my complicated awesomewm config (SUNSETTED)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
893 B

--Shared code for include generic sizes for things
local dpi = require("beautiful.xresources").apply_dpi
return function(theme)
-- Notification size
theme.notification_width = dpi(250)
theme.notification_height = dpi(80)
theme.mailbox_container_width = dpi(260)
theme.mailbox_button_height = dpi(50)
-- Wallpaper widget sizes
theme.wallpapers_button_height = dpi(60)
theme.wallpapers_button_width = dpi(100)
theme.wallpapers_pager_container_spacing_vertical = dpi(5)
theme.wallpapers_pager_container_spacing_horizontal = dpi(5)
theme.wallpapers_pager_button_size = dpi(15)
-- Menus
theme.menu_button_height = dpi(20)
theme.menu_button_width = dpi(140)
theme.menu_button_inner_margin = dpi(1)
-- Power management icons
theme.powercontrol_button_height = 25
theme.powercontrol_button_width = 25
return theme