local gears = require("gears") local awmtk2 = require("awmtk2") local wibox = require("wibox") local awful = require("awful") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local builder = require("builder") local mbarutils = require("menubar").utils local menugen = require("context_menu") local json = require("dkjson") local function read_file(fname) local fhandler = io.open(fname,"r") if fhandler then local data = fhandler:read("*a") fhandler:close() return data end end -- {{{ Placeholder Icons client.connect_signal("request::titlebars",function(c) if (not c.icon) and beautiful.icon_default then c.icon = beautiful.icon_default._native end end) -- }}} do -- {{{ Global widgets local config_file = io.open(root_path.."/themes/"..global.theme.."/config/global.json","r") local config if config_file then config = config_file:read("*a") config_file:close() else config = "[]" end for k,v in pairs(json.decode(config) or {}) do require(k)(v) end end -- }}} do -- {{{ Titlebars local titlebar_config = {} local style = awmtk2.create_style("titlebar",awmtk2.default,{}) for k,v in pairs({"titlebar_top","titlebar_left","titlebar_right","titlebar_bottom"}) do -- Create styles for each titlebar style[v] = awmtk2.create_delta(v, {}, (beautiful.widgets and beautiful.widgets.titlebar) or {}, style.titlebar) -- Load in json layouts for titlebars titlebar_config[v] = read_file(root_path.."/themes/"..global.theme.."/config/"..v..".json") end local templates = awmtk2.create_template_lib("titlebar",awmtk2.templates,{}) local t = awmtk2.build_templates(templates,style) -- Add titlebars to normal windows table.insert(awful.rules.rules, { rule_any = {type = { "normal", "dialog" } }, properties = { titlebars_enabled = true } } ) client.connect_signal("request::titlebars",function(c) local buttons = gears.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, function() c:emit_signal("request::activate","titlebar",{raise=true}) awful.mouse.client.move(c) end), awful.button({}, 3, function() c:emit_signal("request::activate","titlebar",{raise=true}) awful.mouse.client.resize(c) end) ) for k,v in pairs({"titlebar_top","titlebar_bottom","titlebar_left","titlebar_right"}) do local contents = { widget = wibox.container.background } if titlebar_config[v] then contents = builder(titlebar_config[v],{ client = c, screen = c.screen, style = style[v], buttons = buttons }) end awful.titlebar(c,{ size = style[v].size or 0, position = v:gsub("titlebar_",""), bg_normal = style[v].bg_normal, bg_focus = style[v].bg_focus, bgimage_normal = style[v].bgimage_normal, bgimage_focus = style[v].bgimage_focus, fg_normal = style[v].fg_normal, fg_focus = style[v].fg_focus, font = style[v].font }):setup(t.titlebar(contents)) end end) end --}}} do --{{{ Screen local wibar_config = {} local style = awmtk2.create_style("wibar",awmtk2.default,{}) for k,v in pairs({"wibar_top","wibar_bottom","wibar_left","wibar_right"}) do style[v] = awmtk2.create_delta(v, {}, (beautiful.widgets and beautiful.widgets.wibar) or {}, style.wibar) wibar_config[v] = read_file(root_path.."/themes/"..global.theme.."/config/"..v..".json") end local templates = awmtk2.create_template_lib("wibar",awmtk2.templates,{}) local t = awmtk2.build_templates(templates,style) awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen(function(s) for k,v in pairs({"wibar_top","wibar_bottom","wibar_left","wibar_right"}) do local contents = { widget = wibox.container.background } if wibar_config[v] then contents = builder(wibar_config[v],{ client = c, style = style[v], buttons = buttons, screen = s }) s[v] = awful.wibar({ -- There really isn't a better way to do this. I wish there was. position = v:gsub("wibar_",""), screen = s, visible = true, stretch = style[v].stretch, ontop = style[v].ontop, width = style[v].width, height = style[v].height, border_width = style[v].border_width, border_color = style[v].border_color, opacity = style[v].opacity or 1, shape = style[v].shape, bg = style[v].bg, bgimage = style[v].bgimage, fg = style[v].fg, input_passthrough = style[v].input_passthrough }) s[v]:setup(t.wibar(contents)) end end end) end -- }}}