--[[lit-meta name = "creationix/coro-http" version = "3.1.0" dependencies = { "creationix/coro-net@3.0.0", "luvit/http-codec@3.0.0" } homepage = "https://github.com/luvit/lit/blob/master/deps/coro-http.lua" description = "An coro style http(s) client and server helper." tags = {"coro", "http"} license = "MIT" author = { name = "Tim Caswell" } ]] local httpCodec = require('http-codec') local net = require('coro-net') local function createServer(host, port, onConnect) net.createServer({ host = host, port = port, encode = httpCodec.encoder(), decode = httpCodec.decoder(), }, function (read, write, socket) for head in read do local parts = {} for part in read do if #part > 0 then parts[#parts + 1] = part else break end end local body = table.concat(parts) head, body = onConnect(head, body, socket) write(head) if body then write(body) end write("") if not head.keepAlive then break end end end) end local function parseUrl(url) local protocol, host, hostname, port, path = url:match("^(https?:)//(([^/:]+):?([0-9]*))(/?.*)$") if not protocol then error("Not a valid http url: " .. url) end local tls = protocol == "https:" port = port and tonumber(port) or (tls and 443 or 80) if path == "" then path = "/" end return { tls = tls, host = host, hostname = hostname, port = port, path = path } end local connections = {} local function getConnection(host, port, tls, timeout) for i = #connections, 1, -1 do local connection = connections[i] if connection.host == host and connection.port == port and connection.tls == tls then table.remove(connections, i) -- Make sure the connection is still alive before reusing it. if not connection.socket:is_closing() then connection.reused = true connection.socket:ref() return connection end end end local read, write, socket, updateDecoder, updateEncoder = assert(net.connect { host = host, port = port, tls = tls, timeout = timeout, encode = httpCodec.encoder(), decode = httpCodec.decoder() }) return { socket = socket, host = host, port = port, tls = tls, read = read, write = write, updateEncoder = updateEncoder, updateDecoder = updateDecoder, reset = function () -- This is called after parsing the response head from a HEAD request. -- If you forget, the codec might hang waiting for a body that doesn't exist. updateDecoder(httpCodec.decoder()) end } end local function saveConnection(connection) if connection.socket:is_closing() then return end connections[#connections + 1] = connection connection.socket:unref() end local function request(method, url, headers, body, timeout) local uri = parseUrl(url) local connection = getConnection(uri.hostname, uri.port, uri.tls, timeout) local read = connection.read local write = connection.write local req = { method = method, path = uri.path, {"Host", uri.host} } local contentLength local chunked if headers then for i = 1, #headers do local key, value = unpack(headers[i]) key = key:lower() if key == "content-length" then contentLength = value elseif key == "content-encoding" and value:lower() == "chunked" then chunked = true end req[#req + 1] = headers[i] end end if type(body) == "string" then if not chunked and not contentLength then req[#req + 1] = {"Content-Length", #body} end end write(req) if body then write(body) end local res = read() if not res then if not connection.socket:is_closing() then connection.socket:close() end -- If we get an immediate close on a reused socket, try again with a new socket. -- TODO: think about if this could resend requests with side effects and cause -- them to double execute in the remote server. if connection.reused then return request(method, url, headers, body) end error("Connection closed") end body = {} if req.method == "HEAD" then connection.reset() else while true do local item = read() if not item then res.keepAlive = false break end if #item == 0 then break end body[#body + 1] = item end end if res.keepAlive then saveConnection(connection) else write() end -- Follow redirects if method == "GET" and (res.code == 302 or res.code == 307) then for i = 1, #res do local key, location = unpack(res[i]) if key:lower() == "location" then return request(method, location, headers) end end end return res, table.concat(body) end return { createServer = createServer, parseUrl = parseUrl, getConnection = getConnection, saveConnection = saveConnection, request = request, }