Mirror of the 512mb.org bot on github (https://github.com/512mb-org/512mb.org-bot)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

18 lines
588 B

return {
["scc-score"] = { embed = {
title = "Check SCC score",
description = "nuff said.",
fields = {
{name = "Usage: ", value = "scc-score [<user>]"},
{name = "Perms: ", value = "any"},
["scc-rules"] = { embed = {
title = "Change SCC system rules",
description = "If no arguments are given the command displays rules instead",
fields = {
{name = "Usage: ", value = "scc-rules [<rulename> <value>]"},
{name = "Perms: ", value = "administrator"},