--[[ Copyright 2014-2015 The Luvit Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --]] --[[lit-meta name = "luvit/http-codec" version = "3.0.5" homepage = "https://github.com/luvit/luvit/blob/master/deps/http-codec.lua" description = "A simple pair of functions for converting between hex and raw strings." tags = {"codec", "http"} license = "Apache 2" author = { name = "Tim Caswell" } ]] local sub = string.sub local gsub = string.gsub local lower = string.lower local find = string.find local format = string.format local concat = table.concat local match = string.match local STATUS_CODES = { [100] = 'Continue', [101] = 'Switching Protocols', [102] = 'Processing', -- RFC 2518, obsoleted by RFC 4918 [200] = 'OK', [201] = 'Created', [202] = 'Accepted', [203] = 'Non-Authoritative Information', [204] = 'No Content', [205] = 'Reset Content', [206] = 'Partial Content', [207] = 'Multi-Status', -- RFC 4918 [300] = 'Multiple Choices', [301] = 'Moved Permanently', [302] = 'Moved Temporarily', [303] = 'See Other', [304] = 'Not Modified', [305] = 'Use Proxy', [307] = 'Temporary Redirect', [400] = 'Bad Request', [401] = 'Unauthorized', [402] = 'Payment Required', [403] = 'Forbidden', [404] = 'Not Found', [405] = 'Method Not Allowed', [406] = 'Not Acceptable', [407] = 'Proxy Authentication Required', [408] = 'Request Time-out', [409] = 'Conflict', [410] = 'Gone', [411] = 'Length Required', [412] = 'Precondition Failed', [413] = 'Request Entity Too Large', [414] = 'Request-URI Too Large', [415] = 'Unsupported Media Type', [416] = 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable', [417] = 'Expectation Failed', [418] = "I'm a teapot", -- RFC 2324 [422] = 'Unprocessable Entity', -- RFC 4918 [423] = 'Locked', -- RFC 4918 [424] = 'Failed Dependency', -- RFC 4918 [425] = 'Unordered Collection', -- RFC 4918 [426] = 'Upgrade Required', -- RFC 2817 [428] = 'Precondition Required', -- RFC 6585 [429] = 'Too Many Requests', -- RFC 6585 [431] = 'Request Header Fields Too Large', -- RFC 6585 [500] = 'Internal Server Error', [501] = 'Not Implemented', [502] = 'Bad Gateway', [503] = 'Service Unavailable', [504] = 'Gateway Time-out', [505] = 'HTTP Version not supported', [506] = 'Variant Also Negotiates', -- RFC 2295 [507] = 'Insufficient Storage', -- RFC 4918 [509] = 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', [510] = 'Not Extended', -- RFC 2774 [511] = 'Network Authentication Required' -- RFC 6585 } local function encoder() local mode local encodeHead, encodeRaw, encodeChunked function encodeHead(item) if not item or item == "" then return item elseif not (type(item) == "table") then error("expected a table but got a " .. type(item) .. " when encoding data") end local head, chunkedEncoding local version = item.version or 1.1 if item.method then local path = item.path assert(path and #path > 0, "expected non-empty path") head = { item.method .. ' ' .. item.path .. ' HTTP/' .. version .. '\r\n' } else local reason = item.reason or STATUS_CODES[item.code] head = { 'HTTP/' .. version .. ' ' .. item.code .. ' ' .. reason .. '\r\n' } end for i = 1, #item do local key, value = unpack(item[i]) local lowerKey = lower(key) if lowerKey == "transfer-encoding" then chunkedEncoding = lower(value) == "chunked" end value = gsub(tostring(value), "[\r\n]+", " ") head[#head + 1] = key .. ': ' .. tostring(value) .. '\r\n' end head[#head + 1] = '\r\n' mode = chunkedEncoding and encodeChunked or encodeRaw return concat(head) end function encodeRaw(item) if type(item) ~= "string" then mode = encodeHead return encodeHead(item) end return item end function encodeChunked(item) if type(item) ~= "string" then mode = encodeHead local extra = encodeHead(item) if extra then return "0\r\n\r\n" .. extra else return "0\r\n\r\n" end end if #item == 0 then mode = encodeHead end return format("%x", #item) .. "\r\n" .. item .. "\r\n" end mode = encodeHead return function (item) return mode(item) end end local function decoder() -- This decoder is somewhat stateful with 5 different parsing states. local decodeHead, decodeEmpty, decodeRaw, decodeChunked, decodeCounted local mode -- state variable that points to various decoders local bytesLeft -- For counted decoder -- This state is for decoding the status line and headers. function decodeHead(chunk, index) if not chunk or index > #chunk then return end local _, last = find(chunk, "\r?