-- This file is part of Reno desktop. -- -- Reno desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- Reno desktop is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Reno desktop. If not, see . local awful = require("awful") local wibox = require("wibox") local gears = require("gears") local awmtk2 = require("awmtk2") local simplepam_status,simplepam = pcall(require,"simplepam") local dkjson = require("dkjson") if not simplepam_status then return function() end end local readable = gears.filesystem.file_readable if not G_KeyboardLock then G_KeyboardLock = awful.keygrabber { mask_modkeys = true, mask_event_callback = true } end local function _preload(args) local widget_root local widget_bar local widget do -- {{{ Lock bar local config_path = root_path.."/themes/"..global.theme.."/config/lockbar.json" if readable(config_path) then local style = awmtk2.create_style("lockbar", awmtk2.default, args.style) local templates = awmtk2.create_template_lib("lockbar",awmtk2.templates,args.templates) local t = awmtk2.build_templates(templates,style) local config_file = io.open(config_path,"r") local config = config_file:read("*a") config_file:close() widget_bar = wibox.widget(t.container(t.wibar(builder( config, { screen = args.screen, style = style.wibar } )),{ forced_width = args.screen.geometry.width, forced_height = style.wibar.height })) end end -- }}} do -- {{{ Lock widget local style = awmtk2.create_style("lockpanel", awmtk2.default, args.style) local templates = awmtk2.create_template_lib("lockpanel",awmtk2.templates,args.templates) local t = awmtk2.build_templates(templates,style) local config_path = root_path.."/themes/"..global.theme.."/config/lockpanel.json" local lockpanel if readable(config_path) then local config_file = io.open(config_path,"r") local config = config_file:read("*a") config_file:close() local layout = { layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical, spacing = style.base.spacing } lockpanel = t.container({ layout, widget = wibox.container.place, valign = "center", halign = "center" },{ bgimage = style.base.panel_bgimage, bg = style.base.panel_bg, forced_height = style.base.panel_height, forced_width = style.base.panel_width }) for k,v in pairs(dkjson.decode(config)) do table.insert(layout,{ require(k)(v), widget = wibox.container.place, valign = "center", halign = "center" }) end end widget = wibox.widget({ { t.container({ { (readable(os.getenv("HOME").."./.face") and t.center(t.container({ widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, resize = true, image = "./.face", }),{ height = style.base.icon_height, width = style.base.icon_width })), t.container(t.textbox({ markup = "Logged in as "..os.getenv("USER") })), t.container(t.textbox({ markup = "Enter password", id = "pinentry" }),{ id = "pin_container" }), layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical, spacing = style.base.spacing }, widget = wibox.container.place, valign = "center", halign = "center" },{ bgimage = style.base.panel_bgimage, bg = style.base.panel_bg, forced_height = style.base.panel_height, forced_width = style.base.panel_width }), lockpanel, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, spacing = style.base.spacing }, widget = wibox.container.place, valign = "center", halign = "center" }) local pinentry = widget:get_children_by_id("pinentry")[1] local pinentry_container = widget:get_children_by_id("pin_container")[1] pinentry_container:connect_signal("button::press",function() if (not awful.keygrabber.current_instance) then return end G_KeyboardLock:stop() awful.prompt.run { prompt = "Password: ", history_max = 0, history_path = "/dev/null", exe_callback = function(input,textbox) G_KeyboardLock:start() if simplepam(input) then awesome.emit_signal("unlock_screen") else pinentry:set_markup("Enter password") end end, highlighter = ((not args.show) and function(b,a) return b:gsub(".","*"),a:gsub(".","*") end), textbox = pinentry, done_callback = function() if (args.screen.lock.visible) and (not awful.keygrabber.current_instance) then G_KeyboardLock:start() end end } end) end -- }}} do -- {{{ Lock screen root local style = awmtk2.create_style("lockscreen", awmtk2.default, args.style) local templates = awmtk2.create_template_lib("lockscreen",awmtk2.templates,args.templates) local t = awmtk2.build_templates(templates,style) local wallpaper if readable(root_path.."/wallpaper.txt") then wallpaper_f = io.open(root_path.."/wallpaper.txt","r") wallpaper = wallpaper_f:read("*a") wallpaper_f:close() end widget_root = awful.popup(t.popup({ { widget_bar, widget, layout = wibox.layout.stack, }, widget = wibox.container.background, forced_width = args.screen.geometry.width, forced_height = args.screen.geometry.height, bgimage = function(cont,cr,width,height) local s = gears.surface.load_uncached_silently( wallpaper or beautiful.wallpaper ) local bg_width,bg_height = gears.surface.get_size(s) local scale = height/bg_height if width/bg_width > scale then scale = width/bg_width end cr:translate((width - (bg_width*scale))/2,(height - (bg_height*scale))/2) cr:rectangle(0,0, (bg_width*scale), (bg_height*scale)) cr:clip() cr:scale(scale,scale) cr:set_source_surface(s) cr:paint() end })) end -- }}} print(widget_root,"test") return widget_root end return function(args) awesome.connect_signal("lock_screen",function() if (not awful.keygrabber.current_instance) then G_KeyboardLock:start() print("Keygrabber started") end end) awesome.connect_signal("unlock_screen",function() if (awful.keygrabber.current_instance == G_KeyboardLock) then G_KeyboardLock:stop() end end) for s in screen do s.lock = _preload(gears.table.join(args,{ screen = s })) awesome.connect_signal("lock_screen",function() s.lock.visible = true end) awesome.connect_signal("unlock_screen",function() s.lock.visible = false end) end end