-- This file is part of Reno desktop. -- -- Reno desktop is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- Reno desktop is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Reno desktop. If not, see . -- Wallpaper list widget local awful = require("awful") local pager = require("pager") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local gears = require("gears") local wibox = require("wibox") local awmtk2 = require("awmtk2") local thumbnailer = require("thumbnail") local function ls(path) local ls_data = io.popen("find "..path.." -maxdepth 1 -type f \\( -name \\*.jpg -o -name \\*.png \\) -exec realpath {} \\;") local output = {} if ls_data then ls_data:read("*a"):gsub("[^\n]+",function(capt) table.insert(output,capt) end) ls_data:close() return output end error("Failed to process directory "..path) end return function(args) local style = awmtk2.create_style("wallpapers", awmtk2.generic.popup,args.style) local templates = awmtk2.create_template_lib("wallpapers",awmtk2.templates,args.templates) local t = awmtk2.build_templates(templates,style) -- set wallpaper local fhandler = io.open(root_path.."/wallpaper.txt","r") if fhandler then local wallpaper_path = fhandler:read("*a") gears.wallpaper.maximized(wallpaper_path,args.screen) else -- try to set wallpaper from theme settings if beautiful.wallpaper then gears.wallpaper.maximized(beautiful.wallpaper,args.screen) end end -- update wallpaper preference and set wallpaper local function set_wallpaper(s) local handler = io.open(root_path.."/wallpaper.txt","w") handler:write(s) handler:close() gears.wallpaper.maximized(s,args.screen) end if not args.path then args.path = os.getenv("HOME")..".local/share/wallpapers/" end args.path = args.path:gsub("$HOME",os.getenv("HOME")) -- read wallpapers from wallpaper directory local image_list = ls(args.path) -- generate thumbnails to save memory thumbnailer.generate(args.path,args.path.."/.thumbnails",60) -- create a layout for wallpaper buttons local layout = wibox.widget({ layout = wibox.layout.grid, forced_num_cols = args.columns or 4, homogenous = true, expand = true, orientation = "vertical", spacing = style.base.spacing }) -- create layout popup local popup = awful.popup(t.popup({ t.container(layout,{ bg = style.container.bg_highlight, bgimage = style.container.bgimage_highlight }), t.textbox({ markup = "Page 0/0", id = "page_index" }), layout = wibox.layout.fixed.vertical },{ visible = false })) local page_index = popup.widget:get_children_by_id("page_index")[1] -- set up a pager for having multiple pages of wallpapers local pager_size = ((args.rows and args.columns) and args.rows*args.columns) or 20 local pager = pager(layout,{},pager_size) -- add wallpaper buttons for k,v in pairs(image_list) do local new_button = wibox.widget(t.button(t.center({ image = args.path.."/.thumbnails/"..v:match("/[^/]*$"), resize = true, widget = wibox.widget.imagebox },{ height = args.height or 60, width = args.width or 100 }))) new_button:connect_signal("button::press",style.button.onpress) new_button:connect_signal("button::release",style.button.onrelease) new_button:connect_signal("button::press",function(self,x,y,button) if button == 1 then set_wallpaper(v) elseif button == 4 then pager:prev() page_index:set_markup("Page "..tostring(pager.index+1).."/".. tostring(math.ceil(#image_list/pager_size))) elseif button == 5 then pager:next() page_index:set_markup("Page "..tostring(pager.index+1).."/".. tostring(math.ceil(#image_list/pager_size))) end end) table.insert(pager.list,new_button) end page_index:set_markup("Page "..tostring(pager.index+1).."/".. tostring(math.ceil(#image_list/pager_size))) -- update pager pager:update() -- make popup togglable popup:connect_signal("button::press",function(self,x,y,button) if button == 3 then popup.visible = false end end) -- create popup button local clip_widget do local style = awmtk2.create_style("wallpapers", awmtk2.generic.iconified_widget,args.style) local templates = awmtk2.create_template_lib("wallpapers",awmtk2.templates,args.templates) local t = awmtk2.build_templates(templates,style) clip_widget = wibox.widget(t.button({ image = beautiful.wallpapers_icon, resize = true, widget = wibox.widget.imagebox })) clip_widget:connect_signal("button::press",style.button.onpress) clip_widget:connect_signal("button::release",style.button.onrelease) clip_widget:connect_signal("button::press",function(self,x,y,button) if button == 1 then popup.visible = (not popup.visible) if popup.visible then popup:move_next_to(mouse.current_widget_geometry) end end end) end return clip_widget end