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<h1 id="page-title" style="font-family: 'Quicksand'">Adastra7</h1>
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<div id="Services" class="content content-div">
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<ul class="flex-box cards nocent">
<h2>Most used</h2>
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<a href="https://mail.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Mail</a>
<a href="https:/adastra7.net/git/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Git</a>
<a href="https://media.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Mediaserver</a>
<a href="https://pass.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Password Manager</a>
<a href="https://cloud.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Cloud</a>
<a href="https://wiki.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Wiki</a>
<!-- ich brauche mental dringend hilfe-->
<ul class="flex-box cards nocent">
<h2>Public Services</h2>
<p>Services that either require no login or that you can sign up for yourself</p>
<div class="button-container flex-buttons center-this-shit"> <!-- Add a container for your buttons -->
<a href="https://inkle.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Inklewriter</a>
<a href="https://qwu.ch/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Matrix (qwu.ch) - soon TM</a>
<a href="https://qwu.ch/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Fediverse (qwu.ch) - soon TM</a>
<a href="https://jabber.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">XMPP Server</a>
<a href="https://img.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">CRT Image Host</a>
<a href="https://wiki.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Wiki</a>
<a href="https://pass.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Password Manager</a>
<a href="https:/adastra7.net/git/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Git</a>
<!-- ich brauche mental dringend hilfe-->
<h2>Private Services</h2>
<p>Services that require a login only obtainable through our discord</p>
<div class="button-container flex-buttons center-this-shit"> <!-- Add a container for your buttons -->
<a href="https://cloud.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Cloud</a>
<a href="https://media.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Mediaserver</a>
<a href="https://gpt.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">AdasterGPT</a>
<a href="https://mail.adastra7.net/" class="action-button btnanimate dabtn grow-btn">Email</a>
<!-- ich brauche mental dringend hilfe-->
<div id="About" class="content content-div">
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<h2>Who runs this?</h2>
<ul class="flex-box cards nocent">
<p>- Running the physical servers and maintains most of the services on here</p>
<p>- Barely active on discord due to switching to matrix</p>
<p>- Programing things like Bots and Jabber Registration for Adastra7</p>
<p>- Great member of the Discord server keeping the community alive</p>
<p>- Really active on the Discord Server and keeping the community alive/p>
<p>- Really active on the Discord Server and keeping the community alive/p>
<!-- ich brauche mental dringend hilfe-->
<h2>Updates and News:</h2>
<ul class="flex-box cards nocent">
<h2>Planned fiber upgrade:</h2>
<p>In the first week of May 2024 Adastra7 will be getting the long awaited fiber upgrade. Please expect some downtime while fiber is being installed and core components are replace or reconfigured for 10Gbps networking</p>
<h3>- crt</h3>
<h2>Rework of Adastra7 website:</h2>
<p>An ongoing project is the rework of this website. I have decided that continuing to drag along our Bootstrap 3 based DOS themed website isnt viable therefore I am working on an overhaul of the entire thing.</p>
<h3>- crt</h3>
<div id="Contact" class="content content-div">
<p style="font-family: 'Quicksand'">Contact content here</p>
<!-- Content ends -->
<!--<div class="footer"><p style="font-family: 'Quicksand'">Adastra7 | 2017-2014</p></div>-->
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