# Just a funky little collection of more or less useful aliases #Various impractical jokes and tools if [ -n "$LOCALCITY" ]; then alias weatherfetch="curl -sf https://wttr.in/$LOCALCITY | head -n 7 && echo ''" fi if [ -n "$DESKTOP_SESSION" ]; then # winver is a thing, so here's linver alias linver="nohup zenity --info --text=\"Linux version: \\n$(uname -srm)\" > /dev/null" # tools to manipulate xclip easier alias paste="xclip -o -selection clipboard" alias copy="xclip -o | xclip -i -selection clipboard" fi # unless you're using vim to this day, this is what most people do alias vim="nvim" function nojail() { # specific tool for firejail to disable jailing at all PATH=`echo $PATH | sed "s/:\/usr\/local\/bin//g" | sed "s/:\/usr\/local\/sbin//g"` $@ } # Set a default music path if [ -z "$MUSIC_PATH" ]; then export MUSIC_PATH="$HOME/Music/" fi # Try to be sensible about youtube-dl downloader if ! which yt-dlp > /dev/null; then if ! which youtube-dl > /dev/null; then alias yt-dlp="echo Unable to execute: youtube-dl or yt-dlp not found; false " else # No, really. Not even an ad, it just runs faster because people keep fixing the throttling issue, which youtube-dl got stuck on. alias yt-dlp="echo youtube-dl is heavily outdated, consider installing yt-dlp; youtube-dl " fi fi function ytdl() { # Download and convert to audio a youtube video if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "USAGE: ytdl