Reno is the second iteration of the AWMTK-powered AwesomeWM config.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

79 lines
2.1 KiB

local wibox = require("wibox")
local awful = require("awful")
local gears = require("gears")
local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local awmtk = {}
-- {{{ Utils
awmtk.create_class = function(name,overrides,style,parent_class)
return setmetatable(overrides,{
__index = function(self,k)
-- Per-widget overrides are top priority
if rawget(self,k) then
return rawget(self,k)
-- Style overrides are second in priority
elseif type(style[name]) == "table" and rawget(style[name],k) then
return rawget(style[name],k)
-- Parent class is fallback
elseif parent_class[k] then
return parent_class[k]
awmtk.create_style = function(style_name,parent,overrides)
local new_style = {}
for name,parent_class in pairs(parent) do
new_style[name] = awmtk.create_class(
(overrides and overrides[name]) or {},
(beautiful[style_name] or {}),
return new_style
-- }}}
-- {{{ Default style
-- Default style
awmtk.default = {
base = setmetatable({
-- { Backgrounds
-- custom background color for highlighting elements
bg_highlight = beautiful.bg_highlight or beautiful.bg_focus,
-- }
-- { Borders
-- Borders for popups
shape_border_width = beautiful.shape_border_width or 0,
shape_border_color = beautiful.shape_border_color or beautiful.bg_normal,
-- }
-- { Shapes
inner_margin = beautiful.inner_margin or 5,
rounding = beautiful.rounding or 0,
-- }
},{__index = beautiful})
-- Container subclass
awmtk.default.container = awmtk.create_class("container",{
-- Button subclass
awmtk.default.button = awmtk.create_class("button",{
inner_margin = 1
-- Icon subclass
awmtk.default.icon = awmtk.create_class("icon",{
inner_margin = 1
-- }}}
return awmtk