\n\r?\n", index) -- First make sure we have all the head before continuing if not last then if (#chunk - index) <= 8 * 1024 then return end -- But protect against evil clients by refusing heads over 8K long. error("entity too large") end -- Parse the status/request line local head = {} local _, offset local version _, offset, version, head.code, head.reason = find(chunk, "^HTTP/(%d%.%d) (%d+) ([^\r\n]*)\r?\n", index) if offset then head.code = tonumber(head.code) else _, offset, head.method, head.path, version = find(chunk, "^(%u+) ([^ ]+) HTTP/(%d%.%d)\r?\n", index) if not offset then error("expected HTTP data") end end version = tonumber(version) head.version = version head.keepAlive = version > 1.0 -- We need to inspect some headers to know how to parse the body. local contentLength local chunkedEncoding -- Parse the header lines while true do local key, value _, offset, key, value = find(chunk, "^([^:\r\n]+): *([^\r\n]*)\r?\n", offset + 1) if not offset then break end local lowerKey = lower(key) -- Inspect a few headers and remember the values if lowerKey == "content-length" then contentLength = tonumber(value) elseif lowerKey == "transfer-encoding" then chunkedEncoding = lower(value) == "chunked" elseif lowerKey == "connection" then head.keepAlive = lower(value) == "keep-alive" end head[#head + 1] = {key, value} end if head.keepAlive and (not (chunkedEncoding or (contentLength and contentLength > 0))) or (head.method == "GET" or head.method == "HEAD") then mode = decodeEmpty elseif chunkedEncoding then mode = decodeChunked elseif contentLength then bytesLeft = contentLength mode = decodeCounted elseif not head.keepAlive then mode = decodeRaw end return head, last + 1 end -- This is used for inserting a single empty string into the output string for known empty bodies function decodeEmpty(chunk, index) mode = decodeHead return "", index end function decodeRaw(chunk, index) if #chunk < index then return end return sub(chunk, index) end function decodeChunked(chunk, index) local len, term len, term = match(chunk, "^(%x+)(..)", index) if not len then return end if term ~= "\r\n" then -- Wait for full chunk-size\r\n header if #chunk < 18 then return end -- But protect against evil clients by refusing chunk-sizes longer than 16 hex digits. error("chunk-size field too large") end index = index + #len + 2 local offset = index - 1 local length = tonumber(len, 16) if #chunk < offset + length + 2 then return end if length == 0 then mode = decodeHead end assert(sub(chunk, index + length, index + length + 1) == "\r\n") local piece = sub(chunk, index, index + length - 1) return piece, index + length + 2 end function decodeCounted(chunk, index) if bytesLeft == 0 then mode = decodeEmpty return mode(chunk, index) end local offset = index - 1 local length = #chunk - offset -- Make sure we have at least one byte to process if length == 0 then return end -- If there isn't enough data left, emit what we got so far if length < bytesLeft then bytesLeft = bytesLeft - length return sub(chunk, index) end mode = decodeEmpty return sub(chunk, index, offset + bytesLeft), index + bytesLeft end -- Switch between states by changing which decoder mode points to mode = decodeHead return function (chunk, index) return mode(chunk, index) end end return { encoder = encoder, decoder = decoder, }