Reno is the second iteration of the AWMTK-powered AwesomeWM config.
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2 years ago
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2 years ago
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12 months ago
12 months ago
12 months ago
  1. # Global variables
  2. [global]
  3. # Your preferred terminal emulator
  4. terminal = "xterm"
  5. # Your preferred browser (opens the first one available by default)
  6. browser = "xdg-open about:blank"
  7. # Your modkey (Mod4 = Super key (Win key))
  8. modkey = "Mod4"
  9. # Your theme (one of the themes available in ./themes/)
  10. theme = "unity"
  11. # Your shell (currently doesn't do much, preferrably should remain the same)
  12. shell = "bash"
  13. # Keybindings
  14. # Format: <modifier>(+<modifier>+...)+<key> = "<command or :internal.function>"
  15. # "modkey" as modifier will be substituted for modkey variable in [global]
  16. [keys]
  17. "modkey+Left" = ":root.tag_next"
  18. "modkey+Right" = ":root.tag_prev"
  19. "modkey+j" = ":root.client_next"
  20. "modkey+k" = ":root.client_previous"
  21. "modkey+Control+j" = ":root.screen_next"
  22. "modkey+Control+k" = ":root.screen_previous"
  23. "modkey+Tab" = ":root.client_swap"
  24. "modkey+Return" = ":root.spawn_terminal"
  25. "modkey+Shift+Return" = ":root.spawn_browser"
  26. "modkey+Shift+y" = ":root.toggle_titlebars"
  27. # Client keys only work if a focused client exists
  28. "modkey+Control+o" = ":client.move_to_screen"
  29. "modkey+Shift+c" = ":client.kill"
  30. "modkey+t" = ":client.cycle_screen"
  31. "modkey+o" = ":client.ontop"
  32. "modkey+b" = ":client.below"
  33. "modkey+f" = ":client.fullscreen"
  34. "modkey+n" = ":client.minimize"
  35. "modkey+m" = ":client.maximize"
  36. "modkey+p" = ""
  37. "modkey+y" = ":client.toggle_titlebars"
  38. # Widget keys
  39. "modkey+r" = ""
  40. "modkey+s" = ""
  41. "modkey+q" = ""
  42. "modkey+x" = ""
  43. "Control+XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = ":client.volume_up"
  44. "Control+XF86AudioLowerVolume" = ":client.volume_down"
  45. "Control+XF86AudioMute" = ":client.volume_mute"
  46. "XF86AudioRaiseVolume" = ":root.volume_up"
  47. "XF86AudioLowerVolume" = ":root.volume_down"
  48. "XF86AudioMute" = ":root.volume_mute"
  49. "XF86MonBrightnessUp" = ":battery.brightness_up"
  50. "XF86MonBrightnessDown" = ":battery.brightness_down"
  51. "XF86AudioPlay" = ""
  52. "XF86AudioPrev" = ":mpc.prev"
  53. "XF86AudioNext" = ""
  54. # Custom keys
  55. "Print" = "flameshot gui"
  56. "Shift+Print" = "flameshot launcher"
  57. # Macro recording/playback keys
  58. KP_Divide = ":macro.play_1"
  59. KP_Multiply = ":macro.play_2"
  60. KP_Add = ":macro.record_1"
  61. KP_Subtract = ":macro.record_2"
  62. KP_Delete = ":macro.loop"
  63. # Tiling
  64. "modkey+Shift+j" = ":layout.swap_next_client"
  65. "modkey+Shift+k" = ":layout.swap_prev_client"
  66. "modkey+Control+Return" = ":client.swap_to_master"
  67. "modkey+l" = ":layout.increase_master"
  68. "modkey+h" = ":layout.decrease_master"
  69. "modkey+Shift+l" = ":layout.increase_master_count"
  70. "modkey+Shift+h" = ":layout.decrease_master_count"
  71. "modkey+Control+l" = ":layout.increase_column_count"
  72. "modkey+Control+h" = ":layout.decrease_column_count"
  73. "modkey+[" = ":layout.next_layout"
  74. "modkey+]" = ":layout.prev_layout"
  75. # Power manager module
  76. [powerman]
  77. # Bad battery condition warning threshold (in %)
  78. battery_quality_min = 33
  79. # Low battery warning threshold (in %)
  80. battery_capacity_min = 15
  81. # Process to execute on low battery
  82. on_low_battery = ""
  83. # Process to execute on fully charged battery
  84. on_charged_battery = ""
  85. # Process to execute on critical battery condition
  86. on_critical_condition = ""
  87. # Simple compositor inhibiting
  88. [compositor]
  89. # Command to use to spawn compositor
  90. exec = "picom"
  91. # Macro system
  92. [macros]
  93. step = 10
  94. # Autostart system
  95. [autostart]
  96. # Enable minimization of apps with "Hidden" in their .desktop file
  97. minimize_enable = true
  98. # How long to target apps that should be minimized
  99. minimize_timeout = 120