-- A small utility function to generate thumbnails for images local spawn = require("awful.spawn") local thumbnailer = {} -- annoying shit but that's what happens if _VERSION ~= "Lua 5.1" then execute = function(comm) return select(3,os.execute(comm)) end else execute = os.execute end thumbnailer.generate = function(path,thumb_path,height) assert(type(path) == "string", "argumenr #1 (path) is not a string") assert(type(thumb_path) == "string", "argument #2 (thumbnail path) is not a string") assert(type(height) == "number","argument #3 (height) is not a number") if execute("ls "..path) ~= 0 then return false, "unable to access image directory" end if execute("ls "..thumb_path) == 0 then return true end if execute("mkdir "..thumb_path) ~= 0 then return false, "unable to create thumbnail directory" end spawn("mogrify -thumbnail x"..tostring(height).." -path '"..thumb_path.."' '"..path.."'/*.{jpg,png}") return true end return thumbnailer