
63 lines
2.4 KiB

return {
["prefix"] = {embed={
title = "Add/delete/list prefixes",
description = "Multiple prefixes are possible",
fields = {
{name = "Usage:",value = "prefix [(add | remove | list (default)) [<new prefix>]]"},
{name = "Perms:",value = "Administrator"},
["alias"] = {embed={
title = "Creates aliases",
description = "Add an alias for a command. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alias_(command))",
fields = {
{name = "Usage: ",value = "alias \"<alias name>\" \"<command>\""},
{name = "Examples: ",value = [[
``alias !hi "!speak Hello!"`` - reply to !hi with "Hello!" using speak command
``alias !say "!speak ..."`` - reply to !hi with everything typed after !hi
``alias !say "!speak $1"`` - reply to !hi with the first argument sent along with !hi
More at https://github.com/512mb-xyz/512mb.org-bot/wiki/Aliases]]
{name = "Perms: ",value = "Administrator (doesn't apply to created aliases)"},
{name = "Opts: ",value = "`-p` - bind the command to not use a prefix\n`--description=\"your description here\"` - add a description to alias"}
["unalias"] = {embed = {
title = "Removes aliases",
description = "Remove a previously created alias",
fields = {
{name = "Usage: ",value = "unalias \"<alias name>\""},
{name = "Perms: ",value = "Administrator"}
["aliases"] = {embed = {
title = "Lists aliases",
description = "List all previously created aliases",
fields = {
{name = "Usage: ",value = "aliases"},
{name = "Perms: ",value = "all"}
["ping"] = {embed = {
title = "View response latency",
description = "This command shows some latency stats",
fields = {
{name = "Usage: ",value = "ping"},
{name = "Perms: ",value = "all"}
["about"] = {embed = {
title = "View bot info",
description = "self-descriptive",
fields = {
{name = "Usage: ",value = "about"},
{name = "Perms: ",value = "all"}
["server"] = "Show server stats in a form of embed",
["user"] = "View users stats",
["speak"] = "Repeats the message, but suppresses the pings",
["adminSpeak"] = "Repeats the message without suppressing pings (administrator permissions required)",
["echo"] = "Repeats the message without deleting the command",