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<h1>Who is Roxy?</h1> <br><br>
<h1>Last updated : 2023-06-02</h1>
<p>Q: Who are you?<br>
A: Hiii there!, I am a clumsy sysadmin running a homelab!<br><br>
Q: What are your interessts/hobbies?<br>
A:I have like alot of interessts but I think these were the ones I could think of right now:<br><br>
- Games<br>
-- Minecraft<br>
-- Terraria<br>
-- VRchat<br>
-- BeatSaber<br>
-- osu!<br>
-- Furry Visual novels from time to time<br>
-- Teardown<br>
-- BeamNGdrive<br>
- Thinkpads<br>
- Tech stuff in general<br>
- CRT monitors<br>
- Server stuff<br>
- Fixxing stuff (mainly tech stuff)<br>
- Elevators <br>
- Photography <br>
- Being Fluffy <br>
- Femboyo stuff <br>
Prolly some more I forgot<br><br>
Q: Where you from?<br>
A: Am from Zürich, Switzerland<br><br>
Q: What kinds of ideas/projects have you got in mind ?<br>
A: Mostly just running this homelab and improving its stability and adding features. In addition as of right now I'm looking into getting the basics of sewing.<br><br>
Q: What is your gender?<br>
A: Male<br><br>
Q: How would you describe your personality?<br>
A: I try to be as nice and helpfull to people as possible, If there are problems or dramas I will keep a neutral view on it and view it as an analytic problem where I try and help where possible as just spreading em infos or causing more problems/drama is expedient and nobody is helped with that. I can't guarantee that I'll be there for you 24/7 since I'm heavily disorganized but I will try my best!<br><br>
Q: What is your sexuality?<br>
A: Very GAY.<br><br>
Q: Are you a furry?<br>
A: Not at all ... lmeo jk full on furrytrash is what I am<br><br>
Q: Why are you called crt0512, cathode and roxy?<br>
A: Roxy is the sona I adopted and got really attached to, Cathode is my proto sona, and crt0512 is just my general username I try and get where possible to make it easy for people to find my accounts :)<br><br>
Q: Are your DM's open?<br>
A: Yea go on I usually wont be the one that starts texting<br><br>
Q: What is your dream car? <br>
A: Renault Twingo 1997 </p>
<img class="normal" src="assets/twingo.jpg" alt="twingo">
<p>looks like a happi little frog and its affordable :)</p>
<p>Adastra7 Net 2017-2023</p>
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