Fork of FusionPBX but with LDAP kinda working
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

23 lines
1.0 KiB

2 years ago
  1. <?php
  2. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['en-us'] = 'Transactions';
  3. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['en-gb'] = 'Transactions';
  4. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['es-cl'] = '';
  5. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['fr-fr'] = '';
  6. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['fr-ca'] = '';
  7. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['nl-nl'] = 'Transacties';
  8. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['pl'] = '';
  9. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['ru-ru'] = 'Изменения в БД';
  10. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['sv-se'] = '';
  11. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['uk'] = '';
  12. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['de-de'] = 'Datenbank Transaktionen';
  13. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['title']['de-at'] = 'Datenbank Transaktionen';
  14. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['uuid'] = 'ffc57bea-df1d-4099-b7e5-835d68f09006';
  15. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['parent_uuid'] = '594d99c5-6128-9c88-ca35-4b33392cec0f';
  16. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['category'] = 'internal';
  17. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['path'] = '/app/database_transactions/database_transactions.php';
  18. $apps[$x]['menu'][0]['groups'][] = 'superadmin';
  19. //$apps[$x]['menu'][0]['groups'][] = 'admin';
  20. //$apps[$x]['menu'][0]['groups'][] = 'user';
  21. ?>