# Global variables [global] terminal = "st" browser = "librewolf" modkey = "Mod4" theme = "unity_mate" shell = "zsh" # Keybindings # Format: (++...)+ = "" # "modkey" as modifier will be substituted for modkey variable in [global] [keys] modkey+Left = ":root.tag_next" modkey+Right = ":root.tag_prev" modkey+j = ":root.client_next" modkey+k = ":root.client_previous" modkey+Control+j = ":root.screen_next" modkey+Control+k = ":root.screen_previous" modkey+Tab = ":root.client_swap" modkey+Return = ":root.spawn_terminal" modkey+Shift+Return = ":root.spawn_browser" modkey+Shift+y = ":root.toggle_titlebars" # Client keys only work if a focused client exists modkey+Control+o = ":client.move_to_screen" modkey+Shift+c = ":client.kill" modkey+t = ":client.cycle_screen" modkey+o = ":client.ontop" modkey+b = ":client.below" modkey+f = ":client.fullscreen" modkey+n = ":client.minimize" modkey+m = ":client.maximize" modkey+p = ":client.pin" modkey+y = ":client.toggle_titlebars" # Widget keys modkey+r = ":dismal.run" modkey+s = ":help.show" modkey+q = ":client.menu" Control+XF86AudioRaiseVolume = ":client.volume_up" Control+XF86AudioLowerVolume = ":client.volume_down" Control+XF86AudioMute = ":client.volume_mute" XF86AudioRaiseVolume = ":root.volume_up" XF86AudioLowerVolume = ":root.volume_down" XF86AudioMute = ":root.volume_mute" XF86MonBrightnessUp = ":battery.brightness_up" XF86MonBrightnessDown = ":battery.brightness_down" XF86AudioPlay = ":mpc.play" XF86AudioPrev = ":mpc.prev" XF86AudioNext = ":mpc.next" # Custom keys Print = "flameshot gui" Shift+Print = "flameshot launcher" # Macro recording/playback keys KP_Home = ":macro.play_1" KP_Up = ":macro.play_2" KP_PageUp = ":macro.play_3" KP_Left = ":macro.record_1" KP_Begin = ":macro.record_2" KP_Right = ":macro.record_3" KP_Delete = ":macro.loop" # Tiling modkey+Shift+j = ":layout.swap_next_client" modkey+Shift+k = ":layout.swap_prev_client" modkey+Control+Return = ":client.swap_to_master" modkey+l = ":layout.increase_master" modkey+h = ":layout.decrease_master" modkey+Shift+l = ":layout.increase_master_count" modkey+Shift+h = ":layout.decrease_master_count" modkey+Control+l = ":layout.increase_column_count" modkey+Control+h = ":layout.decrease_column_count" modkey+[ = ":layout.next_layout" modkey+] = ":layout.prev_layout" # Power manager module [powerman] # Bad battery condition warning threshold battery_quality_min = 33 # Low battery warning threshold battery_capacity_min = 15 # Process to execute on low battery on_low_battery = "" # Process to execute on fully charged battery on_charged_battery = "" # Process to execute on critical battery condition on_critical_condition = "" # Simple compositor inhibiting [compositor] # Command to use to spawn compositor exec = "picom" # Macro system [macros] step = 10