge_description' maxlength='255' value=\"".escape($bridge_description)."\">\n";
echo "<br />\n";
echo $text['description-bridge_description']."\n";
echo "</td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "</table>";
echo "<br /><br />";
if ($action == "update") {
echo "<input type='hidden' name='bridge_uuid' value='".escape($bridge_uuid)."'>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='".$token['name']."' value='".$token['hash']."'>\n";
echo "</form>";
//include the footer
require_once "resources/footer.php